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Jim at Salt Lake City Comic Con: Sept 21-23, 2017

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Salt Lake City Comic Con
Salt Lake City, UT

Panels and signings TBA, but we know at some point he will be doing a signing with Badali Jewelry and Bard's Tower!

Here are Jim's panels. No word yet on when Jim's signings will be, but I'll add them to this thread when I get more info.

Thursday, 5pm -- 250A
Fantasy: Blending Realism with Magical Systems
Jim Butcher, Jody Lynn Nye, Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson, Tad Williams. Moderator: David Farland

Friday, 2pm -- 151D
A Shadowy Reflection of You: A Villain's Story
Jim Butcher, Charlie Holmberg, Emily R. King, Tad Williams, Timothy Zahn. Moderator: Michael A. Stackpole

Saturday, 12pm -- 255B
Fantasy Tropes: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Jim Butcher, Larry Correia, Matthew J. Kirby, Brian McClellan, Patrick Rothfuss. Moderator: Brian Lee Durfee.

Saturday, 5pm -- 151D
Spotlight on Jim Butcher

Saturday, 8pm -- 150G
Plot and Character and Scene and Setting: A Guide to Story
Jim Butcher (Moderator), Michaelbrent Collings, Tyler Jolley, Mary Robinette Kowal, Jody Lynn Nye, J. Scott Savage

There's also:

Thursday, 8pm -- 255E
Night Light: A Dresden Files Noir Fan Film Screening
When some of Chicago's minor magical talents become the targets of abuse, the police chalk it up to isolated incidents of self-inflicted harm. But Harry Dresden's not waiting for someone to die. He's planning a solid pre-emptive strike against whomever or whatever is stalking the city's most vulnerable practitioners. The screening will be followed by the extended trailer of Tower of Turtles' Fall 2017 release of RED SUN: an action fan film of The Dresden Files.
Amy Gruss, Suzanne Solomon, Priscilla Spencer

Just as was asked regarding the last con Jim (and you! Yay!) went to; Will these be filmed?  :)


--- Quote from: Seidmadr on September 10, 2017, 11:10:42 PM ---Just as was asked regarding the last con Jim (and you! Yay!) went to; Will these be filmed?  :)

--- End quote ---

I will make every effort to do so!

Glad to hear it! Effort will be appreciated! :D


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