Author Topic: Another "My avatar isn't working" thread  (Read 5640 times)

Offline DonBugen

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Another "My avatar isn't working" thread
« on: September 10, 2017, 04:08:05 AM »
I swear, I've looked over every thread I could find about using avatars after someone hit 100 posts, and no one discusses this issue.  That I can see, at least.  So I figure this is fresh.

So, this should be post 101.  I've got that fancy new option that allows me to use an avatar based off of a URL.  And I've been trying, and each time I put in the URL of the image and save,  the system changes me to "No Avatar".  I've tried hosting on both imgur and imgbb and received the exact same result.  I've tried also using Photobucket, but they tell me that the days of free image sharing are over, and that I need to pay up to share the image online.  Trying to link to an image there gets me a picture of a duck and the words "No image found: Click Here!"  Not helpful.

It's just a 100x100 jpeg, nothing fancy.  Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Offline Dina

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Re: Another "My avatar isn't working" thread
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2017, 08:53:24 AM »
I was going to mention the size, but if your image has a 100x100 size, not idea. Perhaps you needed to have 101 posts instead of 100? Try again.
Missing you, Md 

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Offline DonBugen

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Re: Another "My avatar isn't working" thread
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2017, 04:52:05 PM »
Figured it out; I had to turn it from an "HTTPS" to an "HTTP".  Thanks!