What do you mean by Spellcasting Power? (I posted my sheet its the toonstore link)
I mean which Power: thaumaturgy? Evocation? Unseelie Magic?
Hmmm so a focus item with the frequency or strength bonus is more potent? Huh... Well awesome.
They work like any focus item boosting Power or control, except with crafting foci, it boost Power or Frequency.
I've edited my sheet to reflect that idea! Had no idea that was allowed. Is the write up correct?
I'm too lazy to look, sorry. I check it out later, though.
Holy... Wow that's a lot of shifts.
Fortunately, A.L. has time & he's relatively wealthy... The girl is soooo not gonna be happy that her new roommate decided to kick her out though.
Still the 0-shift ward does make sense... A Rational human being WOULD go with something like that... BUT... Man the fact that you took the time to do the math ASTOUNDS ME. So you know what? I'm going for it. Sorry Rox, Andrew's keeping the apartment all to himself for a day or two.
Let's say... 45 Shifts, a month of resource gathering. And at least two days of ritual to do what he wants...
Thaurmaturgy is scary...
Yes, it is but it's not just about money. It's about knowledge, contacts and other 'resources' that are not cash. The problem with Thaumaturgy is it is as powerful as the GM allows. One GM might let you make all those declarations in one go and say, "yeah, sure, you already have everything, start your ritual".
Another GM might say, "yes, your roll succeeded but it's going to take three days for it to arrive"
Another GM might say, "there's just a few items that you need that you can only get from the nevernever. Do this adventure and if you succeed you've successfully gathered the items"
So, the problem with being the GM of your own game is you don't have an unbiased perspective.
I would do it like this: make a ward with a base Power of your Lore +2 (to represent a FP spent in the past) +2 for each of your APEX skills (so another +2 to 4).
take that total power and do whatever you want with it and assume it's always up. Maybe you refresh it once a week or something.
After that, have goals and milestone where you can upgrade your ward. Add a divination spell to it at the next significant milestone, add an evocation spell at the next Major etc...
This way you're being fair to the one other player in the game.
In fact, you can do opposed rolls with the other player at each milestone to see if they can prevent you from boosting it.

Edit: Thx for the welcome! ALSO WAIT... Does that mean, he has to do the same ritual over & over again everytime it expires? Like go out & resource gather ALLL OVER AGAIN or he just has to pump magic into it?
I think that's up to the GM (you). You might be able to pump more power into it to maintain it, though - or to extend the duration. See above.