
Assuming he is a wizard, who is Cowl?

13 (4.4%)
An Unmet Character
47 (15.8%)
Arthur Langtry
9 (3%)
Joseph "Listens-to-Wind"
0 (0%)
Ebenezer McCoy
4 (1.3%)
Simon Pietrovich
111 (37.2%)
Rashid the Gatekeeper
1 (0.3%)
Gregori Cristos
10 (3.4%)
Justin DuMorne
31 (10.4%)
Heinrich Kemmler
6 (2%)
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3 (1%)
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2 (0.7%)
4 (1.3%)
"Mac" McAnally
2 (0.7%)
Time Travelling Harry Dresden
12 (4%)
Parallel Universe Harry Dresden
23 (7.7%)
1 (0.3%)
0 (0%)
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0 (0%)
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0 (0%)
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0 (0%)
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0 (0%)
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2 (0.7%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
MacFee (doing a passable impersonation of a man)
0 (0%)
The Warden from Bremen
0 (0%)
The Original Merlin
4 (1.3%)
Montjoy (research trip in the Yucatán)
1 (0.3%)
0 (0%)
Leonid Kravos
0 (0%)
Victor Sells
1 (0.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Martha Liberty (doing a passable impersonation of a man)
1 (0.3%)
The Mailman from Storm Front
3 (1%)
0 (0%)
Anthony Forthill
1 (0.3%)
Gregory Taggart (because why not)
0 (0%)
Father Paolo
1 (0.3%)
Benson Hagglethorn
0 (0%)
Larry Fowler
1 (0.3%)
Billy Sells
2 (0.7%)
Detective Green
0 (0%)
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0 (0%)
Malcolm Dresden
0 (0%)
Greg Beckitt
0 (0%)
Mike the Mechanic
2 (0.7%)
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Author Topic: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]  (Read 195504 times)

Offline jonas

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #225 on: July 29, 2017, 01:11:18 AM »
Until we have an answer, the topic will be picked again and again.  Like a scab.  Or a chronic pustule.  Or an abscess filled with purulent fluid that reeks of bacterial infection and curdled milk, the stench of which clings to both your taste buds and olfactory receptors alike, as it explodes wetly, squelching like an irritable bowel locked in ebullient convulsions as it expels it's noxious emissions.
..... pass the brain bleach please...
Is that just good descriptive writing, or do I have an over active imagination? ??? Either way, Yeergk!
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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #226 on: July 29, 2017, 09:59:46 AM »
Griffyn might have been inspired by the latest Game of Thrones episodes there.  ;D

Offline jonas

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #227 on: July 29, 2017, 03:02:05 PM »
Griffyn might have been inspired by the latest Game of Thrones episodes there.  ;D
*stuffs fingers in ears* LALALALALALALALALALA, I can't hear you! (no can watch ;( )
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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #228 on: August 29, 2017, 04:27:19 AM »
To my knowledge there is nothing that actually indicates humans are immune, the theory rests on the fact that all confirmed Nemfected so far have been Fae.

Well, that and the fact that the Dresdenverse has long-running a special emphasis on mortals and their specialness in having not only the ability to conjure up outsiders, but also free will.*

Huh. In fact, that could very well explain the difference between Maeve's nemfection and Cat Sith's. If Maeve is still human, theologically speaking, then she has free will and (perhaps) can't be sock-puppeted by Outsiders like Cat Sith can--she has to be seduced like the FBI agents in Fool Moon.

* Admittedly, it's not at all clear that immortals don't have free will also--Uriel certainly implies to Harry in Skin Game that he's got it, and of course Lasciel obviously must have had it or she would never have Fallen... but that may be me projecting my opinions/theology into the Dresdenverse instead of an actual thing.

Offline wardenferry419

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #229 on: October 30, 2017, 09:24:55 AM »
I would say free will is a symptom of Nemesis infection.
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Offline WereElephant

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #230 on: February 08, 2018, 08:22:14 PM »
Unsure of Cowl's birth name or public identity. I tend to think unmet character. However, as for what his intentions are, I'm piecing together ideas. Here we go:

To my knowledge, we have three confirmed on-screen appearances of Cowl in the series: (1) Bianca's Ball in Grave Peril, (2) the events of Dead Beat, and (3) as a handler/master of Vittorio Malvora in White Night.

