Author Topic: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)  (Read 92539 times)

Offline Mira

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #195 on: August 27, 2017, 06:27:01 AM »
I thought about that as well. But considering further, I discount her performance during book 12. Chopping up vampires is not a KoTC's main job, saving mortals from fallen is. Which is probably why Murphy held out from wielding fid for so long. She knew she is not cut out for it, and when she was finally cornered to wield the holy sword for it's main purpose, she fails.

  Part of their job is defeating evil..  Denarians it is about redemption, but they go after evil too.   Why else were ALL three Swords engaged at C.I.?  Sanya and then the temps Murphy and Susan.. Susan who could not touch Fid back in Death Masks because she was half turned, could suddenly wield the Sword of Love to save her child..  Murphy who found herself a sock puppet for an avenging angel handing out judgement and justice from the Almighty.. The angel using her body said so at the time..  Murphy didn't like being used that way and didn't want to experience it again, that was her initial reason for telling Harry at the end of Changes she didn't want the full time job..   I think her reasons changed as of Skin Game, in my opinion she was going through a crisis of faith.  Understandably during Harry's absence she had become cynical.  She no longer bought into, if she ever did, the idea that Denarians can or deserve a chance at redemption.  That is the big reason why she went ahead and took the Sword with in my opinion, to her it had become a mere weapon, not a symbol of something higher with rules of engagement.
Wielding a sword is one thing, becoming a KotC is another thing entirely. I strongly suspect Harry refuse to become a KoTC for the same reason. There just isn't much mercy in Harry and Murphy for the likes of Nicodemous, which for me is a completely understandable point of view, but sadly such a way of thinking does not agree with the crede of the KoTC.
I think for Harry it is a bit more complicated and involves a number of factors, most importantly perhaps is, he was never offered the job..  To be their custodian and to hand them out as needed, yes, but he has never been given a job offer to wield one.. Even to save little Maggie he didn't even consider using one, he handed the Sword of Love to Susan instead. 

In contrast Murphy was first given a job offer back in Small Favor, the Sword lit up when she touched it, but she rejected it, she was still a cop back then..  She accepted it for one night for C.I. but rejected the job an a regular bases at the end of Changes..  Further in Skin Game states that she doesn't buy into the rules governing them..  But Harry does..

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #196 on: August 27, 2017, 10:14:38 AM »
She no longer bought into, if she ever did, the idea that Denarians can or deserve a chance at redemption.  That is the big reason why she went ahead and took the Sword with in my opinion, to her it had become a mere weapon, not a symbol of something higher with rules of engagement.

Imma have to disagree with you on this one. Murphy says herself in SG that she doesn't want to save/redeem them yes- but it's as a citation as to why she can't take up Fid.

What drove her to that decision was desperation, not a misunderstanding as to what the Swords require. She knows she's not suitable.

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #197 on: August 27, 2017, 10:31:03 AM »
Imma have to disagree with you on this one. Murphy says herself in SG that she doesn't want to save/redeem them yes- but it's as a citation as to why she can't take up Fid.

What drove her to that decision was desperation, not a misunderstanding as to what the Swords require. She knows she's not suitable.

If this is true, it just further proves the point that she was never a rightful custodian of the Swords.  What you saying works in the heat of the moment, she really thought that Harry was going to die, ergo she used the Sword improperly..  If that is all that happened, buy that, but it wasn't...  1] She made the decision to conceal the Sword on her person, after all she said, not a word to Harry.  It reeks premeditation, it also reeks planning on using the Sword as a mere weapon, a] you don't bring it unless you intend to use it..b] you know if you have to use it chances are you are going to misuse it.. In effect it makes her a hypocrite, she talks good about the rules but then she knowingly breaks them.  2]  It is her sitting of judgement of Nic, the words "damn you," as she lowers the Sword that got it broken, to her in that moment it was a mere weapon, she had Nic beaten, he had surrendered, she proceeded to execution...

