Author Topic: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler  (Read 22231 times)

Offline Con

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2017, 09:08:00 AM »
Back the White COurt and Venatores for a moment here's a direct transcription of the scene in Back Up where Thomas explains the Oblivion War to Bob.

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Okay so gimme a minute that's like three pages of typing....

We know from this and the scene in Cold Days where Harry picks up a copy of the Brothers Grimm dedicated to Mab, that Mab came up with the idea of using the dessimination of information to alert the public first using vague folktales of the Brothers Grimm.

Hard to say if this was the inspiration for the White Council's policy of dessimination like they did with the Necronomicon or they got the idea's directly from the Venatores like Mab did.

Lara in turn used this policy with Stoker's book who was a pretty poor playwright  as a go to guide to kill Black Court during the Black Court Purge, and if Quantus and that WOJ is to believe who are themselves tainted with the Outside.

All of this is a great indicator that Lara can't simply be blocked into "the bad guy" category I find Thomas's paragraph monologue at the end unconvincing.

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Seems like a lot of millenia of work to cut down competition.

Also whose Marduk and Tiamat?

There's a thread on the board by a roman historian whose an expert on Latin that Jim made a msitake with this Latin translation of "Venatori Umbrorum" just like he did with Die der Erlking. I jokingly suggested that he did it intentionally that there's a triple meaning to Venatori. Who know's maybe there is?

The Prosthanos Society seems like dead ringers for the Fomor maybe they're apart of them? It'd make sense as the Fomor is an amalgamation of dark gods and goddesses who've been forgotten likely largely due to the efforts of the Venatores.

Also if the Archive leads the Venatores and presumably knows of the Fae's role as Guaridans of the Outer Gates as well as they're obviously more connected role with the natural world and the change of seasons... Why try to get rid of them? Presumably the chaos of the 1600s and 1700s were one of those insane periods Thomas was talking about.

How would Thomas even know about those insane periods if theirs no recorded history of the Venatores activities?

Okay so to sum up let's make some presumptions on some dark gods, pantheons who the Venatores have been partially succesful against, as obviously we wouldn't know of the totally succesful ones.

In the book series that we know of.

-Black Court (Lara's direct involvement with Stoker)
-Fomor (speculative given Leansidhe's description during Bombshells. I can quote it at request but I feel like this post has enough of that for one post)
-Kemmler (The destruction of all copies of Kemmler's other works and of that of Die der Erlking combined with Thomas's shifty behaviour and help)
-Red Court (If you're including Lara and Thomas's support during said Chicken Pizza operation)
- Inca and Mayan gods that appear in the DFRPG Paranet Papers

Speculative outside the Books

Real World:
-Titans (Probably they're greatest failure as they are so closely tied with Greek myths and much of our ancestral knowledge in a variety of fields comes from Greek culture)
- Egyptian demons like Apophis (Second greates failure thanks to Stargate)
-Gaulish deities (The fact that we know so little of Gaulish myths and what we do know is innacurate colorful descriptions by Julius Caesar which have largely been discounted. No other evidence of the wicker man for instance nor do we know whom Obelisks were supposed to worship. Finally Apollo and Mars seem to have taken over most of their gods in the Roman period)

Any others people can think of?

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2017, 02:23:17 PM »
All of this is a great indicator that Lara can't simply be blocked into "the bad guy" category I find Thomas's paragraph monologue at the end unconvincing.
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I don't know about that. He also mentioned in CD that she'd been getting exasperated with interlopers trying to muscle in on the White Court's "centuries of work to cultivate this herd".

I think she's genuinely bad in her motivations. It's just that the difference between her and, say, Nicodemus or the Outsiders is that her goal is a healthy herd to take food from, instead of an apocalypse. She's just as unconcerned with other people, but from humanity's perspective she's only going to cause tolerable losses to predation rather than an extinction-level (or nearly so) event.

Offline kazimmoinuddin

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2017, 09:01:16 PM »
If the BCV know the Wcv caused their down fall, would they provide Sid to their enemies? They might occasionally interfere with the ventori.

I always thought that the BCV would be epic allies with the fomor, the thing is they are vulnerable to running water, and the fomor are water aligned beings. So any relationship would be tricky.
k moinuddin

Offline Con

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2017, 05:00:01 AM »
WOJ is that all the Black Court that held grudges against the White Court were killed off in the 60s.,26542.msg1138602.html#msg1138602
Quote from: Jim Butcher
Die of syphilis?  God, no, man.  Stoker was the cutout. :)

The BC didn't /know/ about the WC's involvement until well after the fact, at which point it was entirely academic.  The BC who are left survive because they are extremely pragmatic.  They don't have enough trouble surviving /without/ picking a fight with the entire White Court, who will only send the peasants and pitchforks anyway?  If one needs to vent one's spleen, one does it on hapless mortals, preferably those no one will miss.

