Much as I like Ars Magica, it's not a good game for someone who dislikes seeing Abrahamic worldviews privileged. 5e, at least, is very clear that the Abrahamic faiths are backed by the One True God and that the medieval Church is basically right about everything. (Which introduces some oddness, when the Abrahamic faiths contradict, but that's part of the game's charm if you ask me.)
Rather, ArM5e holds that all monotheistic faiths whose Deity is essentially "good" (in the conventional sense of the word) are more or less equally-correct, but their respective earthly religious orders suffer from various flaws of understanding that lead to doctrinal differences (and yes, conflict).
So (for example) Mithraism and Zoroastrianism are also "as correct" as the Abrahamic religions.