Author Topic: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)  (Read 7169 times)

Offline LunaticKid889

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Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« on: March 09, 2017, 03:19:25 PM »
Hi so I'm remaking my first DFRPG character and well for the life of me, I can't seem to grasp the way Enchanted Items work or how you actually build them... I made a reddit post about it but I need a little more information.

But basically... I'm trying to create Harry's Duster while also trying to figure out HOW he manages to have multiple enchanted items. I think I figured it out in one of the replies there but I'm not sure. Either way, this has stumped me.

I also put some ideas for my rotes there, I'd like to know if that's allowed.  (un-sponsored Unseelie Ice Magic basically cause I really like Lightning & Ice)

Here's a slightly offtopic question. I'm trying to figure out how he would add wards in his girlfri- Roommate's penthouse suite. Basically... It's the same as Harry's Ward (If I remember correctly, it will shoot you with fire & you needed to be wearing an amulet to go through the place)

A.L.'s Wards would do something like this... Shoots you with lightning if you try to break into the place (Windows & Doors) but there would be an early warning system & all that. Hell... I'd love to see if it's possible for the ward to actually assess you and either shoot you with either wind, lightning or really really cold water depending on just how strong you are....

So the question is... Would it take a week (or more or less) to create this ward (with his stats) and if so how do you deal with the sunrise issue for this? Would he have to 'repair' the ward every week or like every month?

A note: There isn't a campaign at least not the usual type (Its basically a rp between me & one other person) so I'm my own GM. For the most part, I'm trying to stay as true to the canon (the book) as possible while still basically following the rules they've set in the book.

Get some spanky new enchanted item every couple of 'stories'

Christ, I rambled a little there... At least i didn't get into the WCV spiel...

Dumbass sucks at reading & understanding the books, trying to build Harry's Duster & HarryElaine's Wards. Also, he can't think of rotes.

Offline Taran

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2017, 05:13:42 PM »
Welcome to the board

1.  Enchanted Items.

It would be helpful to know what spellcasting powers you have but most powers come with 2 focus slots.  Evocation, for instance.

Each of these slots can be used, instead, be divided into 2 enchanted item slots.

First:  Each of your enchanted items has a base power equal to your lore  (let's say it is 4)
Second: a second enchanted item slot can add two additional charges to your original item, boost the power of your original item or, create an entirely new item.

With two enchanted item slots, you could have:
Option 1a
A coat of protection
2 enchanted item slots
Block vs attacks Power 5  Usable 1/session
(slot one is used to make a power 4-based on your Lore- slot two boost the power to 5)
- when someone attacks you, you choose to activate it and the block kicks in and replaces your dodge, if the block is higher

Option 1b
A coat of protection
2 enchanted item slots
Block vs attacks Power 4; Usable 3/session
1 slot to make the item; one slot to add two uses.

Option 2
Coat of protection
Block vs attacks, Power 4; usable 1/session
1 enchanted slot

Bracelet of Force
Attack; Weapon 4 usable 1/session; targeted with Fists or discipline
1 enchanted item slot

Lastly, you could use your second Focus slot to take a Crafting focus.  This will add +1 frequency to ALL your items or it will add +1 Strength to ALL your items.  Very handy if you choose to use Option 2 and go with multiple items.

Edit:  re: multiple items:  Refinement gives you more focus slots to spend on items if you want.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 05:37:01 PM by Taran »

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2017, 05:28:21 PM »
double post

Assuming the apartment has a threshold - which it probably does, even if it's very weak, once you cast your ward, it will protect the whole apartment.

You do a ritual to create a ward.  The base power of the Ward is equal to your Lore(4, using the above example).  So, in theory, your character could make a quick ward while she's away and she might not even know it's there.  It wouldn't have any zapping power but anything trying to get through would have to overcome the ward strength or take damage that gets reflected back.  Unfortunately, that includes the girl friend.

