Author Topic: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!  (Read 62335 times)

Offline Quantus

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #165 on: November 14, 2016, 12:59:45 PM »
They stack, IMO.

Biking would be an athletics roll and you'd get your sprint bonus if you did nothing else but move. 

But a bike should move faster than a person on foot, shouldn't they?

Maybe it's  harder to peddle a bike at supernatural speeds so you don't go any faster. You are limited by the equipment.   Or maybe you say bikes cover bigger zones than people on foot so for each zone you move on a bike is further than when running.
For general use that sounds like it works fine.  For a chase scene, something where for example you are trying to outrun a car with a bike going 60 mph, I'd want to impose the danger of the bike just exploding to pieces for being forced to operate so far outside of it's intended capabilities;  probably fine in a short burst, but something offering a cumulative chance for it to fail the longer the scene lasts
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Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #166 on: November 21, 2016, 12:35:49 AM »
How do I build a knight of the cross in training? An also what should I focus on?

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #167 on: November 21, 2016, 03:57:41 AM »
Up to you, really.

Presumably they'd have a solid Conviction, and appropriately heroic Aspects. But whether they have Righteousness yet, whether they've been given a Sword, whether they're any good at decide.

Offline Nepene

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #168 on: November 21, 2016, 12:33:56 PM »
Conviction can substitute for any skill, so knights are pretty flexible.

If you look at the power description for righteousness and guide my hand, it's about having a divine purpose.

So in game work out aspects that make it easy to say that a lot of stuff you're doing is part of your divine purpose.

Any sort of person can become a knight, they just need to have royal heritage and pick up the sword and be chosen. So, lots of builds are fine.

Alertness, endurance, athletics and weapons are good for fights.  Athletics is probably a key one. If you can run away and dodge attacks you can survive a lot, and getting fit is useful for a knight.

Offline Taran

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #169 on: November 21, 2016, 02:15:13 PM »
How do I build a knight of the cross in training? An also what should I focus on?

You could start as a True Believer if you wanted.  Or a Pure Mortal.
You could have a sword but not know what it is and, therefore, be unable to access its powers until crucial moments.

I had a character who found one of the swords.  He knew it was important to dangerous people but he didn't know why and he was in hiding.

All I took was Guide My Hand and had a high Conviction.  I kept the rest of my refresh as FPs.  When it was appropriate to a scene, when I thought the sword would come into play, I'd spend my FPs on the powers of the sword to have access to them for that scene.

My idea was that, eventually, as the character learned about the sword, I'd buy the powers permanently.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #170 on: November 21, 2016, 02:41:35 PM »
Very nice. I shall take that into consideration because I had the idea of building a Rastafarian knight of the cross but considering that I have never built one before. Wanted to ask folks on the forums before I tackle that job.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #171 on: November 21, 2016, 03:11:37 PM »
The alternative recovery/regeneration power (for my Chronicles of Darkness-to-DF conversion). Image the recovery power which doesn't improve character's stamina nor guarantee your a total recovery, and work with wounds only, but on the way higher level.  Like, character can use this trick:
It’s Nothing. Twice per scene, you may clear away a mild physical consequence (page 203) as a supplemental action (page 213).
in DF RPG.
In WoD the whole damage healing based on this, but it can be used multiply times and without mild-only limit.

 E.g. WoD-werewolves. While  in their war-form, every turn they will eliminate all mild and moderate, and possibly even some sewer consequence (except of those which inflicted by silver weapons). So, to hurt werewolf, you need use silver, make her accept sewer/extreme consequences, or inflict take down during one exchange.
For WoD vampires it doesn't work so good, but they still can eliminate moderate consequences a lot of times during fight.
 So, how expensive such abilities could be in terms of refresh?
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Taran

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #172 on: November 21, 2016, 03:18:55 PM »
The alternative recovery/regeneration power (for my Chronicles of Darkness-to-DF conversion). Image the recovery power which doesn't improve character's stamina nor guarantee your a total recovery, and work with wounds only, but on the way higher level.  Like, character can use this trick: in DF RPG.
In WoD the whole damage healing based on this, but it can be used multiply times and without mild-only limit.

