Author Topic: Crazy Character Concepts?  (Read 3655 times)

Offline Smaug with OCD

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Crazy Character Concepts?
« on: March 22, 2016, 08:22:46 PM »
Pretty simple: What's the craziest character concept your groups have come up with? Yes, I was really board when I posted this.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 06:06:31 AM »
I have a hard time measuring craziness, but the current PCs in one of my games are...

A cyborg super-soldier from America. Unbeknownst to him, all of his technological upgrades are actually magic and he's possessed by the ghost of a demon lord.

An immortal alchemist who's been wandering the world doing good deeds for centuries. Stained by the essence of the same dead demon lord as the soldier.

A tiger with the gifts of human intelligence, incredible speed, and future sight. Friendly with Mab, has supernatural political ambitions.

Offline Taran

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2016, 02:18:07 PM »
I think the craziest character I have is this one:

High Concept:  Luckiest Man in the World
Trouble:  Unluckiest Man in the World,41023.msg2027360.html#msg2027360

Basically, he's imbued with a semi-sentient being that wants to improve itself by putting itself into incredibly deadly situations.  The beings power is manipulating probability, so it can manipulate situations to make those bad things occur.

Therefore, the character is constantly having horrible stuff happen to him but he, inexplicably, barely manages to survive because of weird coincidences that allow him to avoid certain death.

The character has become so fatalistic about it, that he actually has become a thrill seeker that puts himself into terrible situations just to see if he'll live.  In fact, he does stupid things on purpose(much to the distress of his allies) believing he can't be killed.

In that way, the two are a perfect match for each other.

Offline RonLugge

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2016, 05:15:49 PM »
Time-Traveling British Secret Agent

The group was going to engage in some deliberate time-bending paradox creation (by killing a time traveling enemy a second time, in *his* 'past' their 'future'/'present day').  One of their goals with this was to negate the creation of an all-consuming 'black hole' entity.  So I created a character from 'up' and 'sideways' in time, who traveled 'sidebackways' to stop the entity from being created.

And all this was really just an excuse to create a character based on the Kingsman trailers...  Specifically and most lovingly, the bar fight scene.  Mechanically, he was a pure mortal who had a number of stunts to do things like use discipline and fight for all three stress tracks, dodging, gunplay, and aiming, and then just poured the rest into having a massive pool of FP to just laugh at bad die rolls.  His trouble was [Of Course I Can Finish The Mission] -- a cross between arrogance and an opportunity for the GM to force him to face any trouble head on.  And of course, [Perfect Poise] plus [Manners Maketh Man] provide a perfect recreation of the character from the scene linked above.

He would, literally, just walk up to an enemy wizard and say, "I'm going to shoot you now.  But to be polite, I'm giving you sixty seconds to make your peace with your gods."  And with his pool of FP he could -- probably -- get away with it.

Offline Diceling

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2016, 08:44:05 AM »
Time-Traveling British Secret Agent

The group was going to engage in some deliberate time-bending paradox creation (by killing a time traveling enemy a second time, in *his* 'past' their 'future'/'present day').  One of their goals with this was to negate the creation of an all-consuming 'black hole' entity.  So I created a character from 'up' and 'sideways' in time, who traveled 'sidebackways' to stop the entity from being created.

And all this was really just an excuse to create a character based on the Kingsman trailers...  Specifically and most lovingly, the bar fight scene.  Mechanically, he was a pure mortal who had a number of stunts to do things like use discipline and fight for all three stress tracks, dodging, gunplay, and aiming, and then just poured the rest into having a massive pool of FP to just laugh at bad die rolls.  His trouble was [Of Course I Can Finish The Mission] -- a cross between arrogance and an opportunity for the GM to force him to face any trouble head on.  And of course, [Perfect Poise] plus [Manners Maketh Man] provide a perfect recreation of the character from the scene linked above.

He would, literally, just walk up to an enemy wizard and say, "I'm going to shoot you now.  But to be polite, I'm giving you sixty seconds to make your peace with your gods."  And with his pool of FP he could -- probably -- get away with it.

I apologise for the borderline thread-omancy, but this. Awesome concept, great inspirational material (you can't go wrong with Colin Firth!) and I love the Stunt (ab)use! Mind if I snag big chunks of this concept? :)

Hi, btw! Diceling from Sweden. New to the forum, and quite new to the game!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 09:55:41 AM by Diceling »

Offline Taran

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2016, 11:51:28 AM »
Hi, btw! Diceling from Sweden. New to the forum, and quite new to the game!


