A common complaint in the DFRPG is that some feel that Speed powers should help you hit you opponent with Attacks. Some GMs allow that stunts that move Brawling from Fists to Athletics let you include your Speed bonuses in your attacks. I don't; Speed is good enough as it is and, like Strength, becomes overpowered when you allow it to add to to-strike rolls. To mimic the increased ability to strike with Athletic you maneuver over and over with Athletics, then tag your built-up advantage for a big single Attack. Anyhoo:
A good compromise (IMO) between these two extremes came about from a player of mine; I don't believe he frequents this forum or I'd mention him by username. The -1 Refresh cost custom stunt/power (depending on your PoV) is as follows:
F=m*a: Can add speed bonus to the weapon damage physical attacks, including incite effect. Does not stack with Strength powers.
We're capitalizing here on the fact that super-speed means super-acceleration of your punches as well--anyone who is a fan of the Flash knows this
The non-stacking with Strength powers was a balance choice for our game, but you can drop that if you please.
So far, it seems to be working out pretty well. If you like it, take it for your own use. If you don't, thanks for your time.