Author Topic: JUST like the Dresdenverse... but not!  (Read 6585 times)

Offline Taran

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Re: JUST like the Dresdenverse... but not!
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2017, 03:59:41 PM »
When I began gaming -- Lo! those many years ago -- I read and re-read the AD&D MM cover-to-cover between the time I got my grubby little mitts on it, and the next time the group met to play.  I recognized EVERY creature as soon as the GM described it, and for the next several game-sessions I could recite HP/AC/Damage, special attacks & special weaknesses, faster than the GM could turn to the page...  The same happened when I met "Gamma World," etc.  I know other gamers who are the same... and I have more than one of them in my group!  Sure, having everyone know I was The Guy who could tell them if it was a pushover or a run-away was fun egoboo for my teen self... But actually, the most gaming fun seems to be had by "discovery" (always presuming you aren't caught-out by making stupid presumptions that, IC'ly, your PC wouldn't have made!) .

There's an easy way around this and I used it to great effect in D&D: I reskinned the description of monsters.  All my long time players had no clue what they were fighting and it added excitement and mystery to the encounters. 

"There's a slime covered dog that is killing all the sheep in the village"

What the hell could it be?   I used the stats of a troglodyte.

You just rejigger the descriptions and the usual tropes around things like orcs and stuff and the players have no idea what they are facing.  The same can be done in Dresden. 

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Re: JUST like the Dresdenverse... but not!
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2017, 01:08:33 AM »
@Sanctaphrax & @Taran -

I seem to have mis-spoken.  (I'd arrogantly accuse you of willfully misunderstanding ('cos I never "IMHO" I always "IMAO" (being just that arrogant)) but it's 2 of you and only 1 of me, so I'm forced to be reasonable:  if you BOTH "misunderstood" it's obviously *I* who mis-spoke).  :o

I intended the D&D-monsters as a simile:  not mainly about any specific monsters of DF (so it's about re-skinning them or using obscure ones), but about the broad factions.  It isn't so much whether the D&D player recognize an "Ogre," or the DFRPG player recognizes a "Ghoul."  Rather, it's that I want to not simply re-name "the White Council" into "Merlin's RoundTable" & "Arthur Langtry" into "Andrew Laughton."  After all, I'll be advertising this as a game that is (at least) "inspired by" DF.  If the details behind the names are the same, they will peg the identities in short order:
  • O-kaaaay! worldwide wizard's council... CHECK
  • scary-ass mofo's... CHECK
  • On the face of it, mostly / more-or-less TheGoodGuys(tm)... CHECK
  • Actually rather arrogant; sometimes morally-ambiguous in their presumption of GoodGuy-ness... CHECK and MATE!
"WE HAVE OUR WHITE COUNCIL, FOLKS!"  Then they have pre-set expectations (which may differ from one to another, or from my own understanding:  always a problem).  And they will approach the Council, and interact with it, based on those expectations.  They WON'T experience/discover the Council as they encounter it, as an evolving in-play relationship (I suppose I could make it a very-different worldwide Council, but honestly my "Regional Councils" notion seems to me to increase the potential stories/characters).

And so on, for multiple divergences...

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Re: JUST like the Dresdenverse... but not!
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2017, 04:07:34 PM »
If that is your concern, I think it would be worth your time to write up a brief cheat-sheet for your players.  Nothing long or complicated, maybe as simple as an outline with a list of the major (known) factions and a couple-sentence description with their publicly know reputation/description.  The more they know about your world, the less they'll feel the need to fill in the blanks with Dresdenverse bits.  Just make sure to leave some blank spots on the list, and maybe a few "unconfirmed" factions based on rumor (akin to the Jade Court of actual DF) so there is still a sense of mystery and discovery out there. Something like:

  • Council of the Wise - North America:  Contemporary/Modern Wizards, Democratic structure, internal struggles between Native, European and African factions. Moderate Military forces
  • Regnomagicae - Europe:  Classic Wizard tradition, isolationists, Aristocracy by "noble" magic bloodlines.
  • Court of the Sun - Africa:  Loose coalition of tribal and cultural leaders throughout africa.  Ruled/administered by Egyptian faction until 20th century.  Now under Vodun faction control.  Interests vary by region.
  • [unknown]  - Asia:  The practices of Eastern wizardry are largely unknown to the western magical populace. 
  • Aetherites - Near NeverNever:  Wizard nation in near NeverNever.  Founded by refugees during the Inquisition, Established Demense in NN via unknown means.  Control most Ways travel through nearby Natural lands (Fae lands in DF).
  • Aetherites " Competator"  - NeverNever (?):  Details unknown, Aetherites do not discuss, but they visibly prepare against antagonistic actions. 