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #198 on: August 27, 2017, 11:35:09 AM »
you don't bring it unless you intend to use it
That's simply not true.

Murphy brings her sidearm with her everywhere. Does that mean she always intends to use it?

Ditto with Harry's rings, staff, blasting rod, and firearm.

You also still have not responded to my or KurtinStGeorge's posts, Mira. I think we both asked some pertinent questions, so it's curious that you're ignoring them.
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Offline Arjan

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #199 on: August 27, 2017, 03:06:46 PM »
She took it up to save Harry. She did save Harry. That was the important thing. She was not proper knight material so the sword broke. So what.

Who would not break a sword to save a loved one?
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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #200 on: August 27, 2017, 07:21:38 PM »
All: sorry if this message sounds weird, my keyboard died and so I'm dictating this to my cell phone. Expect some odd misspellings. I'm proofreading as best as I can, but it's a tiny little screen.

Mr. Death: I agree that I think we're pretty much at the same place, though I'm sure there's some small things we may quibble over that I think we're in an "agree to disagree" mode - like whether Karrin was a good friend to deny Dresden the right of custodianship.
I would say it's not so much she thinks she has the right as she feels she has the responsibility to look after and hand out the Swords. Someone needs to look after them until the time is right; Harry was that person, then he got killed and implicitly entrusted them to Murphy. She probably didn't want them any more than Harry did, but now that she has them, she's going to do the job to the best of her ability and guided by her own judgment -- just like Harry did.
That is an excellent argument if Karen had decided to appoint someone a Knight before CD, but not so much after. Karrin is Catholic, same as Michael. They both believe that the will of God should be followed. Their creed states that priests, bishops, and popes should be divinely ordained, as well as anyone else in that kind of high position. So why does she take up on herself the role and responsibility?

One would think that she would think that Michael would be a better choice to ordain the next bearer of the swords. Instead, she refuses to give up control and takes the role upon herself. And we see that the results are disastrous. I don't argue that she felt like she had the responsibility, but just because she felt like she had the responsibility didn't mean that she actually had it.

There's one fundamental difference between Lash and the Mantle. Lash is there because Harry did not accept the coin's bargain; the Mantle is there because he did accept Mab's. There's a level of acceptance in the Mantle that wasn't present for Lash -- he's already said the big Yes, which I'd say makes him more vulnerable to it.
There were many levels of acceptance for using the coin. Remember? With each level, Harry got a little bit more power, and Lash got a little more control. Touching coin, Harry got the shadow, Lash got to communicate to Harry's subconscious, and some involuntary use of her power. Calling on that power voluntarily gave him direct communication with Lash,  the ability for him to be reasoned and argued with, and the access to her knowledge. It's true that in the case of the winter mantel, Harry is currently further along the path than he was with lash. But make no mistake, he has already made the choice and accepted the power in. Foot in the door. Lash admits that no one who had accepted to the level that he already had had remained uncorrupted. In the long- term, a mortal who held a coin has just as much chance to be corrupted as a mortal having the winter mantle: it's an almost certainty. That's why I think that there's a fundamental difference between Michael and Karrin in this case: Michael had faith that his friend wouldn't become corrupted. Karrin did not.

Fair, I hadn't thought of it in that terms. But Hannah appealed to Harry personally in ways that, say, Nicodemus did not. Harry might be willing to save a "new" Denarian that he thinks was tricked, but Michael is willing to save Nicodemus.
You say that now, but remember: we don't actually know what Nicodemus' long term plans actually are. Nick is an ends justify the means kind of person, and it's been very clear throughout all of his appearances that he running against a deadline against something gigantic. His daughter also says candidly that they believe that they're saving the world. In SF, one of the books in which I think that he's being the most upfront and honest, he really does try to persuade Dresden, and says that a lot of the job would actually be good.

