Author Topic: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases  (Read 22712 times)

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2018, 05:58:20 PM »
I wish I had the kind of job where I could take a 3 or 4 year break from my paying work b/c of housing or family troubles and still have customers lined up waiting for me to return.

I've already decided that when the next book drops it will be the first one since I got into the series that will not be a day 1 buy for me.  I'll have waited at minimum 5 years for it at that point, another 1 or 2 won't matter.  Dresden files books are worth no more than about $3-4 to me at this point b/c I have no faith the series will ever be finished, plus they are a pain to read b/c I have to go back and recap if its going to be 4+ years in between every time.  The days of Dresden Files being worth a $20+ hardcover are done - and this right here, this 5 year gap, killed it.

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2018, 07:05:12 PM »
yea historically, people gave up the bible when new works were not forthcoming. It's not that people didn't all know how to read at one point in history, they just gave it up cause they got tired on hand written copies of new books to make the rounds. It's how the dark ages happened..

Offline RCRanger03

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2018, 06:46:51 PM »
I do think we're coming up on a year without an update on the upcoming works page about the status, which could be remedied by the site admins. I'd rather be told month to month that there's no change than have stale info :)

Other than that, he's going to finish when he'll finish and I'll be happy to buy it when he does.

Offline Avernite

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2018, 03:39:21 PM »
I read the Wheel of Time series. As it came out, more or less.
I also started reading ASoIaF around book 3.

So: A) this is very normal; Butcher's at the point where he has to start closing lines rather than opening, but he's not yet at the awesome conclusion. He managed to get further at that than many other authors (Turn Coat and Changes were 'closing' books, even if they left enough openings for the future), but it's still quite normal. It also means everything has to hang together now, where earlier books could be more easily episodic with a few connecting points. B) I feel your pain. And C) it could be worse, so I am not too worried yet.

On a lighter note, I also read the Malazan Book of the Fallen, and while it had a seeming slump halfway through, it did conclude, and conclude quite rapidly once the descent to the finale started. So for now I assume Peace Talks will come soonish, and from then we'll start speeding up again; I don't know that will happen, but I expect it.

Offline UncommonSense

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2018, 01:07:42 PM »
Yes, he's a human with issues and priorities that can take precedence.  I think most of the adults here can appreciate that.  Plus as someone stated, he's toiled in obscurity for some time and now is enjoying the limelight.  We have gotten other content from him, however, we are all chomping at the bit to get at least some information about Peace Talks.

I don't think it's unreasonable to crave an update, and get a little salty when it's been over a year to see one on the site itself.  I, personally, don't have the time to wade through his AMA's and follow up on his interviews, so a nice short blurb in News would be fantastic.

If people want to bitch about it and feel they're owed timely releases and decide they aren't going to support the series going forward, that's their prerogative.  I think that's just acting childish.

Would I like the book to come out ASAP?  Hell yes.  Do I think it's unreasonable to be concerned if he'll be able to finish the series a la Jordan, King(yes, I know he finished the Dark Tower, but it took about 12 years in between books at one point, right?), GRRM, or Rothfuss.

Authors don't owe us anything.  We're their fans, and yes, we support their works, and yes, if they want to keep us as fans they should get us updates and releases, but they don't owe us.

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Offline wardenferry419

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2018, 10:57:57 PM »
Cold Days came out a few months after my son was born.
Skin Game came out a few months before he turned 2.
My son turned 6 this month.
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Offline Arjan

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2018, 09:20:06 AM »
Cold Days came out a few months after my son was born.
Skin Game came out a few months before he turned 2.
My son turned 6 this month.
Yes but subjectively time will go faster when you get older so it won't matter :)
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Offline Just Al

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2018, 03:05:07 PM »
For what it's worth, Locus Magazine's web page just updated their forthcoming books page. Peace Talks is listed as being scheduled for a May 2019 release.

This isn't the first time it's been listed. Perhaps someone close to Jim or the Beta-readers can throw us a clue as to how close to being finished he really is.

Offline Arjan

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2018, 06:11:41 PM »
For what it's worth, Locus Magazine's web page just updated their forthcoming books page. Peace Talks is listed as being scheduled for a May 2019 release.

This isn't the first time it's been listed. Perhaps someone close to Jim or the Beta-readers can throw us a clue as to how close to being finished he really is.
The book is not ready because Harry and Karen needed some rest and they are now living quietly on Ebenezar’s farm so they can recover from everything. They need a few years as everyone who read the books would understand. they have gone through hell and back and please don’t pester them with your impatience. They are just glad they survived.
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Offline KipIngram

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2018, 11:25:23 AM »
This is one where emotion and rationality take me in different directions.  Yes, I'm dying for more.  Yes, part of me will be deeply disappointed if we don't make it to the end of this thing.  But those are just feelings.  Logically, I'm totally in the "he doesn't owe us anything" camp. 

One thing worth remembering here is that we're fans - for us this is pure recreation and entertainment.  But for Jim this is labor.  I'm an awful lot less enthusiastic about my job than I was when I was young, eager, and proving myself.  He's written fifteen of these things, plus a pile of short stories to boot.  If he were just getting honestly tired of the character and the series I'd be totally unable to blame  him.

