Chris starts of being able to exorcise any demon he is hands on type of guy when the priest fail they call him.
Back story last family when he was young ( 8 i'd have to look it for specifics) to crazy man ( latter reveal was hellborn hunting him).
at 12 he goes in to haunted house and exorcise his first house on instinct.
Grandfather ex Solider(Spec Ops)/Farmer. after his first demon is banish he father starts calling in all the favors to train Chris
Has trained many forms of martial arts no belts just learning how to survive.
Trained tracker grow up helping search and rescue at the adirondack Mountains near Grandpa farm.
Gun training: An ex ranger he also called in all the favor he could to help train Chris after he saved his family from house demon
at the start of the series he just finished his probation period for NYPD so he has also been throu the police academy
Where most people have a scale of 10 for demonic activity,
He has two types:
house bound: the spooky has that throws stuff at you and drives you batcrazy.
Hellborn/Demonridden basic this is when the Human is kicked out and the demon has full control.
Demons thrive on sorrow, disappear and pain so they usually take over people that are down in dumps.
That story you hear about the crazy guy who came home killed his family thats usually hellborn in this series.
For hell born he uses grappling skills to hold them in place why rips the rider out and banish it (call God Hawk "Kirby" to take the entity to hell).
After he saves Tatiana crazy..
She is they only born vampire in vampires are made not born...expect her.
he saves her from a hellborn, she is greatly damage from sliver spikes she bits him as she need blood to heal and he is available.
After removing the spikes from her she comes to and stops drink. realize he is about to pass out from blood lose. She give him drop of her blood.
and he goes from badass exorcist to predator of predator .
so lot of stuff happen after this
Tatiana speak (she has not spoken sense she was

. which is big deal and she start imporving
he become tatiana Mate.
he is a self fallen angel on mission from God (lots of spoilers their)
Tatiana is his soul mate (self fallen angel as well).