Author Topic: changeling shapeshifter  (Read 4780 times)

Offline zaboron

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changeling shapeshifter
« on: February 12, 2018, 01:12:14 PM »
Can I build a changeling that can access some of their powers through shapeshifter only?
I was thinking of a half-ogre that has some flexibility in shifting between the human and the fae heritage. As a mechanism basically like She-Hulk, more or less (can hulk out on purpose without being angry, but getting angry also causes trouble).

Supernatural Strength [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
The Catch: Cold Iron [+3]
Beast Change [-1]
Human Form [+1] Downgrades Strength and Toughness to inhuman only

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 03:40:07 PM »
I think the short answer is that Yes, per the rules you can do that. 

However you should be be careful as the Shapeshifting rules are some of the more notoriously abused mechanics, so it pays to have a long conversation with your storyteller about how to leverage both it's strengths and weaknesses to keep it from becoming too much of a Freebee package.   
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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 11:24:11 PM »
If the change is purely physical, you don’t need beast shape because you wouldn’t need to swap skills.  And there’s less balance issues if you can’t swap your skills.

Your powers would be inhuman and supernatural upgrades would fall under human form.

-2 Inhuman strength
-2 inhuman toughness

+1 human form (affecting)
 -2 supernatural strength (upgrade)
 -2 supernatural toughness (upgrade)

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2018, 01:20:45 AM »
I wouldn't worry too much about the balance, unless the other PCs are notably un-optimised. And even if they are, you can just make your skill lists a little more similar than is "correct".

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2018, 02:08:12 PM »
As to the actual powers, one other thing that might be worth thinking about:

"All ogres have an innate capacity for neutralizing magical forces to one degree or another. "  (Summer Knight, ch. 12).

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2018, 02:15:40 PM »
As to the actual powers, one other thing that might be worth thinking about:

"All ogres have an innate capacity for neutralizing magical forces to one degree or another. "  (Summer Knight, ch. 12).

A stacked catch with magic immunity.

Offline zaboron

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2018, 06:47:56 PM »
Thanks all for your feedback!
As to the actual powers, one other thing that might be worth thinking about:

"All ogres have an innate capacity for neutralizing magical forces to one degree or another. "  (Summer Knight, ch. 12).
Thanks a lot, I wasn't considering this before.
A stacked catch with magic immunity.
That however seems a bit much, especially since physical immunity seems to be reserved for NPCs. Not sure if there is a smaller version? Some kind of resistance, but not immunity, to magic?

If the change is purely physical, you don’t need beast shape because you wouldn’t need to swap skills.  And there’s less balance issues if you can’t swap your skills.
Yeah, that is interesting. However it strikes me as weird that the Hulk form would have the same set of skills as the human form.

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2018, 07:13:28 PM »
Yeah, that is interesting. However it strikes me as weird that the Hulk form would have the same set of skills as the human form.
Well, in terms of the Hulk as the example I think he mostly /lost/ skills in the sense of (usually) loosing the ability to perform complex intellectual activities in general (I always thought of it as trading in Mental stats for Physical ones, in more of a DnD framework). 

With other shapeshifting abilities I agreed I would usually expect more skill-swapping, even other fae sources would justify more in the way of "natural talent" and/or Instinct for things that usually require training.  When it's Hulk Style where you basically just become a supernaturally strong Human being there is a lot less that makes sense as a Qualitative difference, and that only becomes more of a barrier if you are considering levels of transformation (in-control vs Rage-mode). 

But it really depends on what skills you want your Human-form to have.  I personally believe the key to making a good Shapeshifter is to ensure that both forms are distinctively useful, and equally distinctively limiting.  In other words: make sure to give yourself a reason to want to play as Brice Banner/Jennifer Walters half the time.

So just spit-balling, your basic Ogre-Form is going to want Might, Endurance and probably Fists as the base.  I could have fun with having base skills in Discipline while in Human or Controlled Mode, but trading it in for Conviction when you loose control.  For that matter, it could be fun to give Controlled Mode less Might but more Athletics.  Past that, what would you like your Human side to be good for?
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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2018, 07:25:31 PM »
Thanks all for your feedback!Thanks a lot, I wasn't considering this before.That however seems a bit much, especially since physical immunity seems to be reserved for NPCs. Not sure if there is a smaller version? Some kind of resistance, but not immunity, to magic?
Yeah, that is interesting. However it strikes me as weird that the Hulk form would have the same set of skills as the human form.