I believe that at this point, he thinks that Lash has more influence over him and that he could be swayed. There's no reason to give Harry the coin of the temptress unless he actually intends to win him over to his court. I think that once he understands what Nick has been working towards, they will still be enemies. But he will, to an extent, understand why he went to such lengths. And that understanding can lead to empathy.

Chopping up vampires is not a KoTC's main job, saving mortals from fallen is.
Michael was on mission when he helped out Harry in GP he was on mission when they fought the demon summer earlier that year. He was on Mission when he saved Ebenezer and gain during PG. Just because the Denarians are there huge major enemy, doesn't mean that they're not called to other tasks.

Who would not break a sword to save a loved one?
A true Knight trusts TWG and knows that there's always a way out. The right way will present itself, if they have faith. Therefore, they should never be in a situation where they would have to break a sword in order to save a loved one.

Consider the situation. Karrin attacking with the sword did nothing. It did nothing other than allow Nick to drop his game and win. If Karen had called his bluff, Dresden would not have died. Nick was counting on Dresden to get through the gate of ice. Mab would not have given him a second knight due to Harry's death in service at the hands of one of Nick's henchman and at his instructions. Nor could Nick risk Karrin calling his bluff.  If Karen had called Nick's bluff, walked up, and attempted to recover Anduriel's coin to toss it into Michael's yard - somewhere irretrievable - Nick would have scrambled to retrieve it and let them go. He really doesn't have any other option at this point. He needs Harry's cooperation. And to have taken such a leap of faith, I think that Karrin might have actually become a knight. Funny, what the difference between one choice will make.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #201 on: August 27, 2017, 07:47:30 PM »
A true Knight trusts TWG and knows that there's always a way out. The right way will present itself, if they have faith. Therefore, they should never be in a situation where they would have to break a sword in order to save a loved one.
No he does not know there is always a way out because free willed choices in the past by her and other people could have put her in a situation without one.

Uriel does not think human life that important anyway, the soul is more important.

Consider the situation. Karrin attacking with the sword did nothing. It did nothing other than allow Nick to drop his game and win. If Karen had called his bluff, Dresden would not have died.
Harry had broken the rules. Nicodemus could very well have killed him and asked Mab for a replacement.
Nick was counting on Dresden to get through the gate of ice. Mab would not have given him a second knight due to Harry's death in service at the hands of one of Nick's henchman and at his instructions. Nor could Nick risk Karrin calling his bluff.  If Karen had called Nick's bluff, walked up, and attempted to recover Anduriel's coin to toss it into Michael's yard - somewhere irretrievable - Nick would have scrambled to retrieve it and let them go. He really doesn't have any other option at this point. He needs Harry's cooperation. And to have taken such a leap of faith, I think that Karrin might have actually become a knight. Funny, what the difference between one choice will make.
Nicodemus would have called the coin back to him, they can do that until the coin is secured.

And the only decision that really counted here was when she took the sword. She took it to save Harry and she did. Breaking the sword was not the objective or even something she did to save Harry, it was just the result of who she was and the situation she was in. Maybe she could have handled it differently (though try to find that out in her situation under stress and only seconds to think, even when people have years to think about it I did not read a real better option)

She acted true to her nature as Uriel probably already had figured out before it happened.
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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #202 on: August 28, 2017, 12:25:28 AM »
Ok, now I'm trying to write with an iPad, and can't easily copy/paste. I could only bring in one copied chunk of text, and chose a book quote.  Please forgive me for the awkwardness.

Arjan's comment on how knights can't have faith that there will be a way out due to free will.
I think you're missing the point of the Knights. Michael has to run out with Dresden to save his pregnant wife from the Nightmare, and Father Forthill is miraculously there to babysit. Sanya confidently asserts that they will arrive at Chichen Itza in time despite being horribly behind schedule. Michael thanking God in Skin Game for never having to make the choices that Harry had to. There's always, always a choice. The choice might suck - Shiro sacrificing himself (not his sword) for Dresden certainly did - but there's always a choice.