I could easily understand him "wanting to finish" and having every intention of doing so, but yet find it a much heavier burden than it used to be.  Guess what I do when there's something I know I need to do but don't look forward to?  That's right - I procrastinate and postpone. 

I actually hope none of the above applies here, but I'd understand if it did.

Offline Thana†os

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2018, 02:47:18 AM »
I'm sure my post won't be popular...but at least it's honest, without malice and my opinion.

Yep. I get the not being owed anything. I get he has a life, projects and problems outside of his writing that absorb his time. I get he wants to bask in his success. I get he needs to write side stuff to keep the main story fresh. But at the same time, he said he had a story to tell. He has certainly implied, at the very least, that he'd tell it from start to finish as long as he could make a living doing it.

Fans are holding up their part of the bargain and he should man up and hold up to his side of it. If you are going to tell a story and expect/hope people will support you during it, you're at least making a soft promise to do your best to give them the whole story. If he is tired of writing it he should take a moment to reset his commitment to how many novels and close it up and finish it off in a book or three instead of drawing it out to his proposed 22.

Unfortunately I think success has gotten to him, much like it has with GRRM and we all may be left wanting and hoping he'll finish it or pass it along to someone else to write and finish. I really do hope he finishes, but after so long and with all his many commitments, I'm not sure I have faith he will and I'll have to write the own ending in my head and move on.

Anyway, I waffle on whether or not I'll keep waiting or give up. I hope he defies my expectations and stops treating his fans so poorly and that he completes his commitment to his novels and story. I certainly know my disappointment in this situation means nothing to him and yet I still hope he continues to have his success and good things in his life, no ill will from me.

For now though, still hoping to read the complete story.
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Offline finarvyn

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2018, 11:29:00 AM »
I'll chime in the say that this thread didn't go the way I thought it would go. Somehow from the title I expected thoughts on the Dresdenverse timeline. Since most of the time we assume that Harry's adventures more-or-less occur in "real time" what does a long time gap mean as far as the characters? (e.g. release date for books has always been assumed to correlate somehow with our actual calendar.)

As to why we haven't gotten more DF books, I'm bummed but I can understand that authors have things to do. I just wish they included more writing.
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Offline Arjan

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2018, 01:40:57 PM »
I'll chime in the say that this thread didn't go the way I thought it would go. Somehow from the title I expected thoughts on the Dresdenverse timeline. Since most of the time we assume that Harry's adventures more-or-less occur in "real time" what does a long time gap mean as far as the characters? (e.g. release date for books has always been assumed to correlate somehow with our actual calendar.)

As to why we haven't gotten more DF books, I'm bummed but I can understand that authors have things to do. I just wish they included more writing.
I do not think we can assume real time especially not when we get nearer to the apocalypse, everything will speed up in book time.
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Offline Korwin

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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2018, 10:24:09 AM »
This link shows today (07.11.2018):

The Dresden Files 16. Peace Talks (Englisch) Gebundenes Buch  – 25. Oktober 2018
Verlag: Little, Brown Book Group (25. Oktober 2018)
Dieser Artikel ist noch nicht erschienen. 


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Re: The Growing Time Gap in DF Releases
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2018, 12:14:02 AM »
Well, I'm of two minds about this one.

1.  First, and most importantly, JB doesn't owe me anything.  I don't owe him anything either.  He put a great product on the market in the DFs and I bought them for market value.  Value for value and money well spent as far as I'm concerned.  The thought that he has some sort of real obligation to finish his work on my timeline (or anyones for that matter) is pretty laughable.

2.  On the other hand, JB doesn't exactly live a recluses life style.  Popping out of the woodwork every year or so to put out another book.  He goes to conferences, takes part in Q&A sessions, and has repeatedly promoted his work as a 22+ novel series.  So he's promoting his future work to boost sales of his current book.  This has been going on for years.  Now we are in the middle of a nearly 5 year span of nothing.  It's kind of like a kid who comes by and mows your lawn every week for years and you pay him for each cutting.  Although there's no formal contract, there's an expectation that the kid will be by next week.  I'd be an ass if he showed up and I'd hired a lawn service to replace him without a word.  By the same token, the kid simply not showing up with no warning b/c of whatever isn't great either.  Neither is a crime or anything, just poor from.

I've heard that JB has had some life issues (divorced and remarried... I've heard about some health issues too).  And I can see the problems these things can cause.  But when you are showing up at Cons and doing this sort of stuff all the time, life issues aren't what's causing your problems.

Just once, I'd like someone to just flat out tell it like it is and not make a bunch of excuses. Namely:

"I've been busting my ass for years writing these books to make ends meet.  Now I've worked hard enough that I really don't have to work anymore.  Certainly not at the pace I was doing before I got wealthy.  I haven't written a new book b/c I haven't felt like it AND I'm not GOING to write a new book until I do.  I have no idea when that might be, but when it comes out, I'll let you know."

Period.  Just the plain old truth.