Author Topic: Nephilim and Angel Scions in Dresden  (Read 2454 times)

Offline Scion717

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Nephilim and Angel Scions in Dresden
« on: July 16, 2017, 11:54:07 PM »
Hello, so I have been wondering this for a while. I know that
There are Demon Scions in the Dresden-verse and I was wondering if there were any examples of more traditional nephilim type scions.

Also regardless I would like to discuss the creation of an accurate Nephilim and noticed some cool lore bits.
1. Nephilim have Hunger. Inhuman Monstrous hunger. Thr stories say they ate all the food of the land food and would grow and eat entire animals and eventually even devour people. Erego I was thinking the Hunger track like a vampire is very appropriate.
2. Nephilim and the term giant. The term "Giant" was synonymous with "Great" or "Grand" as well so while yes Hulking Size probably should be an option, I would not put it as a "must". They "must" have some particular prowess but many were also described as geniuses or "giants" of mind. The nephilim may indeed be the "genies" that people reference as well bringing me to my next point.
3. Other literature says that the Giants and Nephilim are cursed to wander the earth and when they die their immortal souls wait to try and reincarnate. Hence once again my mytholigical creatures such as Gin could be related to the old Nephilim or... also that a character could be a reincarnation or a "host" for a Nephilim spirit.

Anyway I would like some input and also how does an Angel/Demon Scion form?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Nephilim and Angel Scions in Dresden
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2017, 09:35:03 PM »
Sounds cool to me. I don't think we've seen any Nephilim in canon, but that doesn't mean there aren't any.

I would recommend avoiding Feeding Dependency. It just doesn't work that well in play. Better to make the hunger a Compel-able Aspect, I think.

As for how the scions form, I think it's just traditional reproduction.

PS: Did a bit of searching, found some previous discussions.,20398.0.html,19641.0.html