Arjan's comment on how Harry broke the rules so Nick was OK to kill him and get a replacement.
How did he break the rules? I don't see it. So he wasn't all that helpful in the fight. You know how confusing fights might go. So his spell failed to kill Butters and knocked him into another yard. He was always a slippery little guy. Nick even acknowledges at the end that his threat to Dresden and attempt to kill him was just a ploy and therefore not a betrayal. Harry did not hurt Nick or Gen and complied with the orders given.  While it's obvious that he's trying to work against Nicodemus, they stay within the letter of the law. If Gen were to kill him now, that would be a betrayal of Mab's trust.

”“The hell you have,” I spat. “You just ordered your goon to kill me. You’ve broken your contract with Mab.”
Nicodemus shifted his gaze to me and looked amused. “That?” he said. “Goodness, Dresden, can you not recognize a ploy when you see one?”
“What ploy?” I demanded.
“I needed to put a little pressure on Miss Murphy,” he said. “But you were never in any actual danger. Do you honestly think it would take the Genoskwa more than a few seconds to crack even a skull so thick as yours?” He smiled widely, clearly enjoying himself. “Why, it was no more an attempt to kill you than was your participation in the chase of the little doctor a betrayal of Mab’s word that you would aid me.”

Arjans comment that a Denarian can call back a coin with magic until it is secured.
Do you remember in the final battle in Skin Game, when Nicodemus grabs his wife's arm and prevents her from sending a spell in retaliation into Michaels yard? It's not just that the supernatural folk can't enter the yard; they can't penetrate it, even with magic, without risking the wrath of the guardian angels. Reaching magically into Michaels yard to pull out some cursed pocket change, I think, counts as crossing the boundary into the protected zone, and would mean that the Angels would be free to smite him.

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #203 on: August 28, 2017, 12:53:37 AM »
If this is true, it just further proves the point that she was never a rightful custodian of the Swords.  What you saying works in the heat of the moment, she really thought that Harry was going to die, ergo she used the Sword improperly..  If that is all that happened, buy that, but it wasn't...  1] She made the decision to conceal the Sword on her person, after all she said, not a word to Harry.  It reeks premeditation, it also reeks planning on using the Sword as a mere weapon, a] you don't bring it unless you intend to use it..b] you know if you have to use it chances are you are going to misuse it.. In effect it makes her a hypocrite, she talks good about the rules but then she knowingly breaks them.  2]  It is her sitting of judgement of Nic, the words "damn you," as she lowers the Sword that got it broken, to her in that moment it was a mere weapon, she had Nic beaten, he had surrendered, she proceeded to execution...

Here is the mixed up. Failure as knight does not = failure as the custodian. A custodian and a KoTc are 2 separate post with 2 entirely different responsibilities, for example: we know Harry is a great custodian, but he definitely is not knight material.

Murphy does not want to be a knight, she knows she is not suited for it. This however, does not disqualify her for the post of custodian. A custodian's duty is to keep the sword safe and deploy them should the custodian finds it nescesary, which Murphy do just fine. A KoTC's duty is to wield the sword in the name of Heaven and complete missions given to them by the office and under it's code, which Murphy has serious problem with.

As the custodian, Murphy choose to gave herself fidelacchius to wield. In other words she, as the custodian, appointed herself as Knight, or at least as a temp sword wielder. The result of this choice is:

1. Harry is saved.

2. Fid is broken in preparation for it's reforging to a more suitable form.

As a knight, Murphy choose to attack Nick after he has surrendered. The consequences of her choice is:

1. Nick take the chance to break fid.

2. She lost her qualifications to become a knight and the custodian.

3. She got injured badly.

There are times when a custodian must make questionable choices. Harry using fid as a betting chip in book 10 is one example. A knight however are more strictly bound by their code.