The BC who wanted to get all ballsy about Just Vengeance died in the fifties and sixties, culminating in the heyday of the Hammer films

Offline kazimmoinuddin

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2017, 10:38:53 PM »
I could see the Wcv considering the remaining BCV as a loose end that need to be dealt with. If the remaining elders are somehow drawn out and removed, then what remains would be easily dealt with.
k moinuddin

Offline Rasins

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2017, 03:03:35 PM »
Just as easy as drawing out the Jade court?
At times I wish I had a clone, but then I realize, I could never live with that a-hole.

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Offline kazimmoinuddin

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #36 on: September 07, 2017, 01:14:47 AM »
 I wonder if Harry might have the protection needed to deal with such entities, now he is warden. The well could contain the entities, and eventually they could be forgotten. The description of those creature Thomas is against, sounds similar to the inmates of the well.
k moinuddin

Offline LordDresden2

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #37 on: September 07, 2017, 02:34:22 AM »
Back the White COurt and Venatores for a moment here's a direct transcription of the scene in Back Up where Thomas explains the Oblivion War to Bob.

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Okay so gimme a minute that's like three pages of typing....

We know from this and the scene in Cold Days where Harry picks up a copy of the Brothers Grimm dedicated to Mab, that Mab came up with the idea of using the dessimination of information to alert the public first using vague folktales of the Brothers Grimm.

Hard to say if this was the inspiration for the White Council's policy of dessimination like they did with the Necronomicon or they got the idea's directly from the Venatores like Mab did.

Lara in turn used this policy with Stoker's book who was a pretty poor playwright  as a go to guide to kill Black Court during the Black Court Purge, and if Quantus and that WOJ is to believe who are themselves tainted with the Outside.

All of this is a great indicator that Lara can't simply be blocked into "the bad guy" category I find Thomas's paragraph monologue at the end unconvincing.

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Seems like a lot of millenia of work to cut down competition.

Also whose Marduk and Tiamat?

There's a thread on the board by a roman historian whose an expert on Latin that Jim made a msitake with this Latin translation of "Venatori Umbrorum" just like he did with Die der Erlking. I jokingly suggested that he did it intentionally that there's a triple meaning to Venatori. Who know's maybe there is?

The Prosthanos Society seems like dead ringers for the Fomor maybe they're apart of them? It'd make sense as the Fomor is an amalgamation of dark gods and goddesses who've been forgotten likely largely due to the efforts of the Venatores.

Also if the Archive leads the Venatores and presumably knows of the Fae's role as Guaridans of the Outer Gates as well as they're obviously more connected role with the natural world and the change of seasons... Why try to get rid of them? Presumably the chaos of the 1600s and 1700s were one of those insane periods Thomas was talking about.

How would Thomas even know about those insane periods if theirs no recorded history of the Venatores activities?

Okay so to sum up let's make some presumptions on some dark gods, pantheons who the Venatores have been partially succesful against, as obviously we wouldn't know of the totally succesful ones.

In the book series that we know of.

-Black Court (Lara's direct involvement with Stoker)
-Fomor (speculative given Leansidhe's description during Bombshells. I can quote it at request but I feel like this post has enough of that for one post)
-Kemmler (The destruction of all copies of Kemmler's other works and of that of Die der Erlking combined with Thomas's shifty behaviour and help)
-Red Court (If you're including Lara and Thomas's support during said Chicken Pizza operation)
- Inca and Mayan gods that appear in the DFRPG Paranet Papers

Speculative outside the Books

Real World:
-Titans (Probably they're greatest failure as they are so closely tied with Greek myths and much of our ancestral knowledge in a variety of fields comes from Greek culture)
- Egyptian demons like Apophis (Second greates failure thanks to Stargate)
-Gaulish deities (The fact that we know so little of Gaulish myths and what we do know is innacurate colorful descriptions by Julius Caesar which have largely been discounted. No other evidence of the wicker man for instance nor do we know whom Obelisks were supposed to worship. Finally Apollo and Mars seem to have taken over most of their gods in the Roman period)

Any others people can think of?

Keep in mind that everything Thomas thinks he knows about the Oblivion War and the Venators comes to him from Lara.  That makes Thomas' knowledge of it all suspect.

JB has confirmed that it's real, and IIRC that the Archive is the center of it.  If that turns out to be right (JB sometimes says misleading things, and sometimes changes his mind), that still doesn't mean that Thomas can believe everything Lara feeds him.  The various logical contradictions in the concept remain, too.

