Hey everyone,
So, I was reading through the descriptions for Incite Emotion and am perplexed on how to understand the rules when a character takes Incite Emotion (Range) and then takes Incite Emotion (Lasting Emotion). I shall list the RAW for each and bold the areas that are important.
Emotion-Touch. If you can touch someone, you can make him feel something. You’re able to do maneuvers at +2 to your roll (using Intimidation for anger or fear and Deceit for every other emotion) that force an emotion on a target (as a temporary aspect), so long as you’re in the same zone as he is and you can physically touch him. The victim defends with his Discipline. You may be able to prevent the victim from taking other actions as well if you do this as a block (page 210) instead of as a maneuver.
Ok, so that is what you get from basic Incite Emotion, but lets take a look at what happens when you add the upgrade to Range.
You may use this ability on targets up to one zone away without touching them.
Alright, so now you can use your Emotion-Touch ability at Range, ok, no conflict here, but let's add Lasting Emotion to the equation.
If you increase the refresh cost of this ability by 1, you gain the ability to do Emotion-Touch as a mental attack instead of a mere maneuver or block. If such an attack hits, you gain a +2 stress bonus on a successful hit (as though it were Weapon:2), increasing the chances of inflicting a mental consequence (and thus, a more lasting emotional state). The victim defends with his Discipline.
So, from my understanding it seems you can use this ability as an attack from ranged if you take the Range and Lasting Upgrade.
Let me know if I am understanding these rules correctly.
