Author Topic: Wanna help me build a monster  (Read 3237 times)

Offline Ownagepants

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Wanna help me build a monster
« on: November 16, 2016, 04:29:43 AM »
So I made my own original creature for the game I run called the fae hunter a giant wolf from the nevernever that is immune to fae magic and as his name sake states he hunts fae and has a bit of magic of it's own also can attack you physically and mentally at the same time and was wondering if you have any ideas for what a creature like this should be able to do ?

Offline Nepene

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2016, 05:49:10 AM »
Mimic abilities could be fun. It eats fae, and then gains their powers.

Psychometry, to help it track down and eat fae.

Ghost speaker, so it can investigate and talk to the dead spirits of those who the fae hurt.

A custom sort of shapechange that lets it become an iron wolf, growing armor and spikes over its flesh to handle any foolish fae who attempts to close into close combat with it.

Offline Taran

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2016, 01:59:00 PM »
HC:Fae Hunting Wolf
Trouble: Insatiable Hunger
Other: Invisible Stalker; Drive them to the Brink;

I'm imagining a skulking wolf that stalks its prey and drive it mad with fear, making them run to exhaustion then takes them out.  I also imagined him to be Hulking Size but that doesn't really work well with Stealth, so you could go with a Hulking Sized version and give it glamours instead of Cloak of Shadows.  His human form is not his natural form but it makes sense to have an intelligent creature like this be able to change into a humanoid form.  You could even give it two skill trees by giving it beast change.  Seems like a Winter creature...but I suppose it could be Wylde too, given the Erlking`s penchant for the Hunt.  I made it fairly tough given the power of things like trolls and other Nevernever beings.  It`s a bit like a Malk, actually.  But you could drop it`s building block powers to Inhuman to make it weaker.  The Magic immunity eats up lots of refresh.  It could be Lower since it only affect Sidh Magic...but since it runs around in the Nevernever, it`s probably some of the only magic it encounters.

-1 Blood Drinker
-2 Incite Fear (ranged upgrade)
-1 Cloak of Shadows
-1 Echoes of the Beast: Wolf
-1 Supernatural sense: sense the presence, direction and number of Fae within 1km
-5 Physical immunity: Sidh Magic
-2 Inhuman Toughness
-2 Inhuman Recovery
        +3 Catch: Iron
-2 Inhuman speed
+1 Human Form affecting:
  -2 Supernatural Toughness (upgrade)
  -2 Supernatural Recovery  (upgrade)
-4 Supernatural Strength
-1 Claws
-2 Supernatural Speed (upgrade)

-1 Rule with Fear (Reputation is based on Intimidate)
-1 Pin the Tail (+2 Survival when Shadowing)
-1 Stalker (use survival instead of investigation for Surveillance trapping)
-1 Hunter (+2 to Track outdoors)

(other Possibilities:
World Walker (with a focus on Lore instead of Survival)
Hulking Size (with a focus on Deceit for both Glamours and Incite Fear, drop cloak of shadows but keep stealth high enough to set up ambushes.)

+6 Fists
+5 Survival; Stealth
+4 Athletics; Endurance, Intimidate
+3 Lore; Discipline; Contacts;
+2 Conviction;

Phys: 0000(0000) armour 2
Social 0000
Mental 000

Edit:  I like the Mimic idea...that's cool.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 02:06:16 PM by Taran »

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2016, 02:06:08 PM »
thematically, what about a steampunk 'iron wolf' that hunts fae? base it on a popular comic in your setting, and its powered by the belief of its fanbase. so now you have a more complex story, where the Fae murder one of the biggest fans, and the murder is convenient for your PCs to investigate.

mix a few genres, perhaps the wolf from neverending story as a base for it, the forefront of a Nothing from outside and the fae are the first line of defense...

Offline Taran

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2016, 02:12:26 PM »
mix a few genres, perhaps the wolf from neverending story as a base for it, the forefront of a Nothing from outside and the fae are the first line of defense...

The first thing I thought of was Neverending Story but didn't know how the Nothing would work.  Attaching it to Outsiders is perfect and works well with a creature that hunts fae!  Nice job.

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2016, 03:25:05 PM »
I quite like the idea of Voidcalling from Fate System Toolkit (official Evil Hat download page here: ). Maybe you could connect the wolf to that idea. And make it how the Outside works in your game. Wronged by the Fae? It's easy to go over the brink and actually summon a monstrosity they would fear…
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Offline Ownagepants

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2016, 05:09:27 AM »
So the fight went really well he started out hidden using incite fear to attack from a distance and do some pre fight mental damage and then when the fight broke out with one character charging it while it was still cloacked only for it to reveal itself and the fact that on all fours it was taller then him his first words were oh fuck then our wizard stacked all types of temp aspects very cleverly then activated them all at once and added to his magic attack he did over 15 damage their was a lot that happened but it managed to escape after the wizard dropped the ward he had set up earlier cause emergency services were coming after they set off the sprinklers to see where it was hidden like they did in predator 2 overall story wise I see him as a creature that is summoned by someone who wants vengeance on the fae .

Offline Taran

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2016, 01:59:06 PM »
What stats did you use?

Also, I thought it was immune to magic...
« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 02:01:01 PM by Taran »

Offline Ownagepants

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Re: Wanna help me build a monster
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2016, 07:05:36 PM »
Actually I used yours and switched out a few things based on others suggestions
It is Immune to fae magic.