Author Topic: Leprechauns  (Read 5025 times)

Offline lordoracle

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« on: March 21, 2018, 02:33:21 PM »
Realize this is coming about a week late (didn't think of it until the morning of St Patrick's) but has anyone worked out an NPC leprechaun? I want one for an one-time antagonist and was thinking it would have an ability that can make players reroll a die.

Would appreciate any help. Have tried looking online but, with the exception of dfrpg-resources (which is closing), there are not many resources for FATE characters. I wish they would come up with a FATE Monster Manual. I did find creature decks online, but it is mainly focused on High Fantasy creatures and did not have a leprechaun.
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Offline lordoracle

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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2018, 02:38:05 PM »
Was rifling through dfrpg-resources and, under templates, I found a template for a Leprechaun Changeling
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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2018, 03:25:39 PM »
Greater Glamours for sure.  To catch a Leprechaun, you get his gold.  He creates the gold with greater glamours (because he's forced to make a deal: "I let you go but first you tell me where your gold is").  When you get the gold, you let him go and then it disappears.

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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2018, 09:14:40 PM »
I want one for an one-time antagonist and was thinking it would have an ability that can make players reroll a die.

Check these out.

dfrpg-resources (which is closing)

It isn't. Wikispaces is closing, so dfrpg-resources will have to move and the links will all break, but I have no intention of letting the wiki disappear.

...I wish they would come up with a FATE Monster Manual.

I'm almost tempted to write one. Problem is, there's a million Fate variants. Really makes it awkward to produce a book for Fate as a whole.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 09:31:09 PM by Sanctaphrax »

Offline lordoracle

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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2018, 02:20:23 PM »
Thank you both for the ideas.

Sanctaphrax, I know what you mean about how hard it is to do a comprehensive "Monster Manual" for FATE. I came across a creature from Seminole folklore (which happens to be from the region of the US I live in) called a Stikini. It's basically a witch that becomes a were-owl. I've been looking to use lycanthrope rules, subbing the abilities of owls in the place of wolves. I bought pdfs of decks of FATE creatures which included owls.
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Offline whitelaughter

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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2018, 09:06:35 AM »
trust you've seen xkcd's take on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
Gold isn't created by normal fusion in the Sun though, it needs a supernova.

In Dresden verse though, you'd follow a rainbow through the NeverNever, to the pot of gold. Unless you just want a pot of ectoplasm when you get home, you'd need to open a gate into the Sun - which is at least a quick and painless way to die. However, you could then (in the middle of the blasted wasteland in the Never Never) have cooling gold, which could be collected by someone else.

So a sneaky, evil Leprechaun could spread rumours of having a pot of gold, allow himself to be 'captured' by a Wizard with no Scholarship, and lead them to the appropriate point in the Never Never. One instantly fried Wizard later - massive riches! The joy of it is, they aren't lying - they *are* taking you to their pot of gold.

Leprechaun should have Mythic Immunity to Sunlight, and possibly have received a death curse or 3. 
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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2018, 05:42:20 PM »
trust you've seen xkcd's take on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
Gold isn't created by normal fusion in the Sun though, it needs a supernova.

In Dresden verse though, you'd follow a rainbow through the NeverNever, to the pot of gold. Unless you just want a pot of ectoplasm when you get home, you'd need to open a gate into the Sun - which is at least a quick and painless way to die. However, you could then (in the middle of the blasted wasteland in the Never Never) have cooling gold, which could be collected by someone else.

So a sneaky, evil Leprechaun could spread rumours of having a pot of gold, allow himself to be 'captured' by a Wizard with no Scholarship, and lead them to the appropriate point in the Never Never. One instantly fried Wizard later - massive riches! The joy of it is, they aren't lying - they *are* taking you to their pot of gold.

Leprechaun should have Mythic Immunity to Sunlight, and possibly have received a death curse or 3.
Would the Gold necessarily all vanish?  A certain bag of diamonds didnt in the recent book, and Id suspect the Leprochauns would value the gold a lot less if it were just cosmetically formed ectoplasm; I suspect their gold horde would be something they'd been collecting from Earth. 
<(o)> <(o)>
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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2018, 09:30:22 AM »
Would the Gold necessarily all vanish?  A certain bag of diamonds didnt in the recent book, and Id suspect the Leprochauns would value the gold a lot less if it were just cosmetically formed ectoplasm; I suspect their gold horde would be something they'd been collecting from Earth.
Yeah, this.  NN-native gold goes to Ectoplasm as soon as it gets cut off from the NN, but Earthly gold stored in the NN stays golden when returned to Earth.

It's worth noting that if nobody puts NN-gold into an empowered Circle, it COULD (potentially) stay golden for quite a long time... so long as whatever spell or entity (the Leprechaun?) is giving it earthly form continues to do so.

I could imagine some sort of deep mystical tie between a leprechaun and gold, such that they might be VERY reluctant to disempower their gold; or maybe they keep it going just as a matter of course for a year-and-a-day or other faerie-tale timespan.  I hear echoes of Mab's voice, when she had constrained the Leanansidhe and came (at Harry;s summons) in her place:  "Bargains must be kept."  Maybe Leprechauns MUST empower gold.

Offline whitelaughter

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Re: Leprechauns
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2018, 12:45:02 PM »
Would the Gold necessarily all vanish?
None of the gold would vanish, because it would be real gold taken from the core of the sun.
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