(1) In Grave Peril, Cowl and Kumori (we reasonably assume) are responsible for giving Bianca the box containing Morgana's Athame, which she in turn gave to Harry's godmother, Lea. I don't recall at present if they also gave Bianca what she offered to Ferrovax or not. We know as of Cold Days that the Athame caused Lea to become Nemfected. That may or may not have been Cowl's intent. Apart from the Nemfection, it was also an item of prodigious magical power given to a high-ranking member of the Winter Court. Mab had to rebalance the scales of power after Lea returned with it.

Intention (reasonable speculation): either to influence Winter politics by strengthening the power of one of its members, or to gain a Nemfected operative in Winter, or both.

(2) In Dead Beat, Cowl and Kumori are one of the three teams of Kemmlerites attempting the Darkhallow, and arguably the real planners of it in the first place. Despite their claims to only wish it to prevent Grevane and Corpsetaker from misusing the power, evidence suggests that Cowl would have wanted to go through with it even if the other Kemmlerites were absent. Bob says that Cowl was probably the only one who knew the ritual must be done on Halloween, suggesting he was involved in planning the timing of the Red Court attack. Kumori tells Dresden that Cowl wants to end death, and obtaining the power of the Darkhallow would be a big step forward in that direction. And nothing about Cowl's expressed personality says he despises the idea of additional power.

Intention (reasonable speculation): acquire power on par with a Faerie Queen, and use said power to depose the current Senior Council, overturning enforcement of the Laws of Magic in allowance of pursuing either unmolested necromancy, increased Outsider summoning, or both.

(3) In White Night, following an assumed recovery period after failing to perform the Darkhallow, Cowl (assumed) is witnessed in authority over Vittorio Malvora, involved in a White Court power play. This play targeted Raith specifically. Given that it is almost common knowledge that Lord Raith is only boss de jure, and Lara boss de facto, I suspect this attack to have been aimed largely at her vision for House Raith (at the time, she was proposing peace with the White Council, IIRC). When that power play fails, Vittorio calls in Cowl with an army of uber Ghouls to destroy the leadership of the White Court. From what I recall, only some high members of House Raith escape. Houses Malvora and Skavis are basically removed as players from White Court politics in the aftermath.

Intention (reasonable speculation): depose House Raith as head of the White Court, and failing that, devastate the leadership of the entire court. In doing so, the White Council would remain under pressure, and Lara Raith (whom we have since learned is associated with the Venatori) would be out of the picture.

Inferences and Conjecture: Kumori's assessment of Cowl's objectives to end death is loosely true. Maybe it's misguided altruism (ha), or maybe it's self serving (more in character).

In his struggle to achieve this, in addition to dabbling in necromancy, Cowl deliberately summoned Outsiders for power. He became Nemfected, but believes himself to be manipulating the Outsiders in whatever bargain they offered him for additional power. The actions he has taken have all had intentions that align with the goal of the Old Ones/Outsiders to bring down the Outer Gates and cause Empty Night: spreading Nemesis into Faerie, attacking the power of the White Council, and hurting agents of the Venatori (players in the Oblivion War to keep the Old Ones outside Creation).

Though Nemesis has its own purpose for Cowl, if Cowl really wants to end death, his actions so far do align with that goal. Ending death would involve acquiring a great deal of power (Darkhallow), destroying or damaging powers that would resist his efforts (White Council and their Laws of Magic), and destabilizing Faerie (Athame). Why Faerie? Because the closest known being we have to wielding the power of death itself is none other than Atropos herself, Mother Winter.

Why end death? Kumori gave a list of reasons. Cowl could agree with them, though I suspect that's a line he uses to string her along, and possibly justify it to himself. He could also just not want to die. Or, there could be someone/multiple someones that he doesn't want to die, or even wants to resurrect. Not altruistic, but not self serving either. This may have been his original desire, which was then corrupted by exposure to Nemesis. We are told that it turned a man''s love for his family into a lust for power (Victor Sells), it corrupted officers of the law into becoming worse than the kind of thing they tried to destroy (Agent Denton), and it influenced the whole Nightmare debacle (Leonid Kravos).

