Author Topic: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs  (Read 37601 times)

Offline DrygonDM

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2007, 06:47:38 AM »
Drygon, that's such a cool idea. I might run a game using your idea, or maybe do some sort of time travel thing where my modern-day characters get thrown into 1776....

Awesome. I really wish that you guys lived closer me (or the reverse). So hard to get really good players. sigh.

But, remember that 1776, is when the USA delaires - and is granted - Independence.
Hence all the 4th of July parties.

But to give those PC a real chance to affect the war, start around 1770.
Since the Boston Massacre was what really kicked things off for that War.

Here's a twist - a Red Court Vampire "Renagade".
Is he really tired of being Low Man on the Totom Pole?
Or, is he trying to become the next Great Man - like Lord Cutler Beckett? (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)

Or, you could go back to 1765, and the founding of the Sons of Liberty...

Here's a website to use for info:
This is great fun!

Ok, ready for me to mixx the KoolAid a little more? LoL!!

You are correct that the Slaves were steeped in Magic.
Don't forget that there were also several other Ethnic Groups that were also.

Like the Irish, that the North brings in to fight in the Yankee Army against the South, with promises of citizenship and land grants - out West !!

Or the "French" mercs that the South used in their Rebel Army. Note: French and Spainish nobles just sent money!!

And that's just those Ethnic groups that I can think of off the top of my head, before bed!!
Respect must be earned.

If, in the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King - imagine the power of anyone that can clearly see !!!

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2007, 03:06:58 PM »
Okay, and now I am envisioning a Wild West (or Alaskan Gold Rush) town where the local Ladies of Ill Repute are all French White Court Vampires.  LOL

Your local chapter of the SCA might be a rich ground for finding fellow sharp players.
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2007, 03:55:12 PM »

But keep in mind that each Society can have their own versions of the various Court Vampires.
How would each be different, and would these different "Human Soceity" Vampires get along, behind the scenes?

Like Black Court, Red Court, and all three of the White Court - in America, South America, England; Spain; "Mexico", China. Etc
Make a list of how they would be the same as their "Countrymen" - and another for how they would be different, and a third for how they get along with other Vampire Courts.
And don't forget that during the Civil War is when Brigidere General Joseph Hooker "hired" women to be "Personal Caretakers" for his men, and thus the terms of both "Johns" and "Hookers" were coined.
I will also add that although Women did not have the kind of personal power that they enjoy today, Women still had what I tend to call Quiet (or Hidden) Power. Mothers would teach their daughters how to "choose" a good boy, as well as ways to "infuence" that boy. Fathers would normally teach their sons to be Tough Guys that were "Kings of the World" - and in this way could easily impress his Girl's Father, but remember that said boy still had to impress his Lady Love's Mother.

Also, a lot of Legends are listed where those that truely had the Magic, were..... Mortal Women!!
Sure there were Men that had the same kind of power, but - like Harry - they got it from their Mom !!
One thing that must never be overlooked as an Antagonist, is The Catholic Church. even today, they affect the beliefs of a lot of People.
This institution has held a lot of Power - in Money, Land, Politics, and "Magic".

Yes, the Church allows the use of "magic" (which some "faithful" believe are Prayers), but not unless a person was either a scantified Priest, or an annointed and appointed True Believer.
All other Practicioners of "Pagan Magic" were Demon-worshipers and Heritics, to be hunted down, and either Converted, or killed.

But, not all members of the Church believe this way, and so you could have a "Renegade Priest" that is very much like a Wizard.
Respect must be earned.

If, in the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King - imagine the power of anyone that can clearly see !!!

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2007, 11:44:45 PM »
Did you know that prior to the use of the Paris Meridian (recently made infamous by the DaVinci Code for its connection to the Roseline) as the Prime Meridian, Europe used "Ferro's Line"  so named for the island it referenced, western most known in the Old World (now el hierro, one of the canary islands off the coast of africa).

Gee, I wonder who lived there?...

Also fun to note that in 1634 Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu (rulers of france) declared it as the reference for all maps.  Do I smell a Three Musketeers story?

<(o)> <(o)>
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2008, 03:03:15 AM »
Another idea might be one set around the time of the Revolutionary War in the Boston area...
An interesting resource for this might be a (new?) RPG called Colonial Gothic which uses the notion that there are supernatural nasties in the 1776 era.

I ordered a copy on a hunch, but it might turn out to be a dud. It uses a game system I'm not familiar with (with a d12) but I'm hoping that the book itself provides useful period information.

If there's interest I can look for a link, or review the book once I get it.
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2008, 03:17:17 AM »
Link would be good...

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2008, 01:36:49 AM »
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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I support Colonial Gothic and Thousand Suns
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2008, 02:39:34 PM »
To me the Dresden Files are very much about the city. Whilst Harry Dresden is at the centre of the stories, Chicago is the other major character and the stories are about Urban Corruption and Politics - and as such although I'd love to run an historic Dresden game it would have to be in a true city settings. Preferably a city in a civilisation at its height, slipping slowly into decadence. As such there is whilst the American Civil war is an interesting setting I just don't see it as a suitable Dresden setting.
There are however several settings which do spring to mind.

