Author Topic: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]  (Read 40544 times)

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Proven Guilty is possibly the most enigmatic book in the series, and as such, it has been the subject of many excellent discussions, many of which are archived in the DFRC, and indexed in elegast's theory index under Proven Guilty.  My direct contributions to the group discussion have mostly been confined to isolating particular details and picking them to bits.  This topic will be a thorough rehashing of the entire story. 

The first section will be laying out all the questions we have about the book and all the pieces of evidence we have from outside the books, as well as what we know happened before the curtain went up at the beginning of the book.  The second section will be my current thoughts on what may explain things best with the best evidence and fewest loose ends.

Required reading:
  • The Book itself.  Duh.
  • External Source Material:
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Things we can tease from required reading #1, the PG WoJ that I generally take as givens:
  • A battle did indeed occur before Harry and Company arrived.
  • Molly was “brought in” to Arctis Tor on Mab’s orders.

Things I think are strongly implied by reading #1, but admit are subject to some interpretation.  In order of least to most subject to different interpretation.
  • Mab won the battle that occured before Harry and Company arrived.
  • ”Captain Kudzu” was working under Mab’s orders.  Having been deemed “sufficient” and since she ordered someone to bring Molly in. (This tilts my theorizing away from the theories that he was a nemesis agent, since Mab was actively trying to recover from nemfection in her ranks when she assigned him.  But that's not a given.)
  • Mab’s fallibility was in not anticipating Harry blasting the Winter Well.  (shakiest, but it certainly reads that way)

Major Outstanding Mysteries from Proven Guilty:
  • Who fixed Little Chicago and Why?
  • Who assaulted the Arctis Tor gates and slaughtered so many of Mab’s troops?
  • What happened to those assaulters by the time Harry got there?
  • Who rammed Harry’s car at the beginning of the book?
  • What was the Gatekeeper’s angle?

Detail Mysteries from Proven Guilty:  These aren’t as huge as above, but insight on them might shed light on the others.
  • Who locked up Pell’s theater?
  • Who threw down the Ward(s?) that impeded Harry’s getting to the fetches?

The Pregame Setup
There were some things being set into motion before the curtains went up at the start of Proven Guilty, and this section will discuss those things.
  • Molly probably had distant changeling heritage that gave her potential to be one herself.  Separate discussion
  • Sandra Marling proportedly started setting up Splattercon!!! a year out from the event.
  • Darby Crane was booked a year out from the event, presumably by Sandra Marling through his Jin, Glau.
  • Molly was serving community service under Sandra Marling at a homeless shelter (potential connection to Mavra)
  • Sandra Marling keys Molly into fear as an agent to use to fight addiction, setting her black magic usage into motion.
  • Gatekeeper sends a letter to Harry about 10 days of Black Magic occurrence in Chicago before the curtain goes up.

Speculative Pregame Setup
  • Griff does a pretty good job of arguing the possibility that the assault on AT was concurrent with the events of Dead Beat here
link fixed 3/37/2019
  • Mab qued into Lea's having a problem before Harry summoned him in DB, but if her eyeball hemorrhaging rage was from finding out Maeve got Nemfected from her, she didn't know about it until after that, probably before the PGH raid on AT. 

Time Travel Harry did it.

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So here is how the puzzle pieces line up for me.

The 3 tropeish TTH goals
In a future book, TTH finds himself either stuck in the PG time, or having to travel to PG time to accomplish some task.  Either way, while in PG he has to accomplish a few things of three possible, but not exclusive natures. 
  • Accomplish whatever mission/goal was foisted on him by the situation that thrust him into the past (possibly for Mab)
  • Line up the Delorian to pass under the clock tower at just the right time to get back to his home time,
  • Make sure his mother and father kiss in Proven Guilty to preserve his temporal existence.  I.E. Perform certain necessary acts to preserve the temporal timeline necessary for PG to have happened the way he experienced it.  In Harry Potter terms, he has to summon a patronus.  (oh, and this also means he has to retain PGH's ignorance of TTH's presence)
I think it is likely that the possible issues he has to contend with end up being effectively the same thing, in that his primary reason for being there, or primary goals to accomplish in order to leave end up filling the holes in PG that are a result of temporal muckity muck. 