 E.g. WoD-werewolves. While  in their war-form, every turn they will eliminate all mild and moderate, and possibly even some sewer consequence (except of those which inflicted by silver weapons). So, to hurt werewolf, you need use silver, make her accept sewer/extreme consequences, or inflict take down during one exchange.
For WoD vampires it doesn't work so good, but they still can eliminate moderate consequences a lot of times during fight.
 So, how expensive such abilities could be in terms of refresh?

It sounds like Werewolves have Physical Immunity with a Catch of Silver.

We re-skinned recovery to heal an amount of consequences based on level:
Inhuman recovers two stress worth of consequences
Supernatural recovers 4
Mythic recovers 6

So, with mythic, you could recover 1 severe or; 1 moderate and 1 mild or; 3 mild

You could use that.  The discount for not getting tired or needing sleep etc wouldn't be very much.  -1 on Supernatural or higher, I'd say.  But I'm not the best at eyeing powers.

Offline Nepene

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #173 on: November 22, 2016, 02:27:14 PM »
The standard rules for werewolves is that they heal one bashing injury (stress basically) per round or can spend one essence (fate point) to heal a lethal wound (a low tier consequence), and can't heal quickly from aggravated wounds (high tier consequences) without supernatural abilities.

As such, to cross it over I'd probably just let them heal their leftmost physical stressbox once per round representing mild bruises and damage instantly repairing, with the option to spend a fate point to regenerate a mild consequence. That would fit most closely to the actual system used. Alternatively, give them inhuman toughness and the 1 armor represents them autoregenerating.

If you make them autoregenerate consequences you're letting them regenerate lethal/ aggrevated wounds automatically, which is going to put them at a much higher power level than werewolves in either system.

Offline Tirs

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #174 on: November 22, 2016, 03:37:28 PM »
The standard rules for werewolves is that they heal one bashing injury (stress basically) per round or can spend one essence (fate point) to heal a lethal wound (a low tier consequence), and can't heal quickly from aggravated wounds (high tier consequences) without supernatural abilities.

As such, to cross it over I'd probably just let them heal their leftmost physical stressbox once per round representing mild bruises and damage instantly repairing, with the option to spend a fate point to regenerate a mild consequence. That would fit most closely to the actual system used. Alternatively, give them inhuman toughness and the 1 armor represents them autoregenerating.

If you make them autoregenerate consequences you're letting them regenerate lethal/ aggrevated wounds automatically, which is going to put them at a much higher power level than werewolves in either system.
It was in 1st edition. Now werewolf heal bashing injuries equal to their Primal Urge (no direct analog in DF system) automatically, or the same amount of lethal damage if she spend one Essence point. In Gauru-form, werewolf heal all damage of both types every turn.
And I respectably disagree about Essence as fate-points. It's closer to Vite (blood) for vampires, so I think it should be described as Feeding dependency. At the same time, Willpower closer to Fate-point.

Couple of words about my conversion system (may be it will be interesting for someone). It's still a quite 'mutant' which require to have char-lists for both systems and mostly can be used for design antagonists/NPC.
It is based on the fact that max pool for normal human in DF is 5, while in WoD - is 10 (Attribute+Skill). Also, in DF the lowest value for trait is 0 (if we won't touch penalties), while in WoD  is 1 (for Attribute).
So, my idea is about find the traits in WoD than calculate the analog for DF. If the only Attribute is used, use it's value -1 (for example Endurance=Stamina-1), while for Attribute+Skill poll should be divided by 2 (rounded down), e.g. Guns= (Dexterity+Firearms+/-modifiers)/2. It's more or less confirmed by close probability, though it's hard to compare. For using WoD powers and modifiers - just look at the original pool and divide by 2 and use the effect. Later I'll put the conversion of example start characters from WoD in separate theme.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 04:15:41 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #175 on: November 23, 2016, 08:30:59 AM »
The alternative recovery/regeneration power (for my Chronicles of Darkness-to-DF conversion). Image the recovery power which doesn't improve character's stamina nor guarantee your a total recovery, and work with wounds only, but on the way higher level.  Like, character can use this trick: in DF RPG.
In WoD the whole damage healing based on this, but it can be used multiply times and without mild-only limit.

