Author Topic: Alternatives While We Wait  (Read 29550 times)

Offline LordDragonFire

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2018, 06:44:14 AM »
Try "Dead Man" by Domino Finn
"Strange Magic" by James A Hunter
"Fated" by Benedict Jacka

Those are all pretty good urban fantasy in my book!!

Offline Nightfall

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2018, 04:50:10 PM »
<i>The Monster Hunter Files are a collection of stories by a whole bunch of really amazing authors, set in the Monster Hunter universe.  I think we got something like nine New York Times bestsellers in here.

There are stories from <b>Jim Butcher</b>, Faith Hunter, Jonathan Maberry, Jody Lynn Nye, John Ringo, Sarah Hoyt, Mike Kupari, Jessica Day George, John C. Wright, Maurice Broaddus, Brad Torgersen, Quincy Allen, Alex Shvartsman, Kim May, Steve Diamond, Julie Frost, Bryan Thomas Schmidt, and me.</i>
"Me" being Larry Correia

For that matter, the Monster Hunter series by Larry Correia Is good. Mercenaries who's job is to stamp out monster infestations, so much money per head (or whatever they use for one).

Also recommended, "Hard Magic" also by Larry Correia, the first book ends with a zeppelin boarding another zeppelin starting a pirate versus samurai and ninja plus magic fight Really, what more do you want?

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2018, 05:30:39 PM »
Somewhat less like Dresden alternatives, but good and at least somewhat like (some Dresden like elements):

The (only 4, so far) "Unexpected Enlightenment" books by L. Jagi Lamplighter. Rachel Griffin goes to college (at 13) to learn magic (easier when you have perfect memory), immediately runs into a murder plot which turns into a much bigger plot (sorta Dresden-like), and basically has more things happen in just her first five days (*whew*)  than even Harry Dresden usually sees. This has been described as "Harry Potter meets Narnia", but it is more than that, as you will see below.

This takes place at a Harry Potter type school, but the school seems more real than Potter, since it is based on a unique, real life college that the author went to, takes place on the real Roanoke Island (which, conveniently, no one is allowed to visit), has many critters taken from legends of the Hudson Highlands (as well as elsewhere), has a magic system much more well thought out and believable than in Harry Potter, and characters that are both unusual yet seem more real than seems possible, because they are taken from a very long role playing game the author played in, thus, they are real, or as real as the players were (the authors husband played Sigfried the Dragonslayer, who isn't exactly a dragonslayer, but you'll find out). After you read this, Potter books will seem dry and dull and not fleshed out (I tried the first Potter book after this, the movies are better).

Also, 3 books by John C. Wright (also known as Sigfried the Dragonslayer< husband of above author), "Daughter of Danger". A young women finds herself dead (usually not a good sign), and is hastily revived/resurrected, and is told the rush is because she is about to be killed again. She wakes up in a hospital with total amnesia, barely has time to discover she is wearing a magic ring, has yellow skin (Japanese), that she is not Japanese, and then two werewolves and a seven foot goat guy with a trident come in and try to kill her. She uses the kung fu she did not know she had, escapes, and now must find out who she is (little things like her name, who were those guys and why, how did I get to be a superhero, etc). To be followed by a book about her boyfriend (now fiance) called "Mad Scientists Apprentice". While testing his new spaceship, he sorta made a new crater in the moon, which he named (after her) Yummy Cutie crater, she told him NEVER to say that again.

Oh, and Lamplighter also wrote 3 books about Prospero's children, starting with Prospero Lost, kinda Dresden like, the 500 year old daughter of the Shakespeare wizard Prospero has to go and rescue him, picking up her siblings on the way to help, magic and mayhem follow. In some ways, it's like Skin Game.

Offline wardenferry419

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2018, 10:39:37 AM »
Thank you. Good summaries, too.
Make Mine Butcher!
Who do I have to turn to ice to get a whiskey on the rocks?

Offline Nightfall

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2018, 02:51:20 AM »
It was not the being dead that I minded, it was the hours.

That is the first line from a John C. Wright short story in The Book of Feasts and Seasons (short stories). The story can be described as Ghost Story like, but shorter (of course).

Gotta be the best opening line I have ever seen.

The series he wrote is:

Swan Nights Son, The Green Knights Squire book 1 (yes, that green knight)  a modern (older) teenage boy (and his, er, dog, who talks, well, to the boy, who speaks animal) discovers his never seen father is a knight of King Arthur (despite Arthur being, uh, mostly dead), with the court of the Elves (pretty much the same elves Dresden fans are used to), he is, uh, "trained" as a knight to start by a, er, unusual trainer, which works surprisingly well, has adventures many of which are surprisingly funny,  and things go on from there for 2 more books, followed by...

Daughter of Danger, book 1 of The Dark Avengers Sidekick, superhero'es sidekick wakes up in hospital with amnesia, picks up odd friends on way to learning who she is and whats up (such as a faerie who is cursed to always be happy and carefree regardless of the situation, and who naturally decides she wants to be a hard boiled detective type, despite being completely temperamentally unsuited to the job, she does surprisingly well despite her total naivety), three books.

To be followed by Mad Scientists Apprentice, 3 more books.

