Placeholder Lucifer is nowhere close to the Biggest Bad. He's not even on the tree.
Look. Lucy's main mission in life is to win an agrument...with GOD. It's about humans and free will. It's complicated beyond the mortal ability to understand, so we only know the shorthand of it. He has bent the universe in the course of his argument, caused untold suffering, and he is NOWHERE CLOSE because in order to win an argument about the nature of the universe, YOU NEED TO HAVE A UNIVERSE.
That, right there, gives him a limit other bads don't have. Plus he is /really/ focused on his argument. All the bad he does is in service to that. It's not personal. Well, it is, but it isn't. You'll see when he shows up.
But honestly, Nicodemus is more dangerous to the universe than Lucy, in some ways. That's interesting indeed. (AND I really want to see Harry, someday, talking to the Greatest of the Fallen and call him Lucy.
But if both God and Lucy agree they want the universe intact, that would imply that beings that want to destroy the universe are powerful enough to threaten both of them, otherwise God would be saying "No, you can't do that to My creation"...
A: Almighty isn't really about determining the order of the universe. He isn't a GM. He made us a sandbox game and then let us decide how to play it, and mod it.
Now He's already told those forces, 'stay out of my sandbox' and they do. But He's also gives us the sandbox. And if we want to invite them in to screw it all up, well. The void is still there. Waiting. Fair warning, reported WOJ's that I see after conventions and whatnot are just dead wrong maybe a quarter of the time. I used to try to correct them back in the day but then I thought, "I can't be spending so much time chasing plastic bags in a high wind" so I mostly stopped.
I am not merely an unreliable narrator. I am proactive about it.
FAN: I consider your quotes at Q&As as good frameworks to the future plans and as clarification, but that the finished books are always the iron-clad clarifications, because entire scenarios could be changed between one Q&A and when it actually comes time to write about it. But I have seen people get into honest all-caps arguments over seemingly contradictory ideas between books and con discussions, so...
Jim: Yeah and most of those, at least the ones I've seen, are based on misheard or misunderstood statements. And I have knowingly dropped misinformation based on those kind of fights at least twice.
Trust no one, not even the author! Especially the author! But...Now I don't know which 25% of the WOJ website to believe?
Jim: Wouldn't believe any of it if I were you. I don't do a lot of deliberate disinformation but I find that just a little bit of a lie makes all that truth so much more unreliable and therefore harder to predict
Fan: You sir have just sparked a new wave of insane theories. Take cover.