Proposed sequence:
Enter Cowl, talented and noble wizard
Either death of loved one, or impending death of one for Cowl
Search for remedy in Necromancy, corrupted by Black Magic
Search for remedy in Outsiders, corrupted by Nemesis
Join the Circle, group of Nemfected wizards collaborating with Outsiders for what they think are their own reasons
Become Darth Ringwraith, Wielder of Black Magic to Destroy Death Herself and, in the process, inadvertently hand Creation to the Outsiders

TLDR: The Outsiders are using Cowl by dangling the idea of destroying death in front of him. The steps to do this, with which they would graciously cooperate, involve deposing the White Council and gaining access to the power of Mother Winter. By a happy coincidence, these steps also work toward destroying the safeguards that prevent the Old Ones and Outsiders from rising again and bringing about Empty Night.

That's all I've got so far. I don't buy into any of the currently known characters are Cowl theories because each one has enough against it that it doesn't make sense.
No Justin - Word of Jim is he's dead
No Kemmler - see above
No Time Traveling Harry - not enough reason to suspect this
No Alterna Harry - also not enough reason to suspect this, and we're told Butcher already has different plans for an Alterna Harry
No Simon Pietrovich - Ebenezer said Simon was a friend. Don't think he would have befriended someone that into necromancy
None of the current Senior Council seem to make sense. The closest would be Cristos, but his mannerisms that we've heard don't seem to mesh with what Cowl's shown so far.
No Alterna Justin - this one I could almost see working, but I don't know why we should suspect this at the present.

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #231 on: February 09, 2018, 01:28:28 AM »
Good summary.
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Offline WereElephant

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #232 on: February 09, 2018, 02:31:55 PM »
Thank you! I tried to include everything we know.

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #233 on: February 13, 2018, 04:55:14 PM »
Good recap, and I find it hard to argue against many of your suppositions. Seems good enough to me. Though I've often wondered if the athame was the vector of transmission, and not an artifact of power that would intoxicate Lea and lead her on a path to BE infected, if that makes sense.

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #234 on: February 14, 2018, 12:11:00 AM »
May I throw a temper tantrum? I want Simon to be Cowl. I WANNA! I WANNA! Sorry, had to get that out of system.
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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #235 on: February 14, 2018, 02:17:03 PM »
Excellent recap! 

I want to toss out a related topic:  Winter was represented at the GP Ball via Lea, and she in turn was gifted a vector for Nemfection.  Summer was not visibly represented, which seems out of character, politically speaking.  Coincidentally, per SK that same time is when Aurora relocated her court to Chicago, forcing Maeve to follow suit.  And Aurora is the earliest confirmed Nemfection.... 

Also:  You were correct, Cowl and (presumed) Kumori handed Bianca the cask of gold and jewels (confirmed in WOJ) that she gave to Ferro

One of the hooded figures behind her stepped forward, holding a small cask, about as big as a breadbox. The figure opened it, and the lights gleamed on something that sparkled and shone. (GP, ch 29)
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline WereElephant

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #236 on: February 15, 2018, 03:21:51 PM »
Excellent recap! 

I want to toss out a related topic:  Winter was represented at the GP Ball via Lea, and she in turn was gifted a vector for Nemfection.  Summer was not visibly represented, which seems out of character, politically speaking.  Coincidentally, per SK that same time is when Aurora relocated her court to Chicago, forcing Maeve to follow suit.  And Aurora is the earliest confirmed Nemfection.... 

Also:  You were correct, Cowl and (presumed) Kumori handed Bianca the cask of gold and jewels (confirmed in WOJ) that she gave to Ferro

One of the hooded figures behind her stepped forward, holding a small cask, about as big as a breadbox. The figure opened it, and the lights gleamed on something that sparkled and shone. (GP, ch 29)

Thanks for confirming the Ferrovax gift. And ooooooo, you make an excellent point about Summer. So did the Red Court effectively snub them, or were they represented by parties unseen (possibly Aurora)?