I could see an incredible Dresden style story told in 1930's Berlin. Christopher Isherwood novel 'Goodbye to Berlin' would be great source material for this sort of campaign, as would the film Cabaret (1972).

Better still would be Victorian London? In fact the late 1880 or 1890s would be perfect for a Dresden game since Jim Butcher has already provided some details. We know that there was a War between the the White Council and the Black Court and that the release of the Novel 'Dracula' was the White Council's masterstroke - putting a vampire fighting manual into the hands of mortals.

Also the Victorians obsession with all things Spiritual makes for an interesting setting. Harry advertising in London would not raise nearly as many eyebrows, although he would still have lots of sceptics.

Consider some of the fictional and real events you could work into the plot - maybe some of the stories were accounts of real events or based on misunderstood accounts and are partially true:
  • 1886 - Fiction: Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. (Could he have been a Lycanthrope? Maybe it was something else)
  • 1888 -  Fact: Jack the Ripper murders (four women were murdered in Whitechapel and Spitalfields, the fifth nearby in the City - and you can invent your own reasons)
  • 1896 - Fiction: Dracula came to London - possible plots involving the formation of the Red Court? (Was there a real event to back this up, or was it really just a monster killing handbook)
  • 1897 - Fiction: Hawley Griffin, also known as The Invisible Man (Could this have been the Black court striking back at Veiled Wizards using the Wizards own tactics?)

Moving back further Roman at the height or early decline of the Roman empire might be an interesting setting. Again we are looking at an impersonal corrupt urban setting with all the associated politics.

Going back even further how about an Ancient Mesopotamian campaign set in Nineveh around 630BC ?  History tells us Sennacherib made Nineveh a truly magnificent city around 700 BC, with a "palace without a rival". Its elaborate system of eighteen canals was at the time very forward thinking and at the time with close to 150,000 inhabitants it would have been among the largest settlements worldwide. a century later the Assyrian empire began to show signs of weakness, and Nineveh was brought low through internal politics was significantly weakened - and ready to fall to the Medes, the Babylonians and Susianians in 612 BC

Setting a campaign 20 years before the end, in a city which less than a century before was a leading beacon in the world, but now suffers from the downward pull of its own corruption could make a very Dresden like setting even though its set 2500 years before our familiar modern day Dresden's Chicago.

Going back even further still, how about the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Unfortunately we cannot even be sure they existed - archaeologists don't even seem to agree where they would have been. The Bible indicates they were located near the Dead Sea but that could apply to a lot of places.

For the sins of their inhabitants Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim were destroyed by "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 19:24-25).

If this doesn't suggest plot lines to you I don't know what will. What were the sins which brought down God's wrath? We are told that there was at least one righteous person living in Sodom, Abraham's nephew Lot. I cant help wondering how one righteous person might respond to being in such a place. Very much like Michael in Desden's Chicago, I would imagine. Could the twin cities offer a possible origin to the White Court? Its an interesting setting and offers possibilities, but its also one I'll probably leave on the table though. Roleplaying already has a dubious reputation with some religious groups. Trying to explain why we were playing a game based in Gomorrah would be difficult, and the explanation that we were playing characters opposing the evil in those cities probably wouldn't carry much weight.

Now looking to the future as an alternative setting - I'm not sure it would work. First of all Dresden is based in our own experience. You may not know the dread of being followed by a vampire, but you definitely know the feat of being followed down a city street - or at least wondering if the guy behind you is following you. When Jim talks about a particular type of club you know what he's talking about. Its grounded in our reality. The further we go from that common context the less it will probably resound with us, and the harder it will be to hold the grim noirish feel. In addition I suspect the Murphyonic field would become a major hazard going into the future. Would you let Harry Dresden into a flying car? How about a space ship? Do you feel Wizards and life support systems would mix well? Imagine how much fun mixing Harry Dresden and Teleport devices could be? That's one uncontrolled talent I definitely wouldn't mix with Sci-Fi.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 06:07:52 AM by R00kie »

Offline Blaze

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2008, 03:04:59 PM »
We are now exploring a mix of Wooden Ships and Iron Men meets Harry Dresden. 

Can the wiley white court pirate Shirtless Tom and his brother Harried Harry stop the slave trade, save the Lady and thwart the Sea Hag and still manage to get Bob that weekend at the brothel Harry has been promising?

Cue the Calypso Music.

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #39 on: February 29, 2008, 12:32:27 AM »
~blinks~ Holy crap....

