Author Topic: Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?  (Read 3880 times)

Offline Rhelous11

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Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?
« on: April 09, 2018, 01:42:46 PM »
Hey all,

I've started running a game set in Dublin and have had a bit of trouble coming up with good material. I've managed to get a decent setting with a combination of my own ideas and shamelessly stealing from Rick Neal's game, but would appreciate any interesting ideas for incorporating the supernatural into Irish history and landmarks.

To get the ball rolling, I'm using the Dublin spire as a prison for some as of yet unrevealed supernatural being, St Patrick being responsible for driving Reptilian shapeshifters out of Ireland and a growing alliance between the Fomorians and the IRA.

Like I said, would appreciate any brainstorming or basic ideas that could be build on. Thanks.

Offline Taran

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Re: Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2018, 02:08:15 PM »

I don't know Rick Neil's stuff but, the whole concept of the Nevernever, Fearie, Sidh etc...came out of Irish use that to good effect.

There's a whack of Irish Heroes such as Cuchulain and Fionn McCool and the Druids.

The Fomor were driven into the sea by the Sidh in Irish Mythology.

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Re: Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2018, 04:06:32 PM »
Yeah, Ireland would be the Sidhe's home turf.

Also, Banshees, Zombie William Wallace, all kinds of folk heroes. Maybe some plot against the British (the Irish have been having a revolution of some sort about once a century, maybe there's a really old warlock with a grudge keeping it going).

Also I find it funny right now that the top two threads form a question and answer:

"Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?"

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Offline Taran

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Re: Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2018, 05:03:05 PM »
Also I find it funny right now that the top two threads form a question and answer:

"Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?"


I was thinking the same thing....

Offline Rhelous11

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Re: Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2018, 06:36:04 PM »
Yeah, Ireland would be the Sidhe's home turf.

Also, Banshees, Zombie William Wallace, all kinds of folk heroes. Maybe some plot against the British (the Irish have been having a revolution of some sort about once a century, maybe there's a really old warlock with a grudge keeping it going).

Also I find it funny right now that the top two threads form a question and answer:

"Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?"


Yeah, it definitely wouldn't be Ireland without the Fair Folk! At the moment I'm having street gangs of winter and summer fae duking it out in Dublin, but haven't had the chance to go much deeper.

Didn't realise the many Irish uprisings had a relatively consistent schedule, definitely can come up with something for that.

Hah, I actually only noticed the leprechaun thread after I'd already posted! Couple of good ideas there too.

Offline whitelaughter

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Re: Any ideas or advice for a Dublin/Ireland game?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2018, 12:12:04 PM »
Real world, the tale of St Patrick banishing snakes from Ireland is a reference to the Draconis, the war banner/streamers, and refers to him bringing peace to the island. But in Dresdenverse, you could well have a race of snake-demons who've been banished from their home and want to come back.

The Giant's Causeway might allow travel to Scotland; or the group might be asked to repair it - allowing invasions of giants.

Ireland is surprisingly young; when the ice retreated, Ireland was just a flat piece of rock. Winter might resent this johnnie-come-lately nation.

Ireland is surrounded by mythical nations; Hy Brasil to the west, Ys and Lyonesse to the south, Thule to the north, Cantre'r Gwaelod (and Sodor!) to the east. For that matter, the Isle of Man is important in the Arthurian myths as the home of the Fisher King.

In Britain, Arthur pulls the sword out of the stone; in Ireland, Cúchulainn drove his sword *into* the kingstone, the Lia Fáil. The Scots insist that their king stone came from ireland, the Irish that their came from Scotland - that has potential for lunacy. Suppose the stone sang again when a (n)pc approached it? How would the PCs reacted to knowing who the rightful king of Ireland was?
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