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #237 on: February 15, 2018, 04:43:45 PM »
Thanks for confirming the Ferrovax gift. And ooooooo, you make an excellent point about Summer. So did the Red Court effectively snub them, or were they represented by parties unseen (possibly Aurora)?
Im guessing the later, that they sent a tainted Gift but for whatever reason Summer declined to attend in person, I assume there were polite ways to decline, Harry simply never bothered.
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline KipIngram

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #238 on: October 25, 2018, 10:50:12 PM »
Wow, kudos to WereElephant for post #230 up there; very well put together!

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« Reply #239 on: October 29, 2018, 08:13:54 AM »
Cowl is Justin and Elaine is Kumori. Here is why I think it adds up.

1. Cowl has appeared in several books - first notable one is Death Masks at the Bianca's ball. He delivers a gift (possibly nemfected) to several guests, but only confirmed through Mab about the Leansidhe. Morgana's Athame is traded for Amoracchius (Excalibur).
2. In Dead Beat Cowl mentions many things of significance happened that night, Dresden is only aware of a few of them. Cowl likely conspired with Mavra and Bianca and her progenitor (Ortega), who's wife Ariana was part of the group that Margaret Le Fey, the White King, and possibly Justin Dumorne were all a part of. A group that might have decided it was time for the White Council to end.
3. A shadowy figure sponsors and is seen in White Knight. Harry seems to recognise his magic as Cowl's. In this book, the Circle is mentioned for the first time.
4. Cowl is an expert at Evocation, Neuromancy, Veils, Ways and Necromancy. He also mentions his skill at swordplay. Why would Cowl have a sword? Most wizards do not carry them. But an ex-Warden would. All his magical skills and talents would make him an excellent warden (excluding the fact he can't use Necromancy).
5. Justin is likely a skilled Neuromancer/Psychomancer - he enthralls Elaine before Harry gets to the confrontation.
6. Justin was in the assault on Kemmler. Cowl says he despised the "mad man" Kemmler, despite being his student. He may well have taken the opportunity to erase his enemy for his own ends.
7. Justin was Simon's apprentice. It is stated in Summer Knight that Simon's fortress was impregnable, and the Warden's forensics suggest that someone let them in past the defences. Eb says it would still have required someone who knew the place inside out. Justin is only discounted on being dead, but otherwise as a rogue Warden and Warlock would have been a candidate, who the Council suspect passed on the knowledge to Harry. Now we know that it wasn't Harry - so it doesn't leave much leeway.
9. Simon is said to have been found dead, along with the brute squad. Whilst it doesn't explicitly state his body was found, it would be a hell of a thing for them not to notice his missing corpse. A whole plot point in the series is built around how intolerable it would be to have a high-level wizard turned to the enemy. A missing Senior Council member might have provoked a stronger reaction.
10. We only have Harry's word that Justin died, and that he fought Justin in earnest. Most people thought is unlikely he beat Justin. Fires in stories tend to be useful covers for other events, a physical symbol of chaos.
11. Jim says Justin is dead. D-E-D dead. He has also said not to trust a word he says. JB has also described death as "a squishy line in the Dresdenverse"
12. Many characters, including Mab, have said Death is a spectrum.
13. Harry believed Elaine was dead. Harry was wrong. If he was wrong about her...
14. From a writing perspective, consider Star Wars (one of Jim's favourite stories). Luke is raised an orphan by others, his lovely aunt and uncle. He then goes on an apprenticeship with a wise old mentor. He is told his father was a Jedi, who his most feared enemy killed. Vader reveals he is Lukes father, which Luke is in denial about but realises must be true. Obi-wan does the fae-speak of half truths (When your father became Vader, he killed Anakin Skywalker). The trope of Harry thinking his foster father and first mentor is dead, who actually isn't would be a good technique and mess with Dresden's psychology majorly.
15. Cowl hides his face, the other Necromancer's do not. Harry suspects White Council. He might be right, but likely that is not the only reason. They even distort their voices. Vader hides his face too - and was a jedi once. Luke just did not know it.
16. Cowl wishes to end Death. Why? The Outsiders might want that, perhaps it would limit the power of TWG. But why would Cowl? Kumori seems to believe him. I suspect it is because he is traumatized by the Death of someone he loved.
17. Justin and Cowl both have links to HWWBH.
18. If Justin is dead, why no Death Curse?
19. Elaine is the most likely candidate for Kumori (I think she might also be the prevailing fan theory - but I will have to check). If Elaine is Kumori most of the other candidates for Cowl don't make much sense. Justin fits better than the others.

