Hey everyone,
It has been a little while since I posted a question, but recently I got to think a little more about mental attacks, the variety of mental attacks, and the targets of these types of attacks.
Question #1: Are White Court Vampires immune to attempts by other White Court Vampire uses of their Invoke Emotion ability? This may have been covered in the books, but I can't seem to recall if this was ever stated explicitly.
Question #2. Would a zombie (undead creation) be immune to the mental attacks of a White Court Vampire? This to me makes sense if they are immune, since they are just animated and are performing actions as directed by the creator thus having no real motivations or mind.
Question #3: Would constructs be immune to the mental attacks of a White Court Vampire? This seems like the would be immune much to the same as my thoughts on question #2.
What does everyone else think? Do I have it right?
Thanks in advance! 
I would think it would depend on whether or not the entity the WCV was directing its abilities at were capable of experiencing the emotions being projected.
1. A WCV would be susceptible to other WCVs. This is proven in BR, when Lara whammies Papa Raith > WCV to WCV directly. That might be looked at as "same type" meaning Lust vs. Lust = no immunity, whereas Raith Lust vs. Malvora Fear maybe not? Very hard to tell. I'll stand on, if they can experience the emotion they're not immune.
2. Can it feel emotion? And, even if so, can it feel the emotion being projected. For example, while a zombie might feel an emotion we might call hunger, can it feel something like the Lust projected by a Raith, or the Malvora's fear?
3. Like #2, can the construct feel experience the emotion? Can a Raith "seduce" a truck or a Malvora scare an elevator? Constructs are primarily machines and don't have emotions, so aren't susceptible to emotional manipulation any more than a camera or a garbage disposal.
I agree with the precept that the target would have to have an appropriate stress track... I'm not sure which one would be most appropriate. I'm fairly sure the Social one has some applicability, because that's the one where a character can be made to feel shame - an emotion. Mental is far more for concentration and memory recall so I'm ambivalent whether it would apply.