So is Bob a non magical being? Now that he is with Butters he seems to have access to the internet.
But back to Harry is it preference or magical effects on technology? I am talking about candles verses electric lights, electric lights have been around since the 1890s/1900.. Supposedly wizard magic has an effect on them so Harry tends to rely on candles at his place.. At the same time he can drive a car, even the Blue Beetle is more modern technology than the light bulb.. Or talking ice cold showers in the middle of winter in Chicago, one I've never understood, or someone like Thomas standing for that. Again a pilot light for a gas powered water heater isn't highly technical or any more technical that the gun Harry uses when he decides to use one. Or the use of an ice box verses a fridge, again electric powered fridges have been around for most of the last century, so his wizard powers should have little or no effect.. Murphy turn off her computer when Harry was around, okay, but her lights and heat still work, she is able to shoot her more modern guns around him etc.. Harry worries about medical devices around him so he is reluctant to visit hospitals, yet he has stayed in one has been treated in one will little effects or Wardens have guarded the likes of Ramirez around the clock in one.. So at the very least the effects can be dampened, but there must be a proximity factor as well.. So lights etc in the place where Harry lives is a problem but everywhere else he goes not so much.. Oh telephones are also mentioned as a problem, again a technology that has been around basically unchanged for a century.. Cell phones I can see being a problem, yet now Molly can use one.. Yes, she is Winter Lady now, but she still is a wizard, so unless her new status gives her super dampening powers, there is an inconsistency here. Because of all of the above I've always felt that this was one of the weakest aspects of the over all story, though cool on the face of it.