There is also, by the above author, SOMEWHITHER, an older teenage boy ends up in a parallel world (of several) which is the oddest most far out world the author thinks he can make believable. We are talking way out here, yet it works. Example, one of the worlds never had a Crucifixion, result, no crosses, result, it is overrun by vampires, makes sense, right? The author plans another book, but there is only the one right now, the next is in production.

Offline Nightfall

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2018, 02:55:06 AM »
Pale Realms of Shade, read it here

Don't say I never gave ya nuthin'.

Offline KipIngram

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2018, 01:56:02 AM »
My problem here is that there just ISN'T anything as good as Dresden, period.  I've read some great books over the years - individual books - but never a SERIES that comes even close to what I get from these.

That's where I always fall back to when I find myself feeling frustration over the wait for PT.  I believe a solid professional writer could produce something on a predictable timeline - but that's not what I want Jim to do.  I want him to take his time and write when he feels like that's what he wants to do - I can't believe the quality could be like what we've seen if he tried to "force himself."

Yes, I'm eager and want the next book.  But I want THE next book - the way Jim wants it to be.

Offline Con

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2018, 06:56:30 AM »
Yancy Lazarus, is the closest I've found to Dresden, it might as well be a spinoff or alternate to Dresden. Wizard Black Ops agent, been around since Vietnam takes on various supernatural creatures. There's a Guild instead of the White Council. It's very good.

Offline KipIngram

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2018, 08:37:47 PM »
Oh...  I just read the teaser for the first Yancy Lazarus book, and I actually do find myself wanting more.  Thanks for the suggestion!

Offline Nightfall

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2018, 01:42:39 AM »

Sample first chapters of:
Unexpected enlightenment
Prospero Lost
Prospero In Hell
Prospero Regained

And, an extra bonus, from the Prospero books, Mabs Handy Guide to Surviving the Supernatural. Mab is Miranda's (the protagonist from the Prospero books, very Dresden like) "Mab Boreal here. You know me—the Northeast Wind who works for Prospero Inc. as a company gumshoe", an air spirit who appears as a hard bitten detective type, sorta Bob like  A good addition to your copy of Jane's Fighting Monsters, could keep you alive.

Short excerpt:
Name: Sea Drake
Where To Find It: Under water…usually in oceans.

However, Miss Miranda, her brothers, and I fought one in Hell. It was inside a giant kronosaur. Guess it had been eaten for lunch. Nothing beats being swallowed by a monster and then having to fight another monster while in its stomach.

Oh wait.

Almost anything beats that.

Offline KipIngram

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2018, 01:07:31 AM »
Ok, knocked off Strange Magic in about 24 hours.  Thanks, Con - that was really quite good.  Maybe close to as good as Storm Front considered alone.  I'll have to read more to compare at the series level.  But yeah - you've thrown me a major bone!  Much appreciated!

Offline Con

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2018, 09:55:51 AM »
Lol I'm glad I could help. He's got spin offs as well that you can check out once you've ran out of Yancy Lazarus books. One from the perspective of a Big Foot Princess, the other from a Golem with the memories of Holocaust victims.

Might also wanna check out Hellequin Chronicles, has Arthurian and Trojan links. I'm currently on the first one.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 10:07:13 AM by Con »

Offline KipIngram

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2018, 11:06:07 AM »
Yes, I've read the Hellequin Chronicles.  Those are quite interesting too.

Offline Nightfall

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2018, 03:03:21 AM »
First, what are the Dresden Files books, so we can search for others like it? One thing they are is "Urban Fantasies", so this can help, "urban fantasy with male lead characters",  , you will note that Dresden files much of the top of this list, so we can expect that those also near the top are at least somewhat like Dresden.

Next, where did "Urban Fantasy" come from? I believe it started with Mercedes Lackey, specifically her "Serrated Edge" series, starting with "Born to Run", Elves, racecars, and a human mage who acts a lot like Dresden, and the "Urban Elves" sort of thing found here  in the "Bedlam Bards" series. As far as I can see, that is where the whole type of world we see Dresden inhabit, and the sort of story he is in, came from.

Therefore, it seems likely that these books by Mercedes Lackey and friends will be enjoyed by those who like Dresden.

As a side note, I noticed an ad for a new "Fantastic Beasts" movie, with two guys with wands. So, naturally, I broke out the old wand breaker spell, just in case, but it has been a while, so all I managed to do was ruin some gals nails (she said I did it just today, this actually happened). OK, so now I have a nails breaker spell in my spellbook, never can tell when you might need such a thing, next, I am working on a "Bad Hair Day" spell.

Don't tell the bigfoot.

Offline gjutras

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Re: Alternatives While We Wait
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2019, 11:12:09 PM »
I just finished 5 ebooks that are the free type with kindle unlimited that's the Montague and Strong series. Worth a try if you have kindle unlimited. It has good and bad things about it, but I liked it. The character references that wizard in Chicago (meaning Harry Dresden) but he also references a wizardly type in Saint Louis in the same sentence. Anyone know who that is?

Anyway, the main character is cursed to immortality by Shiva, has a time stopping sigil on his wrist that causes a dominatrix librarian dressed lady luck to appear and slap him around a bit, a pet hellhound, and is best friend's with a mage who he operates a detective agency with.

Saint Louis is probably Shayne Silvers Nate Temple series and spinoff which by the way is a fun to read series.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2019, 12:15:31 AM by gjutras »