Author Topic: Who uses novel writing software?  (Read 8978 times)

Offline Blaidd

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Re: Who uses novel writing software?
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2008, 03:51:08 PM »
I use one by GSP called Novel Writer (Standard version). I'm a relly sporadic writer, and this allows me to create backstories for each of my characters and leave strategic links mid-story to the backstories. It also has sections for notes and ideas, and an events module which tracks your story like a gantt chart. I find this helps me not to do stupid things with the timing of my story, which I'm otherwise apt to do.

If you want some fun, it has a storyline generator, which I use to make my OH laugh but I don't think I would use it for my 'real' story.

I looked at buying the super duper jumped up version but couldn't see it was going to offer me more (it would store up to 25,000 characters, compared to the 8,000 or so that the standard version stores).

I like the format of it, it exports nicely into Word etc, and you can program how you want the export to look, including generating a front page with wordcount etc.

No, I don't work for them, just happen to find it comfortable to use :)

I picked it up for £3 at a supermarket, but up until then had been more than happy with Word. I could probably go back to Word quite happily if the need arose. I don't know how compatible it is with Windows Vista, if anyone has that - the blurb only states compatibility with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. Says nothing about Macs.

Offline taymalin

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Re: Who uses novel writing software?
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2008, 06:09:33 PM »
Here's one (and it's free!)

I use ywriter too. Along with freemind -- the mind-mapping software the author who created ywriter uses for plotting.

It works for my disorganized brain. I'm not an outliner, but freemind helps me get my ideas onto paper in a way that I can use when it's time to write the novel.

Offline Starbeam

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Re: Who uses novel writing software?
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2008, 09:37:04 PM »
I got a Macbook several months ago for all my productivity stuff, like writing and photos and such, and my b/f found me a program that I really love.  It automatically outlines, gives word count for manuscript/paperback formats, lets you put in all kinds of notes just by highlighting and clicking, and it's just so much easier to find everything, unlike Word.  The newest version of yWriter looks sorta like it, but I couldn't say completely cause I haven't used a PC for writing since I got the Mac.
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