1. Kumori is tall enough to hold a knife to Harry's neck - Harry is 6'9" roughly so not an easy feat.
2. Elaine is described as being tall, tall enough she only has to stretch a little to kiss him on the cheek.
3. Elaine is described as being a better at magic than Harry, while Harry is brawnier. She is skillful enough she is not worried about people seeing through her veils.
4. Kumori seems to use less brawn and more subtler magic than Cowl; less of a duelist but still deadly.
5. Kumori is a distinctly japanese name.
6. Elaine uses japanese as her magic words.
7. Kumori shows compassion - she resurrects a dead gunman of Marcone's for apparently no other reason than because she thinks she should.
8. Elaine has shown much compassion for her fellows, whilst still distrusting the institution of the White Council.
9. Elaine was the Emmisary of Summer/Harry's opposite. She says she was part of the Summer Court for a long time. Summer has been involved unusually in the books. Mostly ambivalent or directly in contest with Dresden. Rarely against the foes of Dresden.
10. Kumori and Elaine show compassion for Dresden, but not so much that it impedes their goals. Kumori even goes out of her way to warn him in the stairwell but they end up agreeing to disagree when she tries to convince him to leave.
11. In that same scene, Kumori tells him to remove his force ring. He puts this down to being White Council trained enough to recognise it for what it is. But if Kumori is Elaine, then she simply knows that he has it. Keep in mind, on no other occasion has anyone recognised or been aware of that ring nor do many other wizards/sorcerers use such things. Elaine does however, a product of her shared training with Justin.
12. WOJ is that Kumori's identity will really hurt Dresden. Griffyn's theory relating to the Batman/Catwoman scene, I think it certainly adds flavour even if the scene in the books ends up quite different. I suspect the scene will be a gut punch.

Bit of a wild theory here. I believe Justin was in love with Maggie. They had a relationship and they both felt the White Council was too harsh and too rigid. Maggie and Justin had two children - Elaine and Harry (perhaps twins?). Elaine is older than Harry - he is always referred to as Margaret's youngest. When Maggie was killed by the White Court - Justin was furious. But he could not yet move against them. He finally gets his children back when Malcolm died. He raises them to be his disciples and enforces but it goes wrong and he either dies and is revived or fakes his own death. He finally gets his revenge by "accidentally" murdering half the White Court when his uber-ghouls start murdering everyone. He definitely would want to end Death as he is still grieving Maggie.

From a writing perspective (and fitting nicely with the Star Wars inspiration) - it would be a major shock to discover not only is Justin alive, but he is Cowl and been orchestrating all the terrible stuff in Dresden's life. It would also majorly freak Dresden out that he was in a relationship with his sister, something Justin would have definitely encouraged (like a good cult leader). It also matches the weird Luke-Leia thing. Finally, you might argue Dresden should have recognised Justin's magic. I think he sort of did without realising it. Cowl's magic is human, with a bit of Dark Magic in it - unlike the Mavra or even the Corpsetaker. Harry recognises so is his, which makes sense when you realise he was taught all the basics by Justin/Cowl. I also believe Justin will likely kill Ebenezar while he tries to protect Harry. Very common trope. Harry might find it very hard to be good when he realises his whole life is a lie, he was born to be a weapon, he commited incest (potentially) and that his mother was in on it for a long time. Harry is given power over Outsiders. Yes he uses this as a weapon - but perhaps the real purpose is to be a leader (very Hellboy in my mind).

I did just make a thread about this but it got a bit sidetracked and I also thought the theory should be in the appropriate thread. I also really enjoyed DonBugen's TT theory, excellent write up. It could fit but I think some of the connections were a little fragile and could be accounted for inconsistencies and weakness's in JB's writing. I also think DonBugen's analysis of the Darkhallow was pretty bang on.
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