Author Topic: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?  (Read 5566 times)

Offline Phydestrius

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Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« on: July 17, 2017, 06:34:56 AM »
So, if a djinn was put in the nevernever, would he be affiliated with the Winter Court, the Summer Court, or be Wyldfae?

See, djinn can be destructive monsters so perhaps they would be with Winter.

On the other hand, doesn't the Summer Court hold sway over heated areas like the deserts where djinn tended to appear?

But then, it could also be the case that neither of these is correct, so they might just be Wyldfae.

What do you think?

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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2017, 12:34:45 PM »
I'm pretty sure none of the above, pretty sure Djinn aren't Faeries.  Remember, Faerie is only the portion of the Nevernever closest to the mortal world, there's a lot more in there.

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Offline Rasins

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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2017, 01:08:56 PM »
I agree with ITheHelAmFan.

That being said, iirc, weren't Djinn of the chaotic bent?  Could be "good" or "evil"?
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2017, 01:49:29 PM »
Wasn't there a djinn in the Ghoul Goblin comic?   It wasn't particularly chaotic.
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2017, 02:47:12 PM »
As others have noted the Djinn are likely not part of the Fae at all, rather they'd be one of the many other denizens of the NN.  The Fae are just the closest, and a race unique in that they straddle the boundary and actually natively exist in both worlds, leaving behind corpses etc.  Beyond that they varr widely, being depicted as anything from Elemental beings (all wind and sand and fire) to half-animals with human bodies and animal heads (very Egyptian I always thought).

Also, as I recall, one of the only actual qualitative descriptions of the Djinn were that they were VERY specifically in possession of Free Will just like Humans, a specific distinction to the Angels described in the Quran who do not have it. 

If they HAD to get crammed into the Fae framework, Id say they'd have to be base Wyldfae and get classified with leaning toward one or the other (or neither) court.  Those of Smoke and Fire would be more Summer, while those on Air side might fall to Winter, and the rest would fall out more esoterically based on their "draftable" actions like in SK. 
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2017, 03:21:35 PM »
Djinn serve basically the same function in Arabic folklore as the Fae in Celtic folklore, so I'm rather inclined to believe that there is some connection between them.

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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2017, 05:02:10 PM »

I understand what you are saying.  The serve the same function, but as we've seen in the Dresden files, the different races are different.

So, I could totally see them having their own area in the never-never.
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2017, 08:00:53 AM »
Djinn serve basically the same function in Arabic folklore as the Fae in Celtic folklore, so I'm rather inclined to believe that there is some connection between them.
Plus their specifically air spirits I think... so sorta more in the spectrum of Bob. Hell, Bob lives in something just like he's a damn Genie. Doesn't exactly grant wishes, but it doesn't have to be exactly the same  be the same genus either. Cousins? Spirit plus soul equals reality altering wish granter?
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2017, 02:27:14 PM »
Plus their specifically air spirits I think... so sorta more in the spectrum of Bob. Hell, Bob lives in something just like he's a damn Genie. Doesn't exactly grant wishes, but it doesn't have to be exactly the same  be the same genus either. Cousins? Spirit plus soul equals reality altering wish granter?
Not all of them, some were Air and Fire, others where just people with animal heads.  Which in retrospect might be akin to the Egyptian Pantheon, from a Combined-Myth's perspective... 
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2017, 04:25:47 PM »
Not all of them, some were Air and Fire, others where just people with animal heads.  Which in retrospect might be akin to the Egyptian Pantheon, from a Combined-Myth's perspective...
The original Legend with... Solomon's seal(?iirc) and what not, Djinn were creatures of air. I've not seen any other legends of djinn... People with animal heads!? ???
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Offline Rasins

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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2017, 04:40:12 PM »
People with animal heads sound like Egyptian.
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Re: Which side would a djinn be affiliated with?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2017, 04:51:11 PM »
The original Legend with... Solomon's seal(?iirc) and what not, Djinn were creatures of air. I've not seen any other legends of djinn... People with animal heads!? ???

I got this from the Jinn wiki entry.  Most of the sources are the Qaran or related lit (I dont know if the term apocryphal is the correct analogy to christian myths), but this is in the "Islamic Folklore" section as opposed to "Islamic Theology" and Im not clear on the distinction used.

In Islamic folklore

Classifications and characteristics
One common belief in Muslim belief lists five distinct types of jinn — the Marid (the strongest type), the Ifrit, the Shayateen (Shaitan can also apply to any evil jinn, like the Ghul and Nasnas), the ordinary and common Hinn, and the Jann (the weakest type).[48] Nevertheless, there are several other creatures, commonly summarized under the designation jinn, like Peri, Devs, and Sila. Developed from various traditions and local folklore, Jinn are said to be able to possess humans, especially Morocco has a lot of possession traditions, including exorcism rituals.[49] Originated from a few traditions (hadith), jinn can be divided into three classes: those who have wings and fly in the air, those who resemble snakes and dogs, and those who travel about ceaselessly.[/b][50] Described them as creatures of different forms; some resembling vultures and snakes, others tall men in white garb.[51] They may even appear as dragons, onagers, or any number of other animals.[52] In addition to their animal forms, the jinn occasionally assume human form to mislead and destroy their human victims.[53] Therefore, Jinn are not considered to be purely spiritual, but resembling sapient beast, which may be empowered to shapeshift for a while or be able to mysteriously disappear.[54] Certain hadiths have also claimed that the jinn may subsist on bones, which will grow flesh again as soon as they touch them, and that their animals may live on dung, which will revert to grain or grass for the use of the jinn flocks.[55] Jinn are also quite willing to have amorous affairs with humans.[56] The social organization of the jinn community resembles that of humans; e.g., they have kings, courts of law, weddings, mourning rituals and practise religion (in addition to Islam, it can also be Christianity or Judaism).[57]
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