Offline Blaze

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #40 on: February 29, 2008, 12:33:24 AM »

and UnHoly Crap, too.
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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2008, 05:07:00 AM »
Hello all,
     I'm new here, and I don't really have time to post very often.  But I am a big fan of the books, and I've got a few ideas for the game.
     If we're talking about historical events to set a game around, I think a crisis might be a good idea.  That way, the timescale can be more like the books, for when people want a shorter campaign.
     A setting in the Cuban Missile Crisis would be awesome.  You have a group of five wizards, but they're split up.  Two are in D.C., one is in Havana, and two are in Moscow.  They can communicate by shortwave, but they can't easily work together.  Their overarching task is to avert nuclear war - maybe they are compatriots of major government officials, or maybe they can find and leak important information to the press/U.N..
     Though all the wizards are working together, they all want different resolutions to the crisis: the Cuban wants the missiles to stay, the Soviets want the U.S. to remove its missiles from Turkey, and the Americans want the missiles out of Cuba.  This could lead to some intra-group tension.  As a Diplomacy player, I see that as a plus - I don't know what others think about it.
     Of course, the wizards shouldn't just be fighting the paranoia and inertia of the superpowers.  Some group of villians (Denarians?  Black Court Vampires?  Some sort of pulp-sci-fi-ish "Cult of the Atom"?) should be working to cause war while the wizards prevent it.

     Maybe a more old-timey setting would work better.  The year is 1914.  It's July 10 or thereabouts.  Archduke Ferdinand has been shot and the armies of Europe are mobilizing.  The White Council has called upon your team of wizards to save the peace of Europe.  Meanwhile, the Red Court wants WWI to distract the White Council from its interference in Latin America.

      Latin American political wrangling would be an awesome setting for a game.  Maybe the Mexican Revolution is a populist uprising against the Red Court.  I always thought Jim was making a political statement with the vampires as big landowners - the patrons and barons of Latin America drain the lifeblood of the working class!  Maybe this is too much to assume, but having the players fight for land reform somewhere in Latin America with Red Court and possible U.S. opposition (see Guatemala, 1954) would be a neat spin on the setting.

      Do any of these make any sense?

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2008, 12:41:45 PM »
My group had a surprisingly good game a little while back.  We were set in New Orleans, and the weather was really starting to pick up, getting worse and worse.
The GM did a great job of NOT telling us that Katrina was on the way, just letting it happen.  It was a wild game with pressure from all around. 

Offline DrygonDM

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2008, 01:18:49 AM »
Howdy Mr. J.
Interesting situations there.
I'm more of the "quiet threat" kind of GameMaster: With adjustable degrees of Challenge.
For example: In Grave Peril: there were lots of homeless people vanishing from the streets.
Now, Harry knew where they were most likely being taken and what was likely to happen to them;
but he felt that he was not in a position to do anything to help them - at least not until later.

So, the year is 199x, The Red Court is throwing a shindig and there are more and more runaway kids vanishing off the streets.
And while "cool" vampire stories like The Lost Boys abound - the reality is a lot worse.
The Goal of the Players' Characters is: Find a way to save them!!!
(For those that need help now, as well as those looking - Keep trying.)

Create your Characters as per instructions, and give them some Background.
Who your parents are, and where you lived up to age 15-16.

Is your Character a Runaway? If so: Explain why.
And if not, explain how your PC would get involved in the events about to happen.

Begginer Level:
This level of Challenge usually starts with the PCs getting picked up and taken to the "Party".
For the PCs - Things should start out be a great deal of fun.
Speed the party up when one of the PCs are either attacked
or the Party Members see another kid (NPC) being bled dry.
Remeber to allow the Players every chance to do something, but don't lessen the Vampires abilities.
Someone like Harry shows up and deals with the Vampires, at the end of the night.

Expert Level: For those that the GM knows are experierenced.
This time, the PCs are tracking down where the Kids are being taken.
There are clues and NPC informants ment to aid the PCs.
At this stage, the PCs can still be rescued, as above.

Master Level: For those Players that the GM knows are very experienced.
Fewer clues and no willing informants make finding the Secret Location for the "Vampire Party"
extreemely difficult. Adding more false leads and needed rescues
- all of these are with time limits for all of it.
Respect must be earned.

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Re: Alternate Time Periods for Dresden RPGs
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2008, 06:39:40 PM »
An interesting point of note on this is that there is some question during the series as to how the technology vs. magic situation works.

There is at least some evidence that magic's effects on technology is dependent upon the magic-user's beliefs about it and/or their view of technology.

I don't remember the specific lines, but Harry wonders at one point about Ebenezer and how well he deals with technology, being older and of a different mindset.

This also makes me wonder: if a wizard from the far future were to show up, would he not have any problems with technology because it is, to him, so antique and simple?  For that matter, do TOOLS count as technology, or just electronics?  I expect that no matter how new the technology of a sword or armor, for instance, might be, there just aren't as many possibilities for it to not work as there are for electronics.  Though it might shatter, and I wouldn't, as a wizard, want to stand around while a smith was forging it. :)
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