Author Topic: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers  (Read 5370 times)

Offline jeditigger

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In case you missed the update:

If you were a backer, thank you..and we'd like to see any feedback you have by end of year. Check the update above for information. :)
@jeditigger on Twitter
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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2016, 02:54:01 AM »
Downloaded it. Haven't actually read it, but I've flipped through.

I'm impressed.

Kind of surprised me, because I don't actually like Fate Accelerated. But it looks like DFA addresses my issues with the system really well.

Anyone here thinking of running a game?

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2016, 03:34:19 PM »
I'm impressed.

Kind of surprised me, because I don't actually like Fate Accelerated. But it looks like DFA addresses my issues with the system really well.
In what ways, out of curiosity?  I wasnt a backer so Im in the dark on this one.
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Offline Ryan_Singer

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2016, 06:30:11 PM »
It's sooo good. Character creation is mostly about picking Mantles. There are:

Pure Mortals:
Clued-In Mortal: Gets Core Stunts around researching the Supernatural, chasing rumors, and preparing for conflict.
Criminal: Has a "Heat" stress track, can take "heat from the cops" to get bonuses to intimidation and to solicit/exort favors.
Law Enforcement: Can use Police Powers so long as you're not "suspended from the force". Can also request backup!!!
Leader of the People: You have followers that are ready and willing, and you have patrons with resources.
Medic: You are a doctor. You can patch people up.
Monster Hunter: You are good at hunting monsters. Really good.
One Percenter: You are rich, and you can throw your wealth around.
Reporter: You are Susan.

Focused Practitioner: Ghosts, fire, summoning, etc. Pick one.
Magical Practitioner: You are a wizard, Harry!

Scions and Emissaries:
Changling: You can use Fae stunts sometimes, until you Choose. You also get a pure mortal Mantle. If you choose Fae, you lose your mortal mantle and pick up the true fae mantle. If you choose mortal, you lose this one.
Erlking's Huntmaster: Exactly as cool as it sounds.
Knight of a Faerie Court: Faster, Stronger, Tougher, Faerie Magic both draw on winter/summer stress track. Perfect.
Knight of the Cross: Awesome when on a Mission From God, somewhat fragile otherwise.
Kringle's Seneschal: Worth the price of admission. You represent Santa, and you have X-Mas powers.
Red Court Infected: Hunger stress track, powers that use it, also a Mortal Mantle. If you Change, you get Red Court Vampire mantle and lose your mortal one.
Valkyrie: Chooser of the Slain, Rune Magic, extra durability in combat. Yum.
Werecreature: Shapeshifting. Also you get a Mortal Mantle, too.
White Court Virgin: Hunger stress track, powers that use it, also a Mortal Mantle. If you Change, you get White Court Vampire mantle and lose your mortal one.
True Fae: You can design your own Winter, Summer or Wyld Fae as a PC!!! Very Flexible. Be Lea or Toot!

Red Court: If they are still around
White Court: I smell sex and violence :-D

The systems for Evocation and Ritual Magic are elegant and beautiful. I can't wait to play.

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2016, 08:21:14 PM »
I'm also very impressed and excited for DFA. I think Ryan_Singer did a great job of explaining some of the great stuff that's in the book but I also wanted to point out some other things.

Most of the mantles work off the Fate System Toolkit - Conditions (

There's a pretty interesting section on creating Monstrous mantles as well as how to customize and make your own mantle.

There is an actual mechanic for being in debt to someone where you have to cross off the Indebted condition and you have to work off the debt.

Scale is a new mechanic and I think is a great tool for the GM and players.  The GM determines when scale applies; usually it’s when you’re using supernatural abilities. If you are supernaturally stronger than someone then you would have a higher scale than them and the same works vice-versa. Scale is ranked highest to lowest - Godlike, Legendary, Otherworldly, Supernatural, and Mundane. For each level of scale you have, you can have one of these benefits: Take +1 on a roll or an action, take an additional two shifts of effect after the roll if you succeed, or add an extra free invoke to an  advantage you create.

These bonuses stack and if someone is two scales higher than you then they would get to take +2 on a roll or an action, take an additional four shifts of effect after the roll if you succeed, or add a two extra free invoke to an  advantage you create.

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2016, 07:33:52 AM »
Most of the mantles work off the Fate System Toolkit - Conditions (

That reminds me, Quest Aspects are awesome for Dresden-style adventures!

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2016, 10:30:41 AM »
In what ways, out of curiosity?  I wasnt a backer so Im in the dark on this one.

There's a lot more distinguishing characters mechanically. In standard Fate Accelerated, every character operates quite similarly numbers-wise. Some people like that; I do not.

In DFA, there are a number of interesting widgets differentiating characters. And while I haven't played the game yet, they look simple enough to keep DFA A.

Offline Serack

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2016, 12:08:01 PM »
In case you missed the update:

If you were a backer, thank you..and we'd like to see any feedback you have by end of year. Check the update above for information. :)

Really anxious to read this.

Could we get a word on the cannonality? 

Something like this from Iago about the original DFRPG

It is not Word of Jim, but it's close.  The blacked out stuff that folks can discover in the PDFs are 4th wall breaking stuff, mainly an in joke for people who figure out how to read it. Beyond that there are elements of the text that are at least slightly inaccurate or more often incomplete because the rpg as presented is being filtered through Billy -- a version of Billy who was more clued in prior to Turn Coat, so the rpg itself is at least a little alternate universe in its conceit.  But regardless we made it as close to the spruce material as we could manage, because we wanted the setting parts of it to work as a legitimate fan guide too.
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Offline jeditigger

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2016, 02:04:18 AM »
Consider what was sent to the Kickstarter backers as a beta copy. I asked Jim questions whenever I thought I was out of my depth canonically or if I had something in particular I wanted to introduce as canon, like Sanya's last name. He's giving it a thorough once-over and whatever comes out in the end will be approved.
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Offline Serack

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2016, 02:34:40 AM »
DF WoJ Compilation
Green is my curator voice.
Name dropping "Serack" in a post /will/ draw my attention to it

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2016, 12:19:08 AM »
...I wanted to introduce as canon, like Sanya's last name. He's giving it a thorough once-over and whatever comes out in the end will be approved.

Can we assume that Sanya's last name as presented is official, or do we have to wait on that?

Offline jeditigger

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Re: Dresden Files Accelerated sneak peek available to Kickstarter backers
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2017, 08:08:10 PM »
Sanya's last name is what I revealed. Straight from Jim himself. :)
@jeditigger on Twitter
Quote from: Spot
BatPooh! You shall be known as BatPooh now. Yup.