  • ...
  • ...
<(o)> <(o)>
        / \
      (o o)

“We’re all imaginary friends to one another."

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Offline g33k

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Re: JUST like the Dresdenverse... but not!
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2017, 09:07:52 PM »
If that is your concern, I think it would be worth your time to write up a brief cheat-sheet for your players.  Nothing long or complicated, maybe as simple as an outline with a list of the major (known) factions and a couple-sentence description with their publicly know reputation/description.  The more they know about your world, the less they'll feel the need to fill in the blanks with Dresdenverse bits.  Just make sure to leave some blank spots on the list, and maybe a few "unconfirmed" factions based on rumor (akin to the Jade Court of actual DF) so there is still a sense of mystery and discovery out there. Something like:

  • Council of the Wise - North America:  Contemporary/Modern Wizards, Democratic structure, internal struggles between Native, European and African factions. Moderate Military forces
  • Regnomagicae - Europe:  Classic Wizard tradition, isolationists, Aristocracy by "noble" magic bloodlines.
  • Court of the Sun - Africa:  Loose coalition of tribal and cultural leaders throughout africa.  Ruled/administered by Egyptian faction until 20th century.  Now under Vodun faction control.  Interests vary by region.
  • [unknown]  - Asia:  The practices of Eastern wizardry are largely unknown to the western magical populace. 
  • Aetherites - Near NeverNever:  Wizard nation in near NeverNever.  Founded by refugees during the Inquisition, Established Demense in NN via unknown means.  Control most Ways travel through nearby Natural lands (Fae lands in DF).
  • Aetherites " Competator"  - NeverNever (?):  Details unknown, Aetherites do not discuss, but they visibly prepare against antagonistic actions. 

  • ...
  • ...
Almost exactly, that; yes!

Honestly, the "what everybody knows" cheatsheet is probably going to be even more abbreviated; I'm really liking the notion of "world cards" from the GM during character & city build session; the 3x5 format fits well into that session, I think.  I'll probably compile those into that single "cheatsheet" format (after session-1):  whatever the players actually glom onto gets "canonized."  The rest falls by the wayside.

For everybody with some Clue -- but lacking an insight into the higher politics/culture of wizards -- will be a pair of cards about Wizards.  Typical PCs for this might be:
  • a low/mid grade Paranet member
  • a Pure Mortal who got (a little bit) Clued-in by a wizard
  • some other Supernaturals like a Were' pack-member
  • etc.
They all know roughly the same stuff, and get these 2 cards:

"General Wizards" card --
Human wizards are organized into a series of regional councils/coalitions/whatever's, each rather different from the others; little more than a pact of non-aggression connects each, though all hold to a similar set of laws.  You know a bit more about the North American council (because you live here and have had decades to put together snippets overheard).

"North American Wizards" card --
Theoretically a "true" 1-wizard-1-vote democracy, it's rife with internal factions & rivalries; some factions are virtually powerless.  There are several FirstNation groups, at least a couple of "WASP"-y ones, Asian & African ones, and likely others.  Laws definitely include some  version of "Thou shalt not kill" (but with odd exceptions, because those bastards DO kill ! ) .

Someone who grew up comparably, but NOT in North America, would get a different "Regional Wizards" card.

Then someone even more info, such as...
  • one of the above, with an Aspect suggesting extra info
  • Wizards' Apprentice
  • Focused Practitioner
  • Senior/Powerful Paranet'er
would know more than that:  probably a half-page or so on the North American council (most of the factions, most of the main individuals), and brief "cards" (akin to the NorthAmerican one) on probably 2-3 other "regional councils".

Unless they have an Aspect indicating some special "political savvy" or "well-connected" -- then they know even more!

As another example, someone magical who was "Raised on the Res" (the Reservation) might know of all the "First Nation" factions in some depth, in addition to the "general wizardry info" cards above.


Once PC's and City/Campaign is built, I'll know what's important-enough to get onto the "everybody knows" cheat-sheet.

Ideally, I'd get unique in-character info -- cards or half-pages that are NOT "everybody knows" info -- delivered in-character by the PC... maybe even with extra detail added by that player's own creative input!  I'd LOVE to get that level of buy-in from them...   8)