So the mysteries above possibly attributable to a TTH in order of least likely to most are:
  • Lock up Pell's theater (and other acts at Pell's)
  • Summon the Murk during the Phage attacks
  • Rear End PGH
  • Probably something big at AT before the PG dungeon crawl party showed up.
  • Fix Little Chicago the morning of the 2nd day, while Harry was out of the Appt. at the Hospital with Murphy, Bob, and Mouse.

So I'm going to give reasons why or why not each of the above was perpetrated by TTH, then conjure up a hypothetical scenario where all of this happened.

1)  Lock up Pell's theater
By itself, this is the least likely thing Harry did because there isn't really any evidence or evidence of motivation.  However, if he did #2, he probably did this too.  But going out on a limb, it seems to me that the Phages had no trouble fading back to their home realm on their own, but to carry Molly off, they apparently needed this real-estate, and they probably needed a cooperative, winter affinity, mortal practitioner to open the Way to drag her through.  Which would probably describe TTH pretty well.

2)  Summon the Murk during the Phage attacks
A, the cold nature of the Murk wards in these attacks screams Winter
B, Harry does briefly sense something familiar about the magic involved when he reaches out towards it

Negative:  It's hard to imagine Harry submitting to casting a spell that would facilitate the carnage the phages were wreaking, and also the blowby damage that was done by the confused people.

3)  Rear End PGH at the beginning.
I'm not sure what this accomplished.  The scene describes multiple impacts.  Possible results I can identify are:
  • Murph getting called in on the case early
  • Delay's Harry's being able to get onto the case
  • Makes Harry miserable early.

This seemed like an act of opportunity and desperation.  It was violent and not very precise.  The main reason why I pin TTH for this is because if he was indeed around he would probably have the opportunity, and maybe need the above 2 things accomplished, and also because I remember being lead to believe that we would get resolution to this mystery and seeing the scene from TTH's perspective ramming PGH would certainly give us closure. (the last is red because I'm not happy that I don't know where that memory comes from)

4)  Probably something big at AT before the PG dungeon crawl party showed up.
To be honest, the main reason why think TTH was involved in the battle PGH saw the aftermath of is because I really want some closure on what happened here, and this is the ideal way to get it.  I WANT I WANT I WANT.  There maybe if I say it loud enough I'll get it.  (Griff has pointed out to me that Jim has promised us more story about what happened at AT)

5)  Fix Little Chicago the morning of the 2nd day, while Harry was out of the Appt. at the Hospital with Murphy, Bob, and Mouse.
Evidence for TTH kinda stacks up, not that there aren't alternate possibilities.
  • See my LC fix timing topic linked in the background post above for the evidence as to the timing
  • TTH was intimately familiar with LC.  And had the chops.  And knew it was there.  And could get in (not as big a deal).  All those things listed at the end of PG.
  • I have felt deep down for a long time that if TTH did it, he did it because a functional LC was absolutely vital for him to do something HE needed to cast a spell for.  This binds LC's fixing tightly to the "tropish TTH goals"
  • The Mystery of who fixed LC becomes necessary to preserve the space time continuum!

Break:  I wrote all the above (both sections) months ago and got back to this theory only recently.  Next I'll provide some more thoughts that can serve as building blocks for a complex and flimsy projection of what could have happened in PG/what will happen in a future book.

Projecting forward to project back:
Ok, as of writing this, the most recent book published is Skin Game, book 15.  We know that book 16 is Peace Talks, about an accords peace summit in Chicago.  Book 17 is supposed to be Mirror Mirror, where Harry is drawn to an alternate reality by an alternate Harry.  Book 18 hasn't had a name provided but it's supposed to involve professional wrestling.  For numerology reasons, Book 20 is likely to involve Denarians.

