Well, I had the IN vs. OUT Theory. This theory proposes that there are a set of nemfected, or Outsider won or nearly won alternate realities.
Then, there would be a set of say mantles that would be OUT (compromised or nemfected but perhaps still struggling) and IN (mostly free from contagion but fighting). Within this IN and OUT would be a IN MAB and a OUT MAB representing a set of alternate realities that align with either Outsider majority owned reality or Insider majority owned reality. Murphy would be part of this IN MAB construct across alternate realities but with functionality coming more and more online as she approaches the avg time of her ascension, or at least pass the time of her original birth, key events, past time travel event, or future ascension event, etc.
This imagines that Murphy will play a GAME against an OUT MAB.
This theory allows for a showdown between true Mirror Mirror mega-universes, one that is IN and one that is OUT. Mirror Mirror would just be a tiny version of this but fairly close to the fulcrum of say a V of the expansive continuum.