- So, you need to add 2 more shifts of power to have a *key*

- If you want it to also warn the person inside, you need the equivalent of a wardflame (2 more shifts of power)

 - If you want it to report/assess who is outside the door, you could add a divination spell.  This would be done as an investigation or Empathy or Lore skill replacement spell.  So, the spell power would have to beat the defending skill of the intruder - so you might want to have that fairly high - like, at least, 8 shifts. And maybe more shifts to make the spell complex enough to decide which spell to unleash on the target - if at all!

- Then, you need to have all the various spells you want to shoot people with, depending on who they are.
Each of these spells are at your base evocation casting ability (conviction) but you can choose to put less power into them and they are targeted at that power.  So, lets say wind, water and lightning at power 5 each (15 shifts)

- 37 shift ward so far.  Now, remember, this ward only lasts until sunrise so, you need to add enough shifts to boost it up the time chart.  Add 3 or 4 shifts and it'll last a month.  So, about 40 shifts.

How long will it take?  This is well outside the power of something you can do 'quickly'.

What is going to take lots of time is gathering all the stuff you need to meet the 40 shift complexity.  That's a lot of declarations to make.  It could be days, weeks or months.  But once you're done that...

 Casting the ritual depends on how much power you can pull up each turn (maximum depends on Conviction before you start taking mental stress).  Then you have to control each shift.  If you aren't in a hurry, and no-one is going to disturb you (maybe your girlfriend went away for the weekend), it might take you a night or an hour or two to cast.  (up to 40 'exchanges' - however long your GM decides an exchange is for casting a ritual.  Could be a minute, or longer)

Edit:  A good way to keep tabs on things is to do it like this:
a 0 shift ward, with a ward flame and a key.  A keyword also works.  So if she invites someone in, it will bypass the ward.

Give a key to your girlfriend.  While this won't keep anyone out, it'll let you know when people are coming to and fro uninvited.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 05:35:47 PM by Taran »

Offline LunaticKid889

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2017, 05:51:27 PM »

It would be helpful to know what spellcasting powers you have but most powers come with 2 focus slots.  Evocation, for instance.

Lastly, you could use your second Focus slot to take a Crafting focus.  This will add +1 frequency to ALL your items or it will add +1 Strength to ALL your items.  Very handy if you choose to use Option 2 and go with multiple items.

What do you mean by Spellcasting Power? (I posted my sheet its the toonstore link)

Hmmm so a focus item with the frequency or strength bonus is more potent? Huh... Well awesome.

I've edited my sheet to reflect that idea! Had no idea that was allowed. Is the write up correct?


- 37 shift ward so far.  Now, remember, this ward only lasts until sunrise so, you need to add enough shifts to boost it up the time chart.  Add 3 or 4 shifts and it'll last a month.  So, about 40 shifts.

Holy... Wow that's a lot of shifts.

Fortunately, A.L. has time & he's relatively wealthy... The girl is soooo not gonna be happy that her new roommate decided to kick her out though.

Still the 0-shift ward does make sense... A Rational human being WOULD go with something like that... BUT... Man the fact that you took the time to do the math ASTOUNDS ME. So you know what? I'm going for it. Sorry Rox, Andrew's keeping the apartment all to himself for a day or two.

Let's say... 45 Shifts, a month of resource gathering. And at least two days of ritual to do what he wants...

Thaurmaturgy is scary...

Edit: Thx for the welcome! ALSO WAIT... Does that mean, he has to do the same ritual over & over again everytime it expires? Like go out & resource gather ALLL OVER AGAIN or he just has to pump magic into it?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 05:58:01 PM by LunaticKid889 »

Offline Taran

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 06:08:38 PM »

What do you mean by Spellcasting Power? (I posted my sheet its the toonstore link)
I mean which Power:  thaumaturgy?  Evocation? Unseelie Magic?

Hmmm so a focus item with the frequency or strength bonus is more potent? Huh... Well awesome.
They work like any focus item boosting Power or control, except with crafting foci, it boost Power or Frequency.

I've edited my sheet to reflect that idea! Had no idea that was allowed. Is the write up correct?

I'm too lazy to look, sorry.  I check it out later, though.

Holy... Wow that's a lot of shifts.