The presumptive TTH book is going to be pretty involved.  I kinda worry that Jim is going to have to work extra hard stressing that he tiptoes through the plot of PG making sure he doesn't accidentally crush things.  Thus I think it's unlikely that he can squeeze in those intricacies into the MM book on top of the alternate universe theme (not that it's impossible).  The same goes for the other books 16 and 18, so that only leaves books 19 and 20 (and the possible extension to the files, book 21) as possible case files for the presumptive "TTH book."

What mechanism/motivation sends Harry back?
Likely causes for TTH to end up in PG would be: (not mutually exclusive)
  • Malevolent actor boots him back in time
  • A Winter Queen tasks him with the job
  • Harry follows a Malevolent actor to the past
  • Harry follows a victim of a Malevolent actor into the past to save them*

*Doylist thought:  From a writing perspective, GS showed it would be a very difficult 1st person story to write and draw the reader into if TTH is all alone on his mission in PG time.  This generates another really important question that I want to address:

Who Could TTH interact with in PG time?
  • TTH could bring a side kick.  This has its own hazards because it's now 2 elephants in the temporal china shop, but may be doylisticly necessary. 
  • Some analog of "Doctor Emmett Brown" might be able to be recruited for help.  There's more than one variation of "Doc" though:
    • BTTF1 Doc:  PG time "Doc" whoever he is has to be convinced somehow that TTH is lagit, and convinced to help.
    • BTTF2 Doc:  Someone else recruits Harry to come with them to PG time.
    • Some character that's already temporally experienced like Doc in BTTF3 and is already in PG time and needs help getting out.  (woah, that actually could really work)
  • Powerful Temporally cognizant beings like Vadderung or maybe the Gatekeeper.  This is tricky because these beings tend to be so circumspect in dealing with Harry anyways, and they would probably take this to the nth degree with a TTH.

Ok so if TTH did it, then how and why?
First, it should be understood that this is Conjecture, and very likely to be WRONG, but it is a swing for the fence, an attempt to line up all the balls and hit them with the que just right that they all sink in in one shot.  Or go down in flames.

Hows that for mixed metaphors. 

Summary of the Conjective WAG on PG: 
TTH Did it.  When did TTH travel back?  Book 20, to follow/travel with a Denarian or group of Denarians.  Why?  To save PG (and possibly DB timeline) AT from a Nemesis/outsider (possibly hell backed) coup/attack, presumably that was also temporal in nature.

The theoretical details:
In book 20 a nemfected agent of Hell time hops back to Arctis Tor (using the nemfected Lea as an anchor to gain entry) to subvert Mab's attempt to remove nemesis' influence over Lea, temporarily holding the fortress while trying to free her from her bonds.  Nick and or the new wielder of Thorned Namshiel convince TTH to time hop with them to help Mab retake AT with the assistance of a legion of the Erlking's goblins.  Thus it is actually Mab with Denarian backup that assaults AT before the PGH dungeon crawl shows up. 

While there, TTH finds that he is responsible for the vehicle accident against PGH and thus completes the circle and perpetrates the accident.  This sets off a chain of events where he also has to lock up Pell's Theater, fix LC (possibly to use it to track down an agent of Hell), and throw down the wards to impede Harry at the convention.  I think it is likely this ward also held the fetch in stasis minimizing the havoc it wreaks until PGH could deal with it. 

Edit:  A response below reminded me that required reading #2 above when applied to this theory practically requires that PG Tomas interacted with TTH during the fixing of LC.  Thus it is possible that he helped out TTH significantly.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 06:37:15 PM by Serack »
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 12:08:43 AM »
Doh, I just realized I forgot to work in the LC fix into the final wag... ok editing to try to squeeze that in...
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2016, 12:42:21 AM »
I really like it.

I think Mac gets involved in things after the meeting with Harry, Maeve, Lily.  It's likely to me that he didn't reopen the bar after that meeting.  So, it allows him to be involved in some capacity.  Perhaps this knowing Mac is involved in some way with the TT Harry that goes back.

