Author Topic: Demon Accords Character Builds  (Read 3654 times)

Offline JohnDKBalman

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Demon Accords Character Builds
« on: October 07, 2016, 10:33:16 PM »
I've been reading the demon Accord books and thou their not they are no Harry Dresden but are still fun reads (kind've like the b-rate movies you find that are not great but still fun to watch).

I'm new to the rpg scene, still trying to talk my friends to play the DFRPG ( I'm thinking of GM even if i've never don't it before or played before if I can convince them).

Any way I'd like to see what the character sheet would like for Chris Gordon and  Tatiana Demidova
Chris is God's Worrier against demons
Tatiana is they only Born Vampire

They meet and hook up and start kick'n ass and taking names.

If you've read the series and have suggestion for builds I'd love to see them ,  I'm assuming they would have to be submerged as some of stuff Chris does would scare the crap out the White Council and probable make the fae hesitate for bit.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Demon Accords Character Builds
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2016, 03:43:31 AM »
So what are these characters like? What can they do?

Offline JohnDKBalman

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Re: Demon Accords Character Builds
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2016, 05:42:20 AM »
Well, I hope this help tried to keep spoiler tag and still provide some need info
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God's chosen warrior put implace not to wipe out demons so much as keep them in check as they are apart of the human condition
badass exorcist to predator of predator .
is basically immortal
extreme healing , 
can use his aura to do stuff that makes witches piss them self because what he does should take 10 to 20 of at least one coven working together.
He scares all the old vampires because he basically a 2 year by their reckoning yet he can hold his own with 200 year old vampire ....on a normal day...unless Grim driving thats when his skills go of the charts
Grim is his fighting persona that comes out in book 2 basically a savant a fighting and surviving slight anger problem is comes with this.
Can make mone edge with his aura (blade the sharp enough to cut at the molecule level).
Has WereBear-Wolf that always near by
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Tatiana Demidova
Queen of the Vampire
 basically immortal
extreme healing , 
only 24 at the start of the series very advanced.
Bonded with Chris as she has Chosen him for her mate.
She is very powerful both as a fighter, 
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And as business Woman she leads the New York Coven and over the the stock market, the Covens connection and wealth is astounding and she continues to leverage it and out shine others.

Her voice has power , she can give her word power that force people obey, or make a note so clear that it can punch a hole throw solid steel.
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They both can be killed it just really hard.
also Tatiana is allergic to sliver  while Chris seems to be allergic to DU(Depleted uranium)

the US army is also unsure what to do about chris as he is to powerfull,
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Offline JohnDKBalman

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Re: Demon Accords Character Builds
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2016, 05:46:28 AM »
Well, I hope this help tried to keep spoiler tag and still provide some need info
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God's chosen warrior put implace not to wipe out demons so much as keep them in check as they are apart of the human condition
bad-ass exorcist to predator of predator .
is basically immortal,
Master unarmed and armed combat
extreme healing , 
can use his aura to do stuff that makes witches piss them self because what he does should take 10 to 20 of at least one coven working together.
His aura works on the sub atomic level so he has been know to transmute gunpowder and c4 to inactive compounds....are cause guns to prematurely go off.
He scares all the old vampires because he basically a 2 year by their reckoning yet he can hold his own with 200 year old vampire ....on a normal day...unless Grim driving thats when his skills go of the charts
Grim is his fighting persona that comes out in book 2 basically a savant a fighting and surviving slight anger problem is comes with this.
Can make mone edge with his aura (blade the sharp enough to cut at the molecule level).
Has WereBear-Wolf that always near by
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Tatiana Demidova
Queen of the Vampire
 basically immortal
extreme healing , 
Master unarmed and armed combat ( she uses two swords and throwing darts)
only 24 at the start of the series very advanced.
Bonded with Chris as she has Chosen him for her mate.
She is very powerful both as a fighter, 
(click to show/hide)
And as business Woman she leads the New York Coven and over the the stock market, the Covens connection and wealth is astounding and she continues to leverage it and out shine others.

Her voice has power , she can give her word power that force people obey, or make a note so clear that it can punch a hole throw solid steel.
(click to show/hide)

They both can be killed it just really hard.
also Tatiana is allergic to sliver  while Chris seems to be allergic to DU(Depleted uranium)

the US army is also unsure what to do about Chris as he is to powerfull,
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The more I think about these two Feel I'd have to make them NPC their just so overpowered feel and the first time grim comes you Chris comes out, or Tatiana gets pissed  they'd lose free will and just kicking ass. yes they may not kill the parter members but still all choice would be lost for the player.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2016, 03:17:46 PM by JohnDKBalman »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Demon Accords Character Builds
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2016, 07:17:27 AM »
I wouldn't be so quick to assume that. The game can handle some pretty over-the-top characters as PCs.

From the sounds of things...these characters would need high combat skills, recovery powers, and maybe some strength/speed/toughness. Sponsored Magic or an Incite Emotion variant could handle emotion/voice tricks. Tatiana would need Contacts and Resources.

Offline Nepene

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Re: Demon Accords Character Builds
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2016, 02:00:38 AM »

Sponsored magic, 4 refresh, demon powers.

Inhuman recovery, inhuman toughness, catch depleted uranium, 1 refresh (commonly known, can be acquired by many).

Inhuman strength and speed, 4 refresh.

Fists 5, Weapons 5

Discipline 4, conviction 4.

Athletics 3, resources 3.

And other things.

High concept. Half demon exorcist. Trouble. Oh god, grim's in my head. Aspects. Uncle's trust fund, injected self with demon blood, scary warrior of god, bonded with Tatiana.

Tatiana. Supernatural recovery, inhuman toughness catch silver, 2 refresh (commonly known, easily available)

Inhuman strength, speed. 4 refresh.

Feeding dependency, +1 refresh, blood drinker.

Incite emotions, trust (works with rapport), at range, lasting effect. 3 refresh.

Skills. Weapons 5, Rapport 5
Resources, Contacts 4.

Athletics 3. Discipline 3. And other stuff.

Aspects. High, queen of the vampires. Trouble. Catatonic for fifteen years. Aspects. Screw the rules, I have money. Badass warrior vampire. Bonded with Chris. Voice of steel. Save me Chris.

In story he had an absurdly allowant GM, and got fairly easy foes and a power up every fifty pages or so. They're pretty wish fulfilmenty, it being a story about a rich superpowered individual with an incredibly hot girlfriend beating up everyone and facing no real challenges.

It wouldn't be good to play them as written in the rpg, as they very much hog the spotlight and the other players probably wouldn't like that so much, and dresden is very much about taking the good times with the bad.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Demon Accords Character Builds
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2016, 12:17:29 AM »
It wouldn't be good to play them as written in the rpg, as they very much hog the spotlight and the other players probably wouldn't like that so much, and dresden is very much about taking the good times with the bad.

Maybe they're the only PCs? Two players and a GM can work.

But yeah, a game where nothing bad happens gets old fast.