Fortunately, A.L. has time & he's relatively wealthy... The girl is soooo not gonna be happy that her new roommate decided to kick her out though.

Still the 0-shift ward does make sense... A Rational human being WOULD go with something like that... BUT... Man the fact that you took the time to do the math ASTOUNDS ME. So you know what? I'm going for it. Sorry Rox, Andrew's keeping the apartment all to himself for a day or two.

Let's say... 45 Shifts, a month of resource gathering. And at least two days of ritual to do what he wants...

Thaurmaturgy is scary...

Yes, it is but it's not just about money.  It's about knowledge, contacts and other 'resources' that are not cash.  The problem with Thaumaturgy is it is as powerful as the GM allows.  One GM might let you make all those declarations in one go and say, "yeah, sure, you already have everything, start your ritual".   

Another GM might say, "yes, your roll succeeded but it's going to take three days for it to arrive"

Another GM might say,  "there's just a few items that you need that you can only get from the nevernever.  Do this adventure and if you succeed you've successfully gathered the items"

So, the problem with being the GM of your own game is you don't have an unbiased perspective.

I would do it like this:  make a ward with a base Power of your Lore +2 (to represent a FP spent in the past) +2 for each of your APEX skills (so another +2 to 4).

take that total power and do whatever you want with it and assume it's always up.  Maybe you refresh it once a week or something.

After that, have goals and milestone where you can upgrade your ward.  Add a divination spell to it at the next significant milestone, add an evocation spell at the next Major etc... 

This way you're being fair to the one other player in the game.

In fact, you can do opposed rolls with the other player at each milestone to see if they can prevent you from boosting it.  :)

Edit: Thx for the welcome! ALSO WAIT... Does that mean, he has to do the same ritual over & over again everytime it expires? Like go out & resource gather ALLL OVER AGAIN or he just has to pump magic into it?

I think that's up to the GM (you).  You might be able to pump more power into it to maintain it, though - or to extend the duration.  See above.

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2017, 06:09:10 PM »
What do you mean by Spellcasting Power? (I posted my sheet its the toonstore link)

You have Evocation and Thaumaturgy, which gives you four focus slots. That Refinement can give you two more, if you choose to spend it that way.

Holy... Wow that's a lot of shifts.

You can save some shifts by making the wind, water, and lightning all one attack. Putting three attacks on one ward seems pretty excessive to me. And I figure a single thaumaturgical attack with three elements in it is kosher.

Edit: Thx for the welcome! ALSO WAIT... Does that mean, he has to do the same ritual over & over again everytime it expires? Like go out & resource gather ALLL OVER AGAIN or he just has to pump magic into it?

You have to do it again. Much more efficient just to put more shifts into duration, avoiding the whole issue.

The book does suggest handwaving basic ward creation, because redoing spells isn't very interesting, but this is obviously not a basic ward.

Offline Taran

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2017, 06:13:53 PM »
You can save some shifts by making the wind, water, and lightning all one attack. Putting three attacks on one ward seems pretty excessive to me. And I figure a single thaumaturgical attack with three elements in it is kosher.

Except he wants it to be lightning to fry demons, wind to knock people away (and, probably, not kill them) and water to scare others away and, presumably not hurt them.

The reason I said it would be separate spells was because they target different types and are tied to a divination spell that needs to select the specific spell to use, I'd rule they're all separate spells.  But I can also see it as being one spell and the divination just selects how it is triggered.  Makes sense.

Offline LunaticKid889

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2017, 06:31:03 PM »
I mean which Power:  thaumaturgy?  Evocation? Unseelie Magic?
AH Sorry! The Ice Magic would be an Evocation Rote. (No Unseelie, too dangerous... Also sponsored)

They work like any focus item boosting Power or control, except with crafting foci, it boost Power or Frequency.
Oh hey cool i understood you.

I'm too lazy to look, sorry.  I check it out later, though.
You're okay dude!

I would do it like this:  make a ward with a base Power of your Lore +2 (to represent a FP spent in the past) +2 for each of your APEX skills (so another +2 to 4).

take that total power and do whatever you want with it and assume it's always up.  Maybe you refresh it once a week or something.

