DFRPG had the conceit that Will was working on an RPG, with margin notes from Harry, Bob, Butters, and Karin. The marginalia was extremely entertaining.
DFA has the conceit that Ivy is preparing this as a report for a client. The marginalia is between Ivy and Kincaid. It's even *funnier.* See if you can guess who the report is for.
There don't seem to be as many jokes in the index, though. I suppose that to be expected from the Archive.
We have a few jokes in the index. If we hadn't been so darned tired I would have probably thought of more.

Most of them were courtesy of darling Amanda, our lead editor. Thank you for the compliment, though. We tried to have it entertaining!
Re: game mechanics, Razgrizi, Lenny is the expert, but I can tell you that stress works fundamentally the same.