Any chance that Winter queens are stronger in general? We know that Mab has considerably more minions under her control than summer does. Summer has 40k to counteract the 40k Winter has 'not on guard duty'. So based on what we have seen from toot toot accumulating power from having more faries under his control increases his power this should translate to that winter is stronger then summer.
Very fair point, and certainly possible. In terms of personal power, I'd say the Queens are equals, as are the Ladies (generally speaking). There very well may be a power difference between the Mothers, however.
I'd say that when you reach the scale of the Mothers, the difference in relative power, however vast from our tiny human perspective, is probably not all that much.
Point of order, however: my understanding of the WoJ on Toot-Toot is that his size and power increases as Harry's does, not so much that he has more followers.