Author Topic: Need help with aspects please....  (Read 7425 times)

Offline Jamat

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Need help with aspects please....
« on: June 25, 2018, 08:41:01 PM »
I'm new to fate accelerated but have been invited to join a Dresden accelerated game I want to be Kringle's seneschal but having difficulty coming up with a high aspect and a trouble that have both positive and negative side to them

Any suggestions would be much appreciated

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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 09:54:59 PM »
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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2018, 07:30:37 AM »
The high concept and trouble do a lot to define who your character is; it's not really possible to make suggestions for them without knowing what kind of person they're for.

Who is this seneschal? What drives them? What do they do all day, other than Kringle's bidding? What are their flaws, and what problems do they have in life?

Offline narphoenix

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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 11:59:13 AM »
The high concept and trouble do a lot to define who your character is; it's not really possible to make suggestions for them without knowing what kind of person they're for.

Who is this seneschal? What drives them? What do they do all day, other than Kringle's bidding? What are their flaws, and what problems do they have in life?

This. Also, what sorts of relationships do they have? Do they associate with Kringle and Kringle alone always and forever?

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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 02:25:12 PM »
Could the seneschal be the original Jack Frost, who is bitter that Odin came along and scooped up the Father Christmas power-tap while he was consolidating all his different masks (Kringle, Odin, St Nicholas, etc)?

Or Could he be the Krampus, 2nd in command to Kringle and actively pushing for a return to the darker days where Christmas was equal parts reward and punishment?

OR, as a slightly more out of the box option, could he be a norse entirely unrelated to either Christmas or the Fae, who doesnt particularly like either, and who has decided that the whole Afterlife in Valhala thing was wildly misrepresented in his youth?

Or, since Ravens can look like dark-haired supermodels, could he be Rudolph (Of the Red Nose, not of the Brown :P)?

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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2018, 10:53:22 PM »
This. Also, what sorts of relationships do they have? Do they associate with Kringle and Kringle alone always and forever?

Jamat answered my question in the unfortunate few hours in between the last backup of the old forum and the creation of the new forum. The gist, as I recall, is that the character is a generous woodworker who inherited the seneschal job from his father. And I think he was bullied as a kid?

I replied, but I don't remember exactly what I said. Think I had a couple of ideas for trouble Aspects; one related to being too charitable, and the other related to having a soft spot for kids.

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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2018, 08:32:19 PM »
I wondered where my last post went ok here's my basic concept again

Thomas inherited the mantle the day his father died, the day he also inherited his father's toy shop.

Thomas, like his father, is short in statue being only 4'6" tall. Though due to a life of childhood bullying he built himself up to be quite muscular and knows how to defend himself.

He finished school went to college and got a degree in woodwork and metal work . He then joined his father in making some of the most beautiful hand crafted toys you could buy. Which the sold at unbelievably low prices. His father believing that every child should have at least one toy on Christmas Day.

Now he understands why his father was never around on Christmas Eve and why he slept most of Christmas and boxing Day.

Father Christmas is real and thomas, like his father before him, is the jolly man in red's eyes and ears in the world.

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Re: Need help with aspects please....
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2018, 04:57:32 PM »
Ooh, interesting!  If your Power's Purpose is to be Santa Claus's "Eyes and Ears in the World", I think that would basically make you The Keeper of the List  and the one responsible for sorting the Naughty from the Nice.  Maybe you roam around with an artifact that reads the fate state of those around you (the First Check), or maybe your job is to personally investigate those that are on the borderline (The Second Check). 

If you are the Keeper of the List and responsible for the Sorting, what say you have a trouble were you are being "aggressively recruited" by the Krampus who wants the list (and thus you) to leave Santa's service and come over to him so that Christmas can once again focus on Pushing the Naughty rather than Rewarding the Nice.

Since he has inherited a Winter Fae mantle from his Father it would imply that he was already at least a little bit of a Changeling in normal circumstances, is that a path worth exploring?  Does his Mother factor in at all?

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Offline Timothyjar

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Need help with aspects please
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2019, 05:18:44 PM »
WOW you didnt need any help at all you did it all by yourself....great job on the costuming