Ask yourself this question. Why there is a need for a custodian in the firstplace? Why not just leave the holy sword in the hands of another knight?

If what is needed in a custodian is the same as what is needed as a knight, Heaven should have just left fid in the hands of Michael when Shiro died.

It is clear to me that a custodian is a strategic post which someone sneaky like Urieal created because a knight is far too rigid in their conduct and lacks flexibility in the face of unpredictable and fluctuating circumstances.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 01:07:25 AM by huangjimmy108 »
But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil, damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness . . .
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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #204 on: August 28, 2017, 01:29:50 AM »
Yes, but you see, Murphy.

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #205 on: August 28, 2017, 02:31:49 AM »
I think the one character that has the most potential in the way they play out is Murphy. 
"That's it???  It's really that simple? 
LIES!  Damn lies!  It's a cover up!

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #206 on: August 28, 2017, 04:28:56 AM »
I think the one character that has the most potential in the way they play out is Murphy.
I'd say Thomas, cause with the power he has, the way he's been described by Uriel and the totally two dynamically opposed personalities on display throughout the series leads to greater potential for either direction.
Murphy's been through hell, but she's never really changed in a dynamic one way or the other fashion. It's been a slow growth(or wearing down if you prefer) for her.
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Offline Mira

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #207 on: August 28, 2017, 04:32:11 AM »
Murphy does not want to be a knight, she knows she is not suited for it. This however, does not disqualify her for the post of custodian. A custodian's duty is to keep the sword safe and deploy them should the custodian finds it nescesary, which Murphy do just fine. A KoTC's duty is to wield the sword in the name of Heaven and complete missions given to them by the office and under it's code, which Murphy has serious problem with.

But she totally failed to keep a Holy Sword safe...  Yes, it is the custodian's duty to see that the Swords are kept safe and deployed properly in the hands of the right wielder...  She totally failed, because after declaring why she shouldn't wield a Holy Sword, she chose to hide it and bring it along when she went with Harry..  Point, feeling the way she did, she wasn't the right person to wield a Sword..  Her personal feelings shouldn't enter into it.. You can state that as her excuse, but it still says she was a total failure... 
1. Harry is saved.
No, Harry was never in any real danger, it was a ploy by Nic to get her to attack him, so the Sword would be broken.. Nic still needed Harry to get to the weapons in the vault.. Even if he could squirm his way out of his agreement with Mab with some cock and bull story, he still wanted in the vault.. So no, he never intended to kill Harry..  So Murphy attacked to save Harry, but he only appeared to be in danger, in truth, he never was... Nic wasn't lying to her as he beat the shit out of her.
2. Fid is broken in preparation for it's reforging to a more suitable form.
Only because of Harry's faith... Not hers, and if Harry had no faith and didn't chose to toss the hilt when he did, the Sword would still be broken..  Murphy didn't chose to break a Sword to make something better, no one knew that would happen.. It is a nice rationalization..
As a knight, Murphy choose to attack Nick after he has surrendered. The consequences of her choice is:

1. Nick take the chance to break fid.

In my opinion she wasn't acting as a Knight... She brought the Sword, it reacted to Nic in a fight, it levels the playing field.. Just as it lit up on Harry's back on the island back in Small Favor, though Harry said at the time, he is no Knight.  Murphy didn't take the Sword with her as a Knight, she just took it.
2. She lost her qualifications to become a knight and the custodian.
She had the Swords in her possession, but she was never their custodian, there is a difference. She was qualified to be Knight that one night at C.I.   I think if she is the one needed for the job and accepted, she could be a Knight again for the length of time needed..
There are times when a custodian must make questionable choices. Harry using fid as a betting chip in book 10 is one example. A knight however are more strictly bound by their code.

But he knew enough than to try and wield it himself as a Knight or just as a wizard.. 
Ask yourself this question. Why there is a need for a custodian in the firstplace? Why not just leave the holy sword in the hands of another knight?

