Author Topic: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?  (Read 61378 times)

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #195 on: August 08, 2018, 04:48:40 PM »
If so, then Morgan (who at the time was always looking for a reason to harass Harry) would have harassed Harry about the woman who had just drunk and purged a love potion.

I maintain that vomiting up the love potion didn't completely purge it from Susan's system, based on the premise that it enters the bloodstream as quickly as alcohol does.

If Morgan had known about it he very well may have tried to get Harry on that charge... Again back to the serial rapist thing, if Harry had gone around physically overpowering women and raping them the Council might not take notice... However if he used a magically brewed potion to overcome them and have sex against their will, they might...  Just making the magical potion might not be a violation, but using it to force one's will on another could very well be.
Mine was excitable, you know, cause I had a recent woj nobody here had probably read directly from Jim's profile... Yours came with these morality questions I'm not here to discuss. I'm here to discuss the violation or potential of it in the fictional DF verse of a fictional universal law that only loosely is based upon real world morality as we know it, and is in fact intentionally set separately of it in the story in it's inception, not saying that's correct, but it's what IS.

So was mine,you yelled, I yelled back,  but again you are wrong in the sense that one cannot separate real world morality questions from the DF universe..   Things might be written a bit different, however notice the First Law of Magic, the one about killing with magic... It may be a bit different from vanilla human law, and as you say, they might not blink at a wizard killing people by other means... However they do draw the line at doing it with magic.  Why? Dead is dead, does it matter how the victim was killed?  Apparently to the White Council it does, in their opinion magic should not be perverted in that way. That is a moral stand, remember what Harry said about his soul gaze with Eb, how it shaped his wielding of magic?  It was all about right and wrong, ethics etc, all moral stands and very much related to moral stands made in the real world.

These really have no answers and are not germaine to the answer to this particular question, and I don't feel it's the responsibility of my particular viewpoint to solve these problems.
... Same as I realized the thing I was getting ready to bitch about(to Jim) was not that it didn't make sense but that I've experience just how unfair life can be in action to consequence and that had nothing to do with the particulars of the convo, but not knowing the consequences of any given action even through simple ignorance..(course the real question is why can the fae reach across the veil without doing harm to themselves internally)

Because the fae are not human in the sense that humans, including wizards are..  The problem with your simple ignorance argument is it blames the victim..  Yes, our decisions in life all lead to consequences.   Crossing a street, is a decision, deciding to use the crosswalk or not, looking both ways before or not, all have consequences..  However if out of the blue a speeding drunk driver hits and kills you, is it your fault for deciding to cross the street?  Maybe, but what of the drunk, does he or she deserve the lion's share of the responsibility?  Or are you better off never crossing the street in the first place because the risk is always present?  Of course one will do what one can to mitigate the consequences, if you look both ways, use a crosswalk, obey the traffic light, you have a reasonable expectation that if you obey the rules you  will do it safely..   As in if you are an innocent human minding your own business you have reasonable expectation that some wizard won't invade your mind without your permission... If he or she does, they are breaking one of the fundamental laws..  Then again, walking down the street one might not know there is a wizard walking behind who might invade your mind.. So your decision to walk on the street, should you stay home so your mind won't be invaded?  If it is, who bares the greater responsibility, you for going for a walk, or the wizard who messed with your mind?
Behind that fundamental barrier, though, is your computer itself. Normally, you have it password protected, and yes, you can give someone else the password and they might well use it in an entirely benign way, but even then you're probably looking over their shoulder, wondering when's the last time you cleared your browsing history and hoping to God that they don't start their internet search with certain letters like "p."

If they don't know what they're doing, they might accidentally erase something you wanted to keep, or see something you wanted to keep private.

If they do know what they're doing, they could outright steal your files, change your settings or turn the whole thing into a brick.

Yup, and it's a crime.  Point being we all know the risks of using a computer, and most of us take steps to keep from being hacked..  Further if I chose to use a computer, unless I totally keep my head buried in the sand, I know there are privacy risks or worse doing that.  However I like using the computer, so I get the best protections I can get, I chose not to do some tasks on it even if quicker because the cost of the hack is too high...  But hacking can still happen, so I either totally refrain from using a computer and any other device that will connect me, or with precautions have a reasonable expectation that I can do it safely...  If someone hacks me, it is on them..

Offline peregrine

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #196 on: August 08, 2018, 06:12:35 PM »
Re: Mouse's speech, compare and contrast Zoo Day and Changes.

In Zoo Day, Mouse is A Good Boy (or whatever) because everyone says he is, who has many Friends, and so on.

In Change Mouse threatens to bite Lea's ass off.  Literally bite it off.

That's not really a consistent character.  But if we're talking various non-verbal cues and whatnot, Mouse being much more crude and sarcastic could be more on Harry than on Mouse.

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #197 on: August 08, 2018, 06:15:51 PM »
Re: Mouse's speech, compare and contrast Zoo Day and Changes.

In Zoo Day, Mouse is A Good Boy (or whatever) because everyone says he is, who has many Friends, and so on.