Offline Ulfgeir

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2016, 08:45:12 PM »
We had a Djinn.

The Djinn, was a fae from the Bronze Court, but like all djinns she had free will, but were tied to a lamp, so whoever had the lamp could order her to do things. She couldn't fix things with magic instead she would have to find "mundane" ways of fulfilling the orders. Like someone asked for a sword, she would switch over to the never never and then buy/trade for a sword, and then return with it. The problem, well, if we are being nice, she was a few cantrips away from a spellbook. Meaning she was totally clueless. 

In the begining of the campaign, her master was an escaped monkey who had been the victim af animal experiments... Later one of the other player characters became her master, but when he figured out that he could control her through the lamp, then it was stolen...

Hi, btw! Diceling from Sweden. New to the forum, and quite new to the game!

Välkommen.  ;)

« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 08:49:50 PM by Ulfgeir »
I have not lost my mind, it is backed up somewhere on disc...

Offline Vaslov

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2016, 01:38:11 AM »
Alcoholic Klingon Photomancer Newsiee.   

Not a joke.  The character has been in play since the campaign started in 2012.  His new contribution this year is starting a new bar which he is attempting to be identified as accorded grounds.  It is of course called The Neutral Zone.

Offline Lawgiver

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Re: Crazy Character Concepts?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2016, 07:10:41 PM »
Try this one on for size
Developed and used this guy as the antagonist for a scenario I ran.  My players were not happy with me.

Focused Practitioner
High Concept:  Bipolar Orpheomancer
Trouble: Juke Box Hero Wannabe
1.  Pampered Childhood
2.  Phantom of the Opera Syndrome
3.  Music of the Spheres at My Fingertips
4.  The Crowd Follows My Beat

+5 – Conviction, Performance
+4 – Presence, Scholarship
+3 – Deceit, Discipline
+2 – Athletics, Endurance, Lore
+1 – Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation

Stress: Physical=3, Mental=4, Social=4
(2 extra mild Mental consequences, 1 extra mild Social consequence}

-2 Channeling (Air)
-2 Incite Emotion (At Range)
-2 Lawbreaker - #1 (3 or more times) - +2 to any spellcasting roll when using magic that would break this same law again.

-1 Spellsinger (Performance) – Use Performance instead of Discipline for spell control.
-1 Occultist (Lore) – Music+1, Ancient Music +2
-1 Art Historian (Performance) – Art+1, Music History+2, Rock Music+3
-1 Poet (Performance)- Composition+2
-1 Scholar (Scholarship) – Music+1, Ancient Music+2

Focus Item(s)
1957 Fender Stratocaster (authentic) – Air, Offensive Power+2
Guitar Pick – Air, Offensive Control+2

2 Rote Spells
1.  Riff#1, Wall of Air, Block - Movement border
2.  Riff#2, Feedback, Auditory Attack

Calculate out his Feedback and see how strong it can get.  It doesn’t take many to put someone down…  Heaven help you if he decides to do it zone-wide.  He can’t do this stuff a lot, but when it does… it hurts.

Musical prodigy who attended Julliard.  His power manifested in his second year and things went heavily sideways.  He was ejected from Julliard before he turned 16. The specifics of his ouster got him blacklisted with both "respectable" musical institutions of higher learning (who refused to enroll him) and much of the entertainment industry (who refused to risk using him).

He only "sort of" understands that he's doing magic.  He's looked into the occult and has enough knowledge to get Lore-2.  He's wandered around the country earning his living first as an independent music teacher, and later as manager/promoter for garage rock bands trying to hit the big time.  So far none of them has made him rich.

He has a vast repertoire of music he can play, from pre-Renaissance to current Top-40.  The man truly is a musical library on legs and a certifiable prodigy with the guitar.

He's heavily bi-polar and long ago stopped taking his meds... because they messed with his concentration too much.

He still dreams of making it big and takes every opportunity to "show off" just how good he is... even if it always goes bad and tarnishes his reputation even more.  Poor dude never learns.

He's well into middle-age and very bitter.  He has grudges and every year that goes by, less compunction about pursuing them.

He is ... not... a nice guy.
"Sufficiently advanced technology," my ass.