Author Topic: Grimm and the Archon  (Read 5869 times)

Offline Stormy_D

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Grimm and the Archon
« on: September 15, 2016, 05:15:10 PM »
Hi everybody,

I don't know if it was already ask, but I was wondering why the Spirearch wanted to meet Grimm at the beginning? I mean after they made it back to the spire and prediator was badly woundet. The time Grimm was attaced in the fentilation tunnels he was on his way to the Archon, and when Bayard met him he sad that the Archon would already want to see Grimm, but why???
Did I miss something? Or has anybody an Idea? 
Would be happy to hear them . :D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 06:12:52 PM by Stormy_D »
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Re: Grimm and the Arcon
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2016, 06:03:49 PM »
Hi everybody,

I don't know if it was already ask, but I was wondering why the Arcon wanted to meet Grimm at the beginning? I mean after they made it back to the spire and prediator was badly woundet. The time Grimm was attaced in the fentilation tunnels he was on his way to the Arcon, and when Bayard met him he sad that the Arcon would already want to see Grimm, but why???
Did I miss something? Or has anybody an Idea? 
Would be happy to hear them . :D
Not sure what an Arcon is, but he was on his way to report to the Spirearch's Manor, along with Rook, about the encounter with the Auroran ships they'd just had.  Bayard was there to get him because the Spirearch apparently did want to talk to him about that and more (I assume, based on the conversation they eventually had after the attack in the tunnels) but he (the Spirearch) was not actually in his Manor at the time so he'd sent Bayard to get Grimm and bring him to him.  He was explaining as much to Grimm when the attack interupted him mid-sentence.   
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline Stormy_D

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Re: Grimm and the Archon
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2016, 06:19:25 PM »
Alright thank you. :)
I thought he was on his way because he wanted to talk to the Spirearch about his tete a tete with the Auroran, but I thought the Archon didn't know about it, so I was wondering why he wanted to talk to Grimm and so on.
Thanks for the reply.  :)
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