In Change Mouse threatens to bite Lea's ass off.  Literally bite it off.

That's not really a consistent character.  But if we're talking various non-verbal cues and whatnot, Mouse being much more crude and sarcastic could be more on Harry than on Mouse.
They're two very different situations and years apart from one another.

Most people don't speak or act the same way around 10-year-olds at the zoo as they do around people that they consider a deadly threat to them and the people they care about.
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Offline groinkick

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #198 on: August 08, 2018, 06:23:40 PM »
Making a love potion isn't a violation of the
Law, but perhaps using one to alter another's mind without permission may be...

I don't see how.  Here are what the laws prevent:

Working with Outsiders (obvious reasons here)
Altering time (Obvious reasons here)
Magic that corrupts a wizard (killing, mind rape ect)

Does making/using a love potion fall under any of these?  I don't think so.  Harry mixed some ingredients together, and then use magical energy to activate them.  It didn't require any desire to do harm or anything like that.  Making the potion isn't corrupting from the way the book described it and therefore isn't going to push a wizard into becoming a warlock.  It doesn't mess with time, or Outsiders either.  Therefore I don't see how the potion or it's use violates the laws.
Stole this from Reginald because it was so well put, and is true for me as well.

"I love this place. It was a beacon in the dark and I couldn't have made it through some of the most maddening years of my life without some great people here."  Thank you Griff and others who took up the torch.

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #199 on: August 08, 2018, 06:30:44 PM »
I have just read the salient parts of Storm Front.  The passage is hilarious.  That I find it so probably says something.
Susan tugged at my neck and jerked my head down to hers for a kiss. As kisses went, well. It was, um, extremely interesting. Perfectly passionate, abandoned, not a trace of self-consciousness or hesitation to it. Or at any rate not from her. I came up for air a minute later, my lips itching with the intensity of it, and she stared up at me with burning eyes. "Take me, Harry. I need you."
"Uh, Susan. That's not really a good idea right now," I said. The potion had taken hold of her hard. No wonder she had recovered from her terror enough to come back up the stairs and fire my gun at the demon. It had lowered her inhibitions to a sufficient degree that it must also have dulled her fears.
Susan's fingers wandered, and her eyes sparkled. "Your mouth says no," she purred, "but this says yes."
I went up on my toes, and swallowed, trying to keep my balance and get her hand off me at the same time. "That thing is always saying something stupid," I told her. She was beyond reason. The potion had kicked her libido into suicidal overdrive. "Bob, help me out here!"
"I'm stuck in the skull," Bob said. "If you don't let me out, I can't do much of anything, Harry."
Susan stood up on tiptoe to gnaw at my ear, wrapped her shapely thigh around one of mine, and started whimpering and pulling me toward the floor. My balance wavered. A three-foot circle was not enough to perform wrestling or gymnastics or … anything else in, without leaving something sticking out for the waiting demon to chew on.
I'm gonna have to go with massively impaired judgement at a minimum.  And if it ain't mind magic then somebody needs to tell me why.  So I call it a violation.

On Mouse's narration in Zoo day.  I've seen adults who forget how to talk normally when they are talking to kids.  And given that Mouse takes commands like, Kill Him!  I'm gonna go with he's in kid mode.  And for the record, the narration by Mouse in the Zoo Day audiobook blows.

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #200 on: August 08, 2018, 06:33:31 PM »
I have just read the salient parts of Storm Front.  The passage is hilarious.  That I find it so probably says something.I'm gonna have to go with massively impaired judgement at a minimum.  And if it ain't mind magic then somebody needs to tell me why.  So I call it a violation.

On Mouse's narration in Zoo day.  I've seen adults who forget how to talk normally when they are talking to kids.  And given that Mouse takes commands like, Kill Him!  I'm gonna go with he's in kid mode.  And for the record, the narration by Mouse in the Zoo Day audiobook blows.

It's not mind magic because nobody is in her mind.  Mind magic damages the wizard (magical corruption), and the mind of the victim (usually leads to insanity if done enough).  Having the mind impaired by a potion isn't much different than drugging someone's drink.  It's morally bad but neither qualify as mind invasion
Stole this from Reginald because it was so well put, and is true for me as well.

"I love this place. It was a beacon in the dark and I couldn't have made it through some of the most maddening years of my life without some great people here."  Thank you Griff and others who took up the torch.

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #201 on: August 08, 2018, 06:53:13 PM »
They're two very different situations and years apart from one another.

Most people don't speak or act the same way around 10-year-olds at the zoo as they do around people that they consider a deadly threat to them and the people they care about.
Like Mouse's Shadow?  Which was actually more of a threat than Leah, being actively opposed to Harry and Maggie rather than nominally on the same side.