 E.g. WoD-werewolves. While  in their war-form, every turn they will eliminate all mild and moderate, and possibly even some sewer consequence (except of those which inflicted by silver weapons). So, to hurt werewolf, you need use silver, make her accept sewer/extreme consequences, or inflict take down during one exchange.
For WoD vampires it doesn't work so good, but they still can eliminate moderate consequences a lot of times during fight.
 So, how expensive such abilities could be in terms of refresh?

Would have to be really expensive. Removing a mild and a moderate each round is a lot like armour 6 in single combat. Worse in team fights, though. Maybe 6 Refresh?

One thing that worries me is that such a power would inflate the value of extra consequences. Normally an extra mild slot's not great, but with this it's like stacking armour 2.

If I were you I'd just use normal Toughness and Recovery. Trying to convert mechanics is rarely profitable. Almost always better to convert the concept.

The standard rules for werewolves is that they heal one bashing injury (stress basically) per round or can spend one essence (fate point) to heal a lethal wound (a low tier consequence), and can't heal quickly from aggravated wounds (high tier consequences) without supernatural abilities.

As such, to cross it over I'd probably just let them heal their leftmost physical stressbox once per round representing mild bruises and damage instantly repairing, with the option to spend a fate point to regenerate a mild consequence. That would fit most closely to the actual system used. Alternatively, give them inhuman toughness and the 1 armor represents them autoregenerating.

I think Inhuman Toughness is a good idea.

Removing the leftmost stress box each turn probably isn't. Bear in mind, no attack can fill more than one stress box. So unless your opponent can blow through your whole stress track to put a consequence on you, you're invincible.

Offline Nepene

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #176 on: November 23, 2016, 10:23:20 PM »
Removing the leftmost stress box each turn probably isn't. Bear in mind, no attack can fill more than one stress box. So unless your opponent can blow through your whole stress track to put a consequence on you, you're invincible.

That is somewhat an issue with werewolves- they are invincible to non werewolves. It was noted as a special issue in vampires vs werewolves.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #177 on: November 24, 2016, 05:15:39 PM »
Okay, but do you want them to be invincible to each other too?

Offline Tirs

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #178 on: November 24, 2016, 07:50:02 PM »
Okay, but do you want them to be invincible to each other too?
Nope. Actually, this is just an optional rule. Using RAW, they aren't invincible at all, though very tough. Like, Marvel's Wolverine level of regen for non-silver weapon.
They actually not the strongest gameline - Beasts, Demons and (in physic terms) Prometheans are. Potentially, Mages also good.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 08:05:06 PM by Tirs »
RPG of my dreams: vampires from True Blood, mages from Dresden files, werewolves from Mercy Thompson and fairy from... Hm,I shall think.

Offline Taran

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Re: Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« Reply #179 on: November 25, 2016, 02:37:30 PM »
Nope. Actually, this is just an optional rule. Using RAW, they aren't invincible at all, though very tough. Like, Marvel's Wolverine level of regen for non-silver weapon.
They actually not the strongest gameline - Beasts, Demons and (in physic terms) Prometheans are. Potentially, Mages also good.

Wolverine probably has Mythic Recovery.  And Supernatural Toughness.  Give them that.  Then give them a Catch of "Silver and Other Werewolves".  Which is probably a +2 catch.

A normal mortal cannot hurt these things with 2 armour (most pistols and swords), rifles hardly make them sweat (just hitting their 8 shift stress track (which doesn't count as taking 'damage') and any damage that gets through is healed instantly in that combat.  And anything that lasts through a fight is instantly healed BEFORE the next scene.

If you use the 'up to 6-shift healing' House Rule, they can even heal a Severe in combat.