It has one issue left.
He is definitely a trickster. He's been manipulating the 3 major factions (Police, Mob, and White Court) into war. I think he is THE Puck from Shakespeare but, like Titania, made to fit into the Dresden world.
I would think he would have increased speed, strength and glamours or shapeshifting. He apparently can tear spirits from their bodies.
Here is the look they've given him (punkish). This is from where they have sample pages for the book. (cannot remember if it's permitted to post links or not. If so, say so and I'll remove it.

Still has not revealed his true motives. Final issue comes out this week.
The aspect I suggested came from the end of #4 when Harry is asking Lea for information and she gets worried. Before she can tell him anything, she gets blindsides and knocked some distance away. This makes me think he is in her weight class.
He chases Murphy and keeps changing forms like the Nagloshi but also assumed the appearance of various people to stir up the confusion.
I was tempted to post this request in your thread about character requests but thought I'd see if anyone had already done the work. Tonight I'll comb back through the issues and assemble the relevant information on his abilities and either PM them to you or post it back in here.
We might be able to use what you've done as a base model and tweak it to what they've used in the comics.
Any help you can give, would be greatly appreciated.
Not that I know of.
I took a crack at the Puck from Shakespeare back in 2010, though. Is it the same guy?
Looking at those stats again, I don't love them but they're not terrible. No idea whether they match what the comic's Puck does, since I haven't read Wild Card.