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #202 on: August 08, 2018, 09:01:04 PM »
Like Mouse's Shadow?  Which was actually more of a threat than Leah, being actively opposed to Harry and Maggie rather than nominally on the same side.
If the best he can do is send a bunch of fun-sized demons and a totally-untrained summoner to oppose Harry and Maggie, I don't think he's more of a threat than the creature who casually turned half a dozen people into hounds and outright killed a Lord of Outer Night.
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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #203 on: August 09, 2018, 03:12:33 AM »
If Morgan had known about it he very well may have tried to get Harry on that charge...

Morgan was there when Susan vomited it up; he must have known about it. But no, he didn't try to get Harry on that charge.

So clearly love potions don't violate any of the Laws of Magic.

Offline peregrine

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #204 on: August 09, 2018, 03:17:02 AM »
If the best he can do is send a bunch of fun-sized demons and a totally-untrained summoner to oppose Harry and Maggie, I don't think he's more of a threat than the creature who casually turned half a dozen people into hounds and outright killed a Lord of Outer Night.
I didn't say more dangerous, I said more of a threat.  Lea was more or less on Harry's side. 

Offline groinkick

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #205 on: August 09, 2018, 03:35:54 AM »
I didn't say more dangerous, I said more of a threat.  Lea was more or less on Harry's side.

It's more accurate to say that he's more of a threat to Harry's life while Leah is more of a threat to Harry's free will...  Leah isn't on his side anymore than Justin was.  Harry's is a valuable commodity to her, that's it.  I used to hope there would actually be something romantic between them or a friendship but have had to face reality.
Stole this from Reginald because it was so well put, and is true for me as well.

"I love this place. It was a beacon in the dark and I couldn't have made it through some of the most maddening years of my life without some great people here."  Thank you Griff and others who took up the torch.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #206 on: August 09, 2018, 04:27:39 AM »
It's more accurate to say that he's more of a threat to Harry's life while Leah is more of a threat to Harry's free will...  Leah isn't on his side anymore than Justin was.  Harry's is a valuable commodity to her, that's it.  I used to hope there would actually be something romantic between them or a friendship but have had to face reality.
There is. There even is between Lea and Molly. It is just that Lea’s nature places limitations on that she can not avoid and is not even aware of so she can never meet human expectations of friendship.

In ghost story she is as generous with her answers as she can be, not as she has to be. We have seen in Cold Case how Winter restricts Molly’s ability to help Carlos.

If you try friendship with a fae you have to be aware of that and Harry is only slowly discovering it. Lea literary can not give something for free.

But they are still individuals who want to help or destroy you. There is more going on between Harry and Toot than obligation by pizza but the pizza is necessary.

And if you don’t consider their nature you are not a good friend either.
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Offline groinkick

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #207 on: August 09, 2018, 04:59:46 AM »
There is. There even is between Lea and Molly. It is just that Lea’s nature places limitations on that she can not avoid and is not even aware of so she can never meet human expectations of friendship.

In ghost story she is as generous with her answers as she can be, not as she has to be. We have seen in Cold Case how Winter restricts Molly’s ability to help Carlos.

If you try friendship with a fae you have to be aware of that and Harry is only slowly discovering it. Lea literary can not give something for free.

But they are still individuals who want to help or destroy you. There is more going on between Harry and Toot than obligation by pizza but the pizza is necessary.

And if you don’t consider their nature you are not a good friend either.

Good points...  Still I don't know if she holds genuine affection for Dresden or not.  Part of the Sidhe's niche is being expert manipulators.  Leah is a master.

For example when Leah used Dresden to get Excalibur...  That was pure greed for power on her part.  She didn't have to do that.  She didn't care about Dresden in that moment.  She cared about power.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 05:03:21 AM by groinkick »
Stole this from Reginald because it was so well put, and is true for me as well.

"I love this place. It was a beacon in the dark and I couldn't have made it through some of the most maddening years of my life without some great people here."  Thank you Griff and others who took up the torch.

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #208 on: August 09, 2018, 06:33:26 AM »
I didn't say more dangerous, I said more of a threat.  Lea was more or less on Harry's side.

Don't be too sure about that.

Technically Mab is on Harry's side as well, but I don't think anyone here will agree if I say she is not a threat to Harry. Lea is just a lesser version of Mab. Her idea of helping may be a threat in itself. Remember that in SK, Lea explain that making Harry his hound is a reasonable way to protect Harry from greater troubles.

The Leanansidhe is winter's second in command. Thinking that she is not a threat is never wise.
But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil, damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness . . .
    . . . which could obviously be redeemed only by passing through the fiery, cleansing inferno of a wizardly digestive tract.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Love Potion, Huge Violation of 3rd Law?
« Reply #209 on: August 09, 2018, 07:14:40 AM »
Don't be too sure about that.

Technically Mab is on Harry's side as well, but I don't think anyone here will agree if I say she is not a threat to Harry. Lea is just a lesser version of Mab. Her idea of helping may be a threat in itself. Remember that in SK, Lea explain that making Harry his hound is a reasonable way to protect Harry from greater troubles.

The Leanansidhe is winter's second in command. Thinking that she is not a threat is never wise.
As Lea told Harry herself. That is a lesson he should learn.
WG+++: The White God is Mister.