With the exception of the reveal of Harry’s relationship to Thomas BR was among my least favorite of the Dresden Files novels.
Same here. I liked the Black Court side plot, but found the White Court main plot to be far, far too convoluted. A whole lot of Bond Villain Stupidity (JUST SHOOT HIM. SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD.) and too many layers of cat-paws. I get that they don't do anything directly, but come
on. And I am... not a particularly big fan of the Suddenly Brothers aspect of Thomas and Harry's relationship. I would've preferred a different method of revealing that side of things.
Anyway, the White Court is part of why I like Kincaid so much. He'll just shoot you from a mile away. In the words of River Tam, "Bang, squish."
As for Body Slam, meh. I have a ton of distaste for wrestling as a... I guess it's technically sport (after all, Starcraft is a sport now). But none of the aspects of Blood Rites I disliked had anything to do with the setting. And, unless being sucked into the Mirrorverse and/or shenanigans on that side of the universal fence somehow frees Harry from the Winter Knight's Mantle, I expect Harry to be investigating on behalf of Winter.
(As far as Mirror, Mirror and losing the Winter Knight gig goes, I figure it's possible that jumping to a universe where there's already a Winter Knight (who I don't expect to be MirrorHarry) might mess with the Mantle—like, it tries to be in two places at once, and the power instead reverts to the constant from the Mirrorverse, or returns to MirrorMab. Either that, or simply being cut off from Prime Winter is enough to free the Mantle, returning it to Prime Mab as Harry gets sucked through. Or, you know, he just finds a good place to get rid of it on Halloween.)