If Harry has a choice to choose someone to go back in time with, I like Murphy for it.  He has chosen her time and again when he needs a sidekick.  It also allows precedent of Murphy getting involved in some time shenanigans which I always like.  I also think Murphy will end up with a Denarian, there is more to Harry's dream in Skin Game than what was apparent.

I'll note there isn't any "there you are" comments in PG so from my reasoning before, PG would be TT Heavy as opposed to simple brush with some of the earlier events that coincide perhaps with the "TYA" I've talked about previously.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 12:51:56 AM by raidem »
"That's it???  It's really that simple? 
LIES!  Damn lies!  It's a cover up!

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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2016, 12:57:54 AM »
Very nice Serack.  I like the formatting.  For your red portion, wasn't there a Q&A where someone asked Jim about the wreck and Jim gave a cutesy response?  I'll have to search for it, but that could be what you're remembering.

Also, do we have a record of the first time Mab made the statement that Harry would be her knight?  Not just her offering him the job, but saying that he would take it one day.  If it's after the start of PG, that might be a nice thing to note here.  TTH as WK is an easy source for that kind of fact for a faerie.

Edit:  Going back, here are the times I could find where Harry declined Mab's offer of knighthood.  The only definitive time she stated that Harry would eventually accept her offer was in SmF, after PG. 
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« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 01:31:50 AM by Second Aristh »
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 07:01:06 AM »
I would recommend looking into whether Harry had any off screen time in PG. My theory was that TTH was mentally time traveling*. This clears up a little bit more of the mystery, although it's possible that Harry doesn't spend enough time off screen to believably be participating in a separate plot with TTH at the wheel.

First, the crash becomes blindingly obvious as we meet TTH's first accomplice... Lash. That very scene makes a very important point about how good Lash's illusions are, and nobody can definitively prove that another car hit Harry. As to why, I deduced that the concussion PGH suffers prevents him from noticing any oddities during TTH's visit.

Second, obviously TTH needs to fix Little Chicago with Lash's help. Her act about how it's broken is an act, nothing more.

* Mentally projecting himself into his past body. See Slaughterhouse Five. Listen. Harry Dresden is unstuck in time.
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2016, 07:05:20 AM »
Also, as for other accomplices, I nominate Thomas. He shadows Harry for much of the plot, and when he joins the party, it is noticeable how apart from the group he is. Thomas doesn't really do anything to affect PG.
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2016, 08:27:23 AM »
Also, as for other accomplices, I nominate Thomas. He shadows Harry for much of the plot, and when he joins the party, it is noticeable how apart from the group he is. Thomas doesn't really do anything to affect PG.

Except rescue Harry from Darby Crane/Madrigal Raith.  Harry had run out of tricks when Thomas showed up with Mouse to pull Harry's chestnuts out of the fire.
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2016, 08:46:23 AM »
I like the OP, but it doesn't ask or attempt to answer what the Black Council; for lack of a better term, was trying to do by attacking Mab's home or why Mab put all her troops on Summer's border which made it impossible for either Summer or Winter to attack the Red Court.  We know what the effect was, not why she did it.  My guess is Mab was paying off a debt, not completing a deal she was forced to make.  I mean Jim made it very clear that Mab didn't lose the battle at Arctis Tor so it seems unlikely she was forced into a deal not to attack the Red Court.  I think Mab's tirade at the end of Small Favor about paying off all her debts was partly referring to a debt she had paid off by not attacking the Red Court after they crossed into Sidhe territory back in Dead Beat, as well as about paying back Nicodemus for breaking her accords. 
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2016, 09:27:34 AM »
Well I have to agree with this theory. I have some ideas on possible fixes for problems with this theory.

First an idea that contradicts some of the points: Harry was the attacker on Arctis Tor with Lasciel's coin, which he fetched from the circle.  While doing this he realised that LC isn't fixed and that he has to be the one who did it. Sadly I don't have a good reason why Harry attacked.

