Author Topic: so ... DunDraCon ?  (Read 1868 times)

Offline g33k

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so ... DunDraCon ?
« on: October 26, 2016, 05:14:36 PM »
Coming up in the San Francisco Bay Area this February 17-20 (USAian President's Day Weekend) is DunDraCon.
It's a really nice little/local 'Con!  And with quite a history ... this being DDC 41 (yeah, forty-one!)

Anyone planning to run DFRPG there?  <nudge, nudge>  They are still accepting GM-proposals (through late December).  The 'Con waives the registration-fee and gives "priority registration" (into another game) for anyone who runs a full game (aim for 6ish players for 6-8 hours, although more/fewer players for more/fewer hours are possible).

Or, really, ANY implementation of Fate core-ish (rather than FAE) ...

I remain under-exposed to any really good examples in-play of the Fate engine.  Sure, I've seen write-ups and I've played in DFRPG games... but nothing that has really provided that "a-ha" moment where I *see* why Fate gets so much love.  I have an abstract/intellectual sense of the thing, but not a FEEL for it... if you know what I mean.

So, I'm hoping for another pass at this.  Not just a regular "gaming-session" game, but an RPG used as an exposition of why and HOW the Fate mechanics excel at the things where it does excel.

Of course, I'm also interested in straight-up games, without my trying to grok things or the GM trying to showcase the mechanics...   ;D