Well, I don't think many of us have a physical representation in the books. The closest character similarity to me is Butters. LOL
Sure. I'm not saying there isn't diversity either. But for women, here's your cast:
White blonde, most with blue eyes: Karrin, Molly, Charity, Mab/Titania, Aurora, Ivy, Georgia, Luccio (post-swap), Gard, Lash (initially), Sarissa, Anna V, Hannah, Justine, Elaine, Kelly Hamilton, Abby, Monica S
White brunette: Lara, Inari, Tania, Natalia, Elisa, Madeline, Lacuna, Tess, Deirdre, Margaret, Maggie, Esmerelda (Eebs seem Spansih rather than Latino), Helen B, Lydia (Cassandra's tears), Kim D
White exotic hair: Molly (dyed), Maeve, Jenny G, Lily
White redheads: Lea, Andi
Not white: Susan, Martha, Ancient Mai, Tera, Bianca, Arianna, Olivia (?), Lydia S, Yoshimo
Am I missing anyone? I'm sure there are some more, especially one-off characters.
Anywho, of the not white selection, you've got five that appeared in one book each, one that appeared in two, another that appeared in three, and one that appeared in five.
Combined, the same number of appearances as Murphy alone.