Author Topic: Need some help with a one off session for Halloween  (Read 1943 times)

Offline Treznet

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Need some help with a one off session for Halloween
« on: October 28, 2016, 03:55:15 AM »
Long time lurker on these forums. I've got a last minute one off planned for some friends and need some help building some pre-gen characters for the table. The session will follow a group of stereotypical teens in high school (Think Buffy Season 1) and their first exposure to the supernatural al la novice sorcerer avenging a sibling. I'm thinking hydrophobe (10 skill points, 2 refresh, good skill cap) for all members of the group, I've already come up with a list of high concepts but need some help/suggestions on statting them out. So far I've got;

The Good Natured Jock
The Overly Involved Cheerleader
The Lonely Rich Kid
The Delinquent Latchkey Kid
The Awkward Uber-Nerd
The Creepy, Goth Kid
The Proud Band Kid
The Rebel Without a Cause
The Over the Top Drama Kid
The “Perfect” Preacher's Kid

Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance!

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Need some help with a one off session for Halloween
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2016, 07:50:36 AM »
Welcome to the forum, or at least to posting on it.

Statting low-end mortals is pretty easy. Just pick skills, maybe a stunt or two, and you're done. Well, apart from Aspects.

Let's take the first character on your list. The good-natured jock. Jock implies that his top skill is Athletics, and that he's decent at Might and Endurance too. Good-natured implies decent Rapport, Empathy, and Presence.

As it happens, six skills is the exact right number for a 10-point pyramid. So our jock can look like this:

Good Athletics
Fair Might and Rapport
Average Presence, Endurance, and Empathy

He doesn't really need any stunts. But maybe something for his sport of choice would be appropriate. And if there's gonna be fighting in the game, maybe he should be able to do that. So how about...

Star Pitcher: May use Athletics instead of Weapons to throw things.
Pretty Good Batter, Too: May use Athletics instead of Weapons to swing around a baseball bat.

Not sure how clear the underlying approach is you see what I'm doing? In any case, something similar should work for the others too.

PS: There are some minor balance concerns with a stunt that moves attacks to Athletics, but for a one-shot with no Speed powers involved it really doesn't matter. And anyway, he's basically spending two stunts. Which addresses that issue pretty handily.