The Dresden Files > DF Spoilers

WAG: What Rashid's Eye Does...

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--- Quote from: peregrine on June 21, 2017, 02:10:38 AM ---Save time, watch Dragon Ball Z Abridged.  You'll get more jokes and it's quicker.

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I love the Vegeta parts. I am the Hype!


--- Quote from: wardenferry419 on June 27, 2017, 01:20:48 AM ---I love the Vegeta parts. I am the Hype!

--- End quote ---
Ive said it before and Ill say it again: The single greated moment in Vegeta history is from AMV Hell 3


--- Quote from: Rasins on June 22, 2017, 02:17:20 PM ---I got the impression from the exchange in Cold Days that the eye aids him, but isn't definite.

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--- Quote from: Mira on June 22, 2017, 04:28:47 PM ---Yeah, I think it is pretty definite..

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Q - Could you post the brief exchange about this from Cold Days?


--- Quote from: Rasins on June 29, 2017, 02:09:04 PM ---Q - Could you post the brief exchange about this from Cold Days?

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Here you go, from Cold Days ch. 34

I cut out the tangent where Harry offers help and Rashid asks permission to use his first name, but that's all that happens between the first eye mention and the actual functional Q&A.  That cover what you are looking for?

--- Quote ---I looked around me. Yes, definitely. The other eye had been replaced with the crystalline material that was identical to that which had been used to create the gates and the walls around them.

“Steel,” I said.

“Pardon?” he asked.

“Your, uh, other eye. It was steel before.”

“I’m sure it looked like steel,” he said. “The disguise is necessary when I’m not here.”

“Your job is so secret, your false eye gets a disguise?” I asked. “Guess I see why you miss Council meetings.”

He inclined his head and ruffled his fingers through mussed, tousled hood-hair. “It can be quiet for years here, sometimes. And others . . .” He spread his hands. “But they need a good eye here to be sure that the things that must remain outside do not slip in unnoticed.”

“Inside the wounded,” I guessed. “Or returning troops. Or medics.”

“You’ve become aware of the adversary,” he said, his tone one of firm approval. “Excellent. I was certain your particular pursuits would get you killed long before you got a chance to learn.”

--- End quote ---

--- Quote --- “Harry, I know you have questions. I can field a very few before I go.”

I nodded, thinking. “Okay,” I said. “First, how do you know if the adversary has . . . infested someone?”

“Experience,” he said. “Decades of it. The Sight can help, but . . .” Rashid hesitated. I recognized it instantly, the hiccup in one’s thoughts when one stumbled over a truly hideous memory gained with the Sight, like I’d had with—


—the naagloshii.

“I don’t recommend making a regular practice of it,” he continued. “It’s an art, not a skill, and it takes time. Time, or a bit of questionable attention from the Fates and a ridiculously enormous tool.” He tapped a finger against his false eye.

I blinked, even though he didn’t, and looked up at the massive gates stretching overhead. “Hell’s bells. The gates . . . they’re . . . some kind of spiritual CAT scanner?”

“Among many other things,” he said. “But it’s one of their functions, yes. Mostly it means that the adversary cannot use such tactics effectively here. As long as the Gatekeeper is vigilant, it rarely tries.”
--- End quote ---

Okay, I get it.  The false eye can see nemesis if used.

--- Quote ---“I don’t recommend making a regular practice of it,” he continued. “It’s an art, not a skill, and it takes time. Time, or a bit of questionable attention from the Fates and a ridiculously enormous tool.” He tapped a finger against his false eye.

--- End quote ---

What do you think he means by the bolded part?


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