Author Topic: Stunt question  (Read 4821 times)

Offline Ghostfreak

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Stunt question
« on: October 26, 2018, 01:48:56 AM »
This website and the core book both have stunts that have drawn my interest but for the life of me I am not sure how I can actually benefit from them heavily. The martial artist and know thy blade stunt for weapons respectively. Can someone point to me or show me what all can I do with these two particular stunts to make things interesting or put things in my favor somehow? I am asking because I have a swordsman in one of my friend's game and I was deeply considering this stunt; but due to lack of experience with stunts like this was on the fence with how it can be used. But have been drawing blanks.

Thank you in advance!

Offline Starjammer05

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Re: Stunt question
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2018, 02:28:47 AM »
I've been lurking here a short time now, so mine may not be the opinion you want, but here it is anyway:

As with all assessments and declarations, the main use would be to put taggable aspects on an opponent to aid you in a fight. In these cases, by identifying weaknesses in their fighting styles or choice of weapons.

Beyond that, you could use them to gain information about an opponent. You might identify their fighting style and even the school or master who trained them, giving you a clue about a mystery opponent's origins. You might recognize the provenance of a rare weapon. You might deduce that an opponent who only uses "soft" styles follows a pacifistic code and won't initiate an attack.

Also, if dealing with a particular subculture, you could use such declarations to demonstrate your own character's knowledge and therefore their worthiness to be taken seriously. Or you might put out a declaration related to a code of honor, allowing you to manipulate a social situation. You could boost an Intimidation attempt by demonstrating a knowledge of your opponent's weaknesses; this could help you win a "battle of wills".

And, if nothing else, it makes you a master of kung fu trivia.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Stunt question
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2018, 10:53:02 AM »
I'd also let you make Declarations about your own fighting style. I like it when people do stuff like Declare that they've trained in a special technique designed to counter vampire fang attacks. Some tables might frown at "I Declare that I get +2 to this roll", though.

That being said, I'm not sure I'd bother for a swordsman. The Fists version adds a knowledge trapping to Fists, but Weapons already has a trapping like that. All that stuff Starjammer05 listed is already possible for you without the stunt.