Is Lara good?  Mostly no.  She may have some decent impulses from time to time, but on the basis of the evidence, she's one of the Bad Girls, and I mean that in the bad way.

Offline Rasins

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2017, 05:59:46 PM »
Here is the WOJ that explains Ivy's role with the Oblivion War.

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At times I wish I had a clone, but then I realize, I could never live with that a-hole.

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Offline LordDresden2

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2017, 02:20:14 AM »
Here is the WOJ that explains Ivy's role with the Oblivion War.

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Yeah, that was the one I was talking about.

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2017, 05:26:37 PM »
Do you think given the theory that the Black Court were created in part from energy from The Outside, that the Archive had a direct hand in ordering Lara and the Ventores to get rid of them?

We know from the WoJ what the Archive's purpose and strategy is, and that she acts through the Venatores. We only have two examples of the Venatores, Lara and Thomas. Stoker's book is precisely the opposite of their usual M.O., which is very curious since it was Lara who got it published. This would seem contradictory to her role as Venatore, but there's an important distinction here.

The Oblivion War is against entities not on the mortal plane. It is against beings dwelling in the Nevernever (and maybe Outsiders? I don't think we have any info either way). It's purpose is not to combat entities already here, because the 'forgetting' tactic doesn't work. So the BCV simply wasn't within the scope of the Oblivion War.

Lara took the strategy she used as a Venatore and inverted it to combat an enemy on this side of reality. The Archive likely didn't have much to say on the matter one way or another, past maybe a smirk of seeing someone new figuring out that trick.

What makes for interesting thought experiments, as Con is suggesting, is to think through other examples where that tactic has been used in the DV, and test the waters to see if we can spot any other likely Vanatores.

Offline Con

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2017, 02:04:14 AM »

Lara took the strategy she used as a Venatore and inverted it to combat an enemy on this side of reality. The Archive likely didn't have much to say on the matter one way or another, past maybe a smirk of seeing someone new figuring out that trick.

What makes for interesting thought experiments, as Con is suggesting, is to think through other examples where that tactic has been used in the DV, and test the waters to see if we can spot any other likely Vanatores.

Thank You Fro- (seriously?) Froklsnt

I'd also add that Lara just as likely got the idea from Mab fighting the Venatores through her publication of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Which I've been reading by the way, they don't describe many of the Sidhe we've seen, don't even mention Mab. Though there are admittedly a few Toot like sprites that pop up now and again.

But I'll make another seperate topic about my readings of them.

But yes I think the Fomor from their description of 'dark gods' from various pantheons, are that they are defeated gods who the Venatores may have had a hand in their downfall or at least lack of remembrance in humanity.

Offline Froklsnt

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2017, 04:32:57 PM »
Thank You Fro- (seriously?) Froklsnt

My handle is an old inside joke from a typo, I use it everywhere  :P

But yes I think the Fomor from their description of 'dark gods' from various pantheons, are that they are defeated gods who the Venatores may have had a hand in their downfall or at least lack of remembrance in humanity.

I think the Fomor may be non-mortal patrons or adherents to the deities and demons the Oblivion War is being fought against. They may even have knowledge on hand that, in the hands of mortals, could revive an enemy thought defeated by the Archive. They have been living apart from humanity for a loooong time. But, they can't be the actual entities the war is against, because they're here. They're on the mortal plane. The Oblivion War is explicitly about beings who are not in this world, because the tactic of making folks forget you exist only works if you then can't be summoned or invoked. While a being's power can certainly vary with the amount of faith mortals have in them, I don't think they can be "confined to oblivion" if they're already here.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 04:45:09 PM by Froklsnt »

Offline kazimmoinuddin

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2017, 12:43:42 PM »
I have always thought that the inmates of the well were described similarly to those that comprise the fomor court. I am betting that the few remaining brings of power in the court will end up in the well, no such a loss of power will cripple the court. Being placed in the well would aid in them being forgotten, if their ability to affect the world is limited.
k moinuddin

Offline Rasins

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Re: White Court, Venatori and Kemmler
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2017, 07:02:54 PM »
I don't know about them being forgotten in the well.  If you're an (effectively) Immortal being and your buddy, also and Immortal is locked up in the well, are you going to forget them?

I'm beginning to think that part of the goal of Peace Talks will be for the Fomor to negotiate the release of some of the inmates.
At times I wish I had a clone, but then I realize, I could never live with that a-hole.

DV Rasins 2006 BK+++ RP++ JB++++ TH++++ WG+(+?) CL SW++ BC- MC---