Perhaps because they need to be kept in civilian hands, more free choices maybe.
If what is needed in a custodian is the same as what is needed as a knight, Heaven should have just left fid in the hands of Michael when Shiro died.

But Heaven didn't, Fid was passed to Harry to keep until the right person came along.. Michael never questioned it, and in turn when he retired handed Am over to Harry as well..
It is clear to me that a custodian is a strategic post which someone sneaky like Urieal created because a knight is far too rigid in their conduct and lacks flexibility in the face of unpredictable and fluctuating circumstances.
Something like that.
Here is the mixed up. Failure as knight does not = failure as the custodian. A custodian and a KoTc are 2 separate post with 2 entirely different responsibilities, for example: we know Harry is a great custodian, but he definitely is not knight material.
Actually we do not know that, as Con pointed out Harry did try to give Hannah a way out very much as a true Knight would..  However she rejected him choosing Lasciel and her vengence instead, and he had to kill her to save the mission..  He didn't judge her like Murphy judged Nic...  If anything Harry felt guilt because he couldn't save her, and Michael had to get him to buck up...

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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #208 on: August 28, 2017, 04:52:31 AM »
Ok, now I'm trying to write with an iPad, and can't easily copy/paste. I could only bring in one copied chunk of text, and chose a book quote.  Please forgive me for the awkwardness.
I think you're missing the point of the Knights.
I think you missed the point of my post. Karen has never been optimal knight material and she knew it. It was not about how she should have acted as a knight, it was about picking up the sword in the first place.

And I say saving Harry was worth it.
Michael has to run out with Dresden to save his pregnant wife from the Nightmare, and Father Forthill is miraculously there to babysit. Sanya confidently asserts that they will arrive at Chichen Itza in time despite being horribly behind schedule. Michael thanking God in Skin Game for never having to make the choices that Harry had to. There's always, always a choice. The choice might suck
Exactly the point. That suck might mean your loved one is dead, you are dead, etc.

Their souls are saved and for Uriel that is the most important point but Karen took the sword to save a loved one.

And those choices were made after Murphy took the sword. I already said she was not knight material.
- Shiro sacrificing himself (not his sword) for Dresden certainly did - but there's always a choice.
And sometimes that choice is accepting the consequences of you previous choices. That sentence can be quite meaningless.
How did he break the rules? I don't see it.
By trying to save Butters from Nicodemus.
So he wasn't all that helpful in the fight. You know how confusing fights might go. So his spell failed to kill Butters and knocked him into another yard. He was always a slippery little guy. Nick even acknowledges at the end that his threat to Dresden and attempt to kill him was just a ploy and therefore not a betrayal.
That is what he said after the fight. Nicodemus says what suits him. He could have said something different after killing Harry.
Harry did not hurt Nick or Gen and complied with the orders given.  While it's obvious that he's trying to work against Nicodemus, they stay within the letter of the law. If Gen were to kill him now, that would be a betrayal of Mab's trust.
Do you remember in the final battle in Skin Game, when Nicodemus grabs his wife's arm and prevents her from sending a spell in retaliation into Michaels yard? It's not just that the supernatural folk can't enter the yard; they can't penetrate it, even with magic, without risking the wrath of the guardian angels. Reaching magically into Michaels yard to pull out some cursed pocket change, I think, counts as crossing the boundary into the protected zone, and would mean that the Angels would be free to smite him.
It is just calling the coin. According to Lasciel Harry could have done so through his walls and wards and concrete and circle and so on. I do not think the angels would have interfered, they would have interfered with his free willed choice to doom himself.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 05:48:24 AM by Arjan »
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Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« Reply #209 on: August 28, 2017, 05:52:14 AM »
Yes, but you see, Murphy.
Denarian skinwalker and leader of the black council? It was all Nemesis. Murphy never existed.
WG+++: The White God is Mister.