Author Topic: Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?  (Read 2443 times)

Offline sorcerers_apprentice

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Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?
« on: November 12, 2016, 01:04:42 PM »
Hello everyone,

I'm GMing for the first time with a group of players who are new to rpgs. One of the players wants to play an emissary of the the Shinto god of storms and sea, Susanoo-no-Mikoto.

Does anyone have ideas for sponsored magic from said god? Obviously the evocations would have to do with storms, but what about the thaumatugy, thaumaturgy at evocations' speed, and miscellaneous bonuses, and goals?

Also, are there any other supernatural powers that such a character might get from Susanoo?


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Re: Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2016, 02:50:50 PM »
mostly air and water magic. fire would apply to some destructive potential, such as lightning. one spell may be able to short out the local power grid for a time. spirit would be implied in a few places (kami are spirits). power would be easier to gather during a storm, or when on the coastline or ocean. probably no earth element at all, although Coral or Sand could come into play along the coast- like a shoal to make a ship run aground.

the Kami fought an eight-headed dragon, and found a sword in its tail which became part of the imperial treasures, last seen in the early 1990s. this could be a potent item of power that shows up later on.

focus items, if applicable, would need to be of the Shinto variety.

Offline Nepene

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Re: Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2016, 11:32:32 PM »
Their agenda would probably be violent and destructive, leaning towards heavy destruction. No subtlety.

Tornados, lightning, thunder, rain, water, fog, mist, hail, ice, air pressure would all be easy for evo.

Thaumatology. Violently destructive magic. Weather alteraration magic. Poisoning enemies. Water and storm scrying.

Evothaum. Divination and entropomancy with the speed and methods of evocation.

Benefit. +2 to control/ complexity of any storm spells in a full storm, +1 in appropriately stormy weather.

Offline sorcerers_apprentice

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Re: Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2016, 11:42:13 PM »
Cool, thanks both to of you :)

Would it be overpowered to allow Susanoo style magic to be less affected by  running water? It seems thematic (god of the sea, etc.), but I'm not sure if that would be worth an additional refresh or not.

Offline Nepene

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Re: Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2016, 05:56:25 AM »
It's a fairly small benefit. Easy thing to do would be to swap in some negative- they have an aquatic nature now, so in areas which are extremely dry magic is harder. Dry air could serve as a threshold.

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Re: Ideas For Susanoo Sponsored Magic?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2016, 02:06:27 PM »
Storms and associated Water Magic would be the start.  Rage Powers of any kind would fit the deity pretty well.  He's kind of a force of Chaos, and combined with the water element already in the Storms aspect I could see Entropy Magic playing a roll

the Kami fought an eight-headed dragon, and found a sword in its tail which became part of the imperial treasures, last seen in the early 1990s. this could be a potent item of power that shows up later on.
According to the books that particular sword was one of the Swords of the Cross...

Could be interesting to give them a Serpent affinity, the ability to command/intimidate Serpents into doing their bidding.  Snakes wouldnt like him, and would probably resent him if they are intelligent enough for such things, but they'd be subject to his will unless they are supernatural and clever enough to slip out of it. 

It's a fairly small benefit. Easy thing to do would be to swap in some negative- they have an aquatic nature now, so in areas which are extremely dry magic is harder. Dry air could serve as a threshold.
I'd hesitate to use that specific one, as dry air is often a benefit to static electricity and lightning, so should be a beneficial thing for the Storm aspect, not a restriction.  Being a more "stormy primal chaos" entity might weaken their provided magic in City's and other area's of overly "ordered."  Deserts and other arid places of course.  Or you could flip it and say that, rather than having difficulty with Water because it's grounding their magic (like normal) they have difficulty with Open Water (and maybe heights) because it calls to their Storm Magic and is more difficult to keep under control in area's of strong resonance, rather than weaker in opposite areas.

Check out the Suosano entry from the Scion wiki.  Different system of course, but its a concise writeup of the the mythological and personality traits of the deity. 
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