prime character killing shadow selves (later find out what Cain did) vs -Harry killing or sacrificing other Harry's to stand in for his death
house threshold
blood ritual on pattern
a unicorn
blood of Sarissa on Arctis Tor floor defiles Winter vs. blood of Amber (up to 3rd generation from Dworkin) defiles Amber
the above means blood of the Queens up to 3 generations hence can make Winter/Summer vulnerable
(it can be used to verify bloodlines say if Murphy's blood is spilled or Marcone's for my theory.)
Feints, Attacks similar to Cold Days
Plots, story relying on misdirection compared to Maeve story, plot with Lily relying on her minimal 'lying.'
Unknown father/son relationship:
Ganelon is Obelon; so Corwin/Ganelon journey is a father/son one unknown to Corwin. It could support a unknown father/son journey with Harry and someone say Harry/Nic or Harry/Marcone
Blood on The Pattern is somewhat similar to blood on Stone Table.
There is a tornado funnel that can appear at The Pattern (Prime Pattern) that is similar to the Darkhallow funnel.