After that, have goals and milestone where you can upgrade your ward.  Add a divination spell to it at the next significant milestone, add an evocation spell at the next Major etc... 

This way you're being fair to the one other player in the game.

In fact, you can do opposed rolls with the other player at each milestone to see if they can prevent you from boosting it.  :)

Oooo that sounds like some good ideas there. Yeah I might go with that. I'd rather not screw them out of stuff just cause i wanted to do something awesome.

You have Evocation and Thaumaturgy, which gives you four focus slots. That Refinement can give you two more, if you choose to spend it that way.

You can save some shifts by making the wind, water, and lightning all one attack. Putting three attacks on one ward seems pretty excessive to me. And I figure a single thaumaturgical attack with three elements in it is kosher.

You have to do it again. Much more efficient just to put more shifts into duration, avoiding the whole issue.

The book does suggest handwaving basic ward creation, because redoing spells isn't very interesting, but this is obviously not a basic ward.

You can save some shifts by making the wind, water, and lightning all one attack. Putting three attacks on one ward seems pretty excessive to me. And I figure a single thaumaturgical attack with three elements in it is kosher.[/quote]

Soooo excessive... But yeah its what Taran said, the divination picks which element to throw at the intruder. Like some weird refresh reader or something.

Although yeah, what would be the cost if it was a single spell but the divination just decides?

You have Evocation and Thaumaturgy, which gives you four focus slots. That Refinement can give you two more, if you choose to spend it that way.

Yep I did use the Refinement that way. I'm almost sure that my slots are correct... I used 4 for the focus, gave 2 to Enchanted for 4 EI Slots...
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 06:35:32 PM by LunaticKid889 »

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2017, 07:06:42 AM »
Hi its me again.... This time I'm trying to build my rotes!

I have +5 Lore, +4 Discipline & +3 Conviction.


So far i've written 3 of 5 Rotes, the last two well I lost ideas. Though Rote 4... Well I'm trying to figure out if my idea is more water rather than air...

(1 Refinement was used for Specialization)

Hopefully i didn't mess up the math for this thing...

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2017, 01:33:40 AM »
You've got most of your bases covered.  I usually have: an attack, a block vs attacks, a block vs movement, a useful offensive and/or defensive maneuver.  A random maneuver rote can be useful.  Maybe a maneuver that would give you a useful boost to alertness or dodging.  Aspects last the whole scene, so if you're expecting a fight, maybe something you can cast in advance?

Other useful (offensive) maneuvers that might be useful for a rote:  blind, knocked over, levitated, disarmed.  Maybe make them more generic.  Instead of Knocked over or disarmed, you could just call it 'buffeted'.  You could invoke it to either knock someone down or disarm them.  And then you can use if for other stuff knocking snow off a roof, knocking down a flying creature, making objects go flying all over the room, dry your clothes, or make your hair blow dramatically :)

I like the idea of the fog rote.  It could also be used like a zone-wide veil, possibly.


Because your air control is 1 shift higher than your air power (without your focus item) (5 control/4 power, if I calculated correctly), you should consider boosting the power of Astrapi and Vyasini by 1 shift.  You'd have to tick off a 2-box, but you still auto-control and it gives you more power to play with.  Especially the block.  Blocks benefit more from higher power.  The attack, not so much.  Having a higher weapon value is nice, but targeting is more important.  You could put more persistence in a block, or make it harder to get through.  Remember that once a block is broken, it goes away, so boosting its power is boosting its utility (in my mind).  With your focus, it doesn't matter because your stats are equal.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 01:36:10 AM by Taran »

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2017, 08:13:28 PM »
Hmmm Viasyni is technically my boost for dodge though... I guess it's almost sort of the block vs attack. I'm not sure what could count as block vs movement though... Like do you literally stop people from moving?

