Yeah. He was like resistant to me bringing up the Dresden Files. I like had this plan to bring it up no matter what. And he was like kinda against me bringing it up. And I told him I was irked about it. That it was a way to help organize my thoughts because I'm a bit scatterbrained. So, once I told him what I was trying to accomplish in organizing my thoughts, and that basically me talking about the DF series was going to come out anyway, we agreed on a 5 minute time allotment for me to discuss the Dresden Files series with him. LOL.
And so, I definitely made sure that I brought up my time travel theories about how Murphy=Mab, and how Harry will go back in time and that we may have already referenced/glimpsed this TT Harry in earlier book. Or if not, he will at least be inserted at a time in which prior Harry existed in timeline, circumstance that is covered in book. Whether or not the therapists gets it is besides the point. I probably will also have to bring up how my constant mentioning of my theory drives people on the forum bonkers. And, how I get into heated discussions... ETC.
See, I don't think he saw much merit into delving into the DF area of my life, but I did. So, I sorta forced him to allow me to jump into it.