Mental social skills cannot move higher in your beast form.  Physical skills move up and the rest move down or stay the same. 

All I’m saying is beast shape gives you two ‘ideal’ forms.  A physical fighting form and another form that you can specialize in social or investigations etc... it’s not broken but if your GM were worried about min/maxing, this is how one would do it.

Also, having magic immunity is something like a +5 rebate on a -8 power.  Everything bypasses it except magic so it’s not like it makes you unbeatable.   It’s not that crazy for 3 refresh.  But your gm would still have to approve it. 

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2018, 08:10:09 PM »
Double post

Just having toughness gives you resistance to magic as long as the catch isn’t magic.  But if you specifically want to be resistant to magic, you can just make the catch everything but magic.

Here’s a sample submerged ogre changeling. Just cause I thought it would be fun to write up...

HC Half-Ogre Underground fighter
Trouble: Hulk Smash
Other: This is My Entourage; the Greatest of All Time!; etc...

+5 endurance
+4 fists; might; alertness
+ 3 conviction; intimidation(+5 hulking size); presence
+2  rapport; contacts; investigation
+1 driving; resources; lore

-2 inhuman toughness
+3 catch: cold iron
-2 inhuman strength

+1 human form affecting
 -2 Supernatural toughness
 -2 supernatural strength
 -8 physical immunity
 +5 catch (anything not magic)
-2 hulking size

Physical 0000(00) +1 mild
Physical beast form  000000(0000) +1 mild
Mental 0000
Social 0000

Refresh 9/10
No beast change because he’s a fighter by nature and not some scholar but he’s got some pretty good social skills and aspects that give him an edge in social situations. High presence for presence in the ring and having an entourage.

A brute in combat and immune to magic but a tire iron blow through all his toughness powers.

Get rid of magic immunity to take a stunt to use might instead of fists for combat so that you can boost another skill.  Or just take beast form. 
« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 08:14:06 PM by Taran »

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2018, 02:00:08 PM »
Double post
That looks cool, thanks.
My initial idea was to play a member of a federal Paranormal investigation unit. The conflict between the agency and the summer court (in our campaign) would be reflected by the character's struggle between their human and fae heritage (High concept: Half ogre, double agent). So, using the advantages and power of the Beast Change would definitely come with lots of trouble and consequences.

The human skills would be that of an agent, so investigation, a bit of guns, contacts, etc, and the ogre is then using the skills you mentioned (Might, Endurance and Fists) plus a bit of Weapon (to use the pistol as a thrown weapon).

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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2018, 02:04:01 PM »
That looks cool, thanks.
My initial idea was to play a member of a federal Paranormal investigation unit. The conflict between the agency and the summer court (in our campaign) would be reflected by the character's struggle between their human and fae heritage (High concept: Half ogre, double agent). So, using the advantages and power of the Beast Change would definitely come with lots of trouble and consequences.

The human skills would be that of an agent, so investigation, a bit of guns, contacts, etc, and the ogre is then using the skills you mentioned (Might, Endurance and Fists) plus a bit of Weapon (to use the pistol as a thrown weapon).
Ogre's were traditionally wyld-fae in Sk. Are you thinking of yours having more specific Summer ties (personal or via the fae parent) or maybe having one (or both) of the Fae courts trying to recruit him?
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Re: changeling shapeshifter
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2018, 02:55:06 PM »
Beast Shape represents certain skills being less likely to apply to a situation because your form doesn't lend itself to the situation.  For instance, your Contacts skill would drop because it's harder to leverage your contact in the police department when you look like a wolf.

So, as an ogre, you'd really be giving into your Fae side more and many of your human skills (like contacts and rapport would drop because you can't show up to work as an ogre.  Investigation might drop because you've given into baser Ogre-like desires which makes you less able to focus on finer details.

That said, it would be cool to have a stunt that lets you deal with fae better when you are in Ogre form.  Like, using Might or Fists instead of Contacts, Presence or Rapport when in Ogre form.  Since your fellow ogres/Summer denizens, perhaps,  value Size and Strength which gives you an edge.

Maybe a stunt that lets you use Might to compliment social skills when dealing with Fae.  Then your Strength Powers will come in handy in social conflicts because Strength Powers let you compliment regardless of the skill level.