Other useful (offensive) maneuvers that might be useful for a rote:  blind, knocked over, levitated, disarmed.  Maybe make them more generic.  Instead of Knocked over or disarmed, you could just call it 'buffeted'.  You could invoke it to either knock someone down or disarm them.  And then you can use if for other stuff knocking snow off a roof, knocking down a flying creature, making objects go flying all over the room, dry your clothes, or make your hair blow dramatically :)

Ohhh i like that... I could like make a general telekinetic type of deal. Disarm, Move or Push things. Sort of like Forzare except more versatile...

I like the idea of the fog rote.  It could also be used like a zone-wide veil, possibly.
Gah this gives me an idea now.. Veil... Veil...

Does it count as Fourth-Third Lawbreak if you create an illusion of fog? Like... I feel like that's the grey area sort of like how Molly went around using illusions to kill people. I won't get a higher Lawbreaker cost or the bonus but at least i'm not tainting my soul... Well mostly.

Or am i wrong?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 09:27:09 PM by LunaticKid889 »

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2017, 10:56:09 PM »
Hmmm Viasyni is technically my boost for dodge though... I guess it's almost sort of the block vs attack. I'm not sure what could count as block vs movement though... Like do you literally stop people from moving?

Viasyni is your block vs attacks.  Technically, you can't do athletics boosts with evocation.  That's the realm of thaumaturgy or evothaum.  In any case, a block replaces your dodge (if your dodge is lower than the block), so it's the same thing.

boosting it to 5 makes it more powerful, and you could use that for duration (a block that lasts 2 exchanges, or armour 2 for 2 exchanges).

Constaint is your block on movement...isn't it?  Did I read it wrong?  I thought it created a 5 shift zone border.

Or, you could cast it on someone (surrounding them with an ice wall) to prevent them from moving.

Ohhh i like that... I could like make a general telekinetic type of deal. Disarm, Move or Push things. Sort of like Forzare except more versatile...
Gah this gives me an idea now.. Veil... Veil...

Does it count as Fourth-Third Lawbreak if you create an illusion of fog? Like... I feel like that's the grey area sort of like how Molly went around using illusions to kill people. I won't get a higher Lawbreaker cost or the bonus but at least i'm not tainting my soul... Well mostly.

Or am i wrong?

Physical illusions are not lawbreaking.  Causing someone to see (or not see) something might be a grey area.  Creating a fog(veil) out of air/water wouldn't be lawbreaking.  Creating it with spirit could be a grey area if you are manipulating people's mind.  If you are using spirit to bend light, then it isn't breaking the law.

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2017, 07:44:01 AM »
Viasyni is your block vs attacks.  Technically, you can't do athletics boosts with evocation.  That's the realm of thaumaturgy or evothaum.  In any case, a block replaces your dodge (if your dodge is lower than the block), so it's the same thing.

boosting it to 5 makes it more powerful, and you could use that for duration (a block that lasts 2 exchanges, or armour 2 for 2 exchanges).

Constaint is your block on movement...isn't it?  Did I read it wrong?  I thought it created a 5 shift zone border.

Or, you could cast it on someone (surrounding them with an ice wall) to prevent them from moving.

I took Viasyni from Hyperawareness, just made it into dodging away. Subtle evocation & all that...

As for Consaint Fuar

It's basically just a shield. A Solid form of Ramirez's entropy field & a versatile form of Harry's Spirit Shield.

Big obvious ice shield that you carry around.

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2017, 01:01:13 PM »
Then I'd lose one.   Why have two blocks?   Hyper awareness is a weird spell - better make sure your GM allows something like that. 

Blocks on movement and zone borders are awesome.  Consider this:

You are in a zone with enemies. If you can manage to put up a zone border and cut he zone in half, trapping your enemies on one side of an ice wall and your allies on the other, you can maybe prevent them from fleeing, run away yourself, or blast your enemies with a zone wide attack. 

There is also the value of isolating enemies so your group can take them out piece by piece. 

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Re: Designing my Character, I need some help. (Warlock-Sorcerer)
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2017, 05:07:48 AM »
It's a situational thing, he won't always have access to his focus items so he has to settle with having two types of block depending on what he has to deal with... I could reword or change the the Viasyni if its such a bad idea. The whole isolation type of deal is beneficial & i like it...