So how do you go about making this happen in practice? Call up Power and take stress or just roll Discipline? Do you get the benefits of the spell on the first turn, and if so does that mean you make two rolls, one for the Glamour and one for the duration part?
The character has a Discipline at Good (3), Ritual (Veiling), Evocation (specializing in Spirit) and the Glamours power with the spell casting limitation.
Thanks to the power, I allow the character to double the effective rating of her Discipline and Conviction for veiling, so the character's Discipline skill for veils is effectively doubled from Great (4) to Legendary (

, and her Conviction of Good (3) is doubled to Fantastic (6).
The character typically casts a force 4 veil, that can last 4 extra turns/actions. Using Evocation still costs her mental stress. This would cost her 1 Mental Stress. The character could cast a Legendary Veil for 1 round as well, but this would cost her 3 stress (since her Conviction is effectively Fantastic for veils).
If she is casting the spell in a ritual, I let her double her Lore and Discipline skills to determine Control and Complexity.