And born out of apparently irrational hatred of a character. Murphy = Mab, even if I'm tired of seeing it, at least doesn't have that kind of needless derogation behind it....
*more stuff I cut because it's a bit of a wall of text*
An eloquent articulation of how I feel about both topics.
Mostly, it's not that I'm a fan of Murphy, it's that there is a very, almost
absurdly specific interpretation of her actions throughout the series that leads to people painting her as a villain, or not supportive of the guy she promised to walk into Hades for, or who took up a holy Sword on a suicide mission to attack what appeared to be the entire Red Court, or who... you get the idea. It's like anything she does that's positive is interpreted negatively, or gets selfish motivations ascribed to it, or she's otherwise blamed for not knowing everything Harry does, or treated as though her own thoughts and emotions shouldn't matter to the choices she makes.
I mean, we get it, and we all agree: she broke the Sword. That likely could've been avoided if she could see the future. But bringing it along wasn't arrogance, it was for two reasons: first, she wanted to protect Harry. Second, she decided to bring it after they met the Genoskwa, and she saw him toss Harry across the warehouse, shrug off Harry's magic like it was nothing, and essentially kick his butt without trying. She realized that they needed a different weapon to deal with him, so she brought the Sword. She was wrong; the weapon they needed was Goodman Grey, but she didn't know he was on The Team. Even he wasn't able to finish it off.
Anyway, I will likely never agree with some people here about Murphy. I think she's a good character who's demonstrated she's on Harry's side more times than I can count, and remains one of the only people in Harry's life who is willing to tell him he's wrong.
Also, come on, guys: Jim is
not going to end their relationship within one book of it finally starting, not after twenty years of buildup. Give it until Body Slam at the very least, cuz Murphy probably won't be in Mirror, Mirror much.