so, on another forum it was pointed out in the movie The Prestige, there is a playbill that includes -Harry Dresden
So I was wondering if anyone had seen and nods, shout-outs or references to Dresden Files in non Jim books?
I'd forgotten for years and years, THAT is why I started reading Dresden Files. I watched it with family on a holiday. My brothers girlfriend/future wife asked about that cause she'd heard about it and wondered if I knew who Harry Dresden was, cause I like books and magic. I said no but the name stuck with me in the back of my head. Sure enough one day it stuck out again strolling through books-a-million and it jumps out at me again. Twas Turn Coat, loved the Dueling with the Skinwalker. Closest to the original Merlin vs Morgana due,l where he beats her by
Becoming every deadly disease and infecting her with them all
, that I've ever seen/read. Been hooked ever since.
Half remember a few. One I wasn't sure on was in Inquisition, Dragon Age. A mission where your searching for an informant, named simply Butcher.
L.K Hamilton's Anita Blake has quite a few if your aware of the thematics behind the DF. An easy one though, is after Harry got the Winter Knight's Mantle Her 'version' of him Edward, began being described with words like cold, wintery gaze and other such key words not used in earlier books. Don't get me started on Ed and Anita's official nicknames :x