Author Topic: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks  (Read 12915 times)

Offline Kindler

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2017, 02:25:08 PM »
I'm going to be interested to see how the Merlin responds to Harry after a few years free of Peabody's mind-altering ink. He had a rather radical shift in character in Changes, and seemed like he actually wanted to win the war he was fighting for a change. That was just, what, a year of clarity later? He probably won't be Harry's biggest fan, but I think he's going to be much, much more reasonable, and less obtusely conniving and self-destructive.

Offline Froklsnt

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2017, 07:03:25 PM »
I can kind of see meetings happening on demonreach, due to the sheer security in such a location. Anyone who starts a fight here will deeply regret it.

I could see that happening in the third act, a sword of Damocles over everyone present at the talks. So many possibilities with that idea. But something would have to go seriously wrong first, for the powers that be to choose to allow all those beings onto Demonreach as guests. And Alfred would not be amused.

I'm going to be interested to see how the Merlin responds to Harry after a few years free of Peabody's mind-altering ink. He had a rather radical shift in character in Changes, and seemed like he actually wanted to win the war he was fighting for a change. That was just, what, a year of clarity later? He probably won't be Harry's biggest fan, but I think he's going to be much, much more reasonable, and less obtusely conniving and self-destructive.

It is a tremendously relevant point that we have barely seen anything out of the council when they weren't under the BC's corruption. Peabody and his ink were there from the very first time we saw the WCW, in Summer Knight. Our conceptions of the council's motivations may be far more outmoded than we realize.

Offline kazimmoinuddin

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2017, 02:26:43 AM »
How many would be aware of the true nature of the island? So they could be tricked into coming to their doom.
k moinuddin

Offline dspringer1

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2017, 03:23:26 PM »
What would the council want with territory? All of the WC wizards we've seen on-screen have had a personal domain or area and couldn't really care about the rest. Half the Senior Council seem to have no interests in material wealth at all.

Multiple Reasons
1) Much easier to find and recruit wizards in territory that they mostly control.  This is not a strong reason as the White Council cannot effectively recruit in their own territory.
2) There are wizards in these lands and the white council dominating this territory makes them safer/stronger/more effective.  Many of these would argue for expanding their area of dominion. 
3) Keeping the territory means that some other supernatural races does not have it.   That means some other supernatural race is not getting a lot stronger and thus a bigger threat. 
4) Status

Offline RobReece

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2017, 07:17:24 PM »
I don't think the Wouncil has the numbers to hold large territories.  That was one of the problems with the war against the Reds, the vampires had large numbers of members and servitors, just look how many they had at Chicken Pizza alone, and they could generate more exponentially faster than the Council. 

I don't recall seeing anything that says specifically how many wizards there are, but I could be wrong... In TC, Harry calls the 600 members present a "sizable minority" so I wouldn't think that worldwide there are more than say 2-3 thousand?  With the majority of them non-combatant types and even those who have combat experience have less strength than Harry.  With most of them probably unwilling to leave their own lives and spheres of influence to "hold territory" somewhere else, I don't think its feasible for them to try and establish a "White Council Territory".

Offline groinkick

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2017, 07:49:55 PM »
I think what the Merlin really wants from Peace Talks is banana cream pie, made only the way Mother Summer can make it.  He got a taste at 25 and has been waiting for another slice ever since.  He got wind of Harry meeting with the mothers, suspects he got a slice and has been hating him ever since.  He desperately hoping that she will serve some for such an important event.
Stole this from Reginald because it was so well put, and is true for me as well.

"I love this place. It was a beacon in the dark and I couldn't have made it through some of the most maddening years of my life without some great people here."  Thank you Griff and others who took up the torch.

Offline dspringer1

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2017, 11:16:15 PM »
I am not sure that our view of territory matches that of the supernatural races.   Case in point.  The Red court territory was Central and South America.  Yet they had operations in North America, Africa, Europe which they used in their war with the White Council.   It was also noted that wizards of the White Council lived in Central and South America despite the Red's control of that space.  (examples given in books)

I am guessing that territory is more of a measure of effective dominance than exclusive use.  The Reds controlled Central and South America and thus dominated the local governments, had a strong presence in most countries, and were clearly the most powerful supernatural nation in the area.  Anybody who lived in this region had to respect Red Court power and live to some extent with their dictates.    This is why Bianca had to respect Harry in Chicago - she was operating in .White Council territory.  Harry's ability to threaten her would have been much less if the same conversation occurred in Bogota

I suspect there are many pockets of supernatural races in Central and South America.  Any one pocket might be relatively weak in the grand scheme of things, but collectively I suspect there was a lot of power there.  Now that the Reds are gone, it is these pockets that have the most opportunity to expand -- and compete against outside powers moving in (like the Formor).  Of course, not every supernatural races is expansionistic or able to expand quickly even if so inclined.  But I suspect most of them will expand their own territory to some extent now that the Reds are broken. 

Offline Rasins

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2017, 07:18:31 PM »
I think what the Merlin really wants from Peace Talks is banana cream pie, made only the way Mother Summer can make it.  He got a taste at 25 and has been waiting for another slice ever since.  He got wind of Harry meeting with the mothers, suspects he got a slice and has been hating him ever since.  He desperately hoping that she will serve some for such an important event.


It was Keylime pie.  Much more summery.
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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2017, 09:58:50 PM »
Key lime pie is good as long as Dexter Morgan is not delivering it.
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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2017, 01:31:13 AM »
Key lime pie is good as long as Dexter Morgan is not delivering it.

Dexter seems more like the kind of guy that Winter would hire to do deliveries to me.

Mab would dig his style.

Offline kazimmoinuddin

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Re: What does the Merlin want out of Peace Talks
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2017, 11:27:18 PM »
Harry is a a wreaking ball and the winter knight is a weapon, so the Merlin knows there will be a fight, so simply aim him at their enemies.
k moinuddin