« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2018, 01:13:14 PM »
I don't think the Forsaken lived any longer than was expected for a non-Oath Rod using channeler (potentially 600+ years); the 3000 years sealed in the Bore don't count, they were in suspended animation. The Forsaken were promised immortality if they won; they didn't yet have it.
Of course, some of them were recycled into new bodies, but that's different...
I'm not sure any of the evil minions were actually immortal either; gholam might be, since they're constructs like the Green Man who was around for 3000+ years, but I think the ones we see survived in stasis...
Given the cycle, statis is always possible. I thought there was at least the one Forsake that was supposed to never really be fully trapped (driven insane by it?) and the Dream-dude that I thought was implied to a survivor of the previous age?

<(o)> <(o)>
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(o o)
“We’re all imaginary friends to one another."
"An entire life, an entire personality, can be permanently altered by just one sentence." -An Accidental Villain