For the alternative with Harry being part of the defence I came up with the following reasons: Something, which feeds on blood, is sealed under Arctis Tor, more precisely the court room. I think most of Mab's big scale rules are pure logical and so there has to be a reason why only blood shed is forbidden in her court room. When the blood of the ogre hits the ground in CD the whole ground begins to tremble, at that moment it seems logical as a mirror of Mab, but if a sealed something would be revealed, it still fits. If nemesis is really interested in freeing this being, the whole court room scene might be seen as a attack too. If Harry would have snapped and splattered the ground with the ogre, it would have been game over right there. One last hint at something under the court room is the trapdoor and Harry wondering what is down there.

About Thomas being the assistant I think it might be possible. I (and I think some others here too) have played with the idea of angels being wardens working across time lines. As hinted in Changes mouse belongs to this group too. So when Mouse and a time traveling Thomas (Alliteration so it has to be true) they are allowed to do so by the time wardens.

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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2016, 10:33:19 AM »
Also, as for other accomplices, I nominate Thomas. He shadows Harry for much of the plot, and when he joins the party, it is noticeable how apart from the group he is. Thomas doesn't really do anything to affect PG.

Oh yah!  I'd actually already concluded that it was likely that Thomas was there when LC was fixed.  I'm more inclined to say they had a few conversations, but I'm reluctant to think they interacted more than that
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2016, 03:47:17 PM »
Awesome writeup, and basically fits with what I've believed for a while.  A few points:
2)  Summon the Murk during the Phage attacks
A, the cold nature of the Murk wards in these attacks screams Winter
B, Harry does briefly sense something familiar about the magic involved when he reaches out towards it

I don't suppose you have a quote of that bit? I don't remember Harry finding the murk familiar. Also, I thought it was discussed that the murk was just something these phages can do?

Second: To go along with your Thomas thing, I seem to remember a post from a while ago that pointed out that Thomas was pretty spooked when Harry returned, that day. Like, "Point a shotgun at Harry for a second" spooked. It could just be fear of a Black Court attack, but it also could be that something weird happened that day.

Third: The Calvin and Hobbes book! Granted, this actually takes place in the third chapter of the following book, Small Favor, but seems like it should count. Harry has a bunch of books he uses as a reference. While he's not the neatest guy in the world, he isn't absent-minded; he doesn't just randomly lose books, especially with Bob acting as librarian. So, here's what happens:

I rubbed my hand against the back of my neck. It didn’t make it hurt any less, but it gave me something to do. “I’ve seen these goat guys, or read about them before,” I said. “Or at least something close to them. Where did I put those texts on the near reaches of the Nevernever?”

“North wall, green plastic box under the work bench,” Bob provided immediately.

“Thanks,” I said. I dragged out the heavy plastic storage box. It was filled with books, most of them leather-bound, hand-written treatises on various supernatural topics. Except for one book that was a compilation of Calvin and Hobbes comic strips. How had that gotten in there?

Bob knows EXACTLY where the books are. Even books like these, which it sounds like Harry hasn't read in a while (else he wouldn't have to ask Bob where they were).  And yet... Calvin and Hobbes? What?

What I think is likely is that TTH needed a reference of some kind, took a book, and the C&H book either got put in there by mistake (rushing to leave the basement for some reason) or on purpose (for some esoteric reason).

Like you said, DF books are pretty lean. The C&H book is random as hell, and has the feel of something that was deliberately placed.

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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2016, 04:16:46 PM »
The Calvin and Hobbs book has been discussed before. Not familiar with it myself. But others have described the last comic having C & H wandering off into a winter wonderland. Possibly a cluebat.
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2016, 04:29:24 PM »
Awesome writeup, and basically fits with what I've believed for a while.  A few points:
I don't suppose you have a quote of that bit? I don't remember Harry finding the murk familiar. Also, I thought it was discussed that the murk was just something these phages can do?
Here it is:
Quote from: Proven Guilty Ch.
He gave me an odd look, grabbed an older woman who was passing blindly, and sent her off to follow the wall to the door out. He shivered then, and when he exhaled his breath came out in a long, frosty plume. The temperature had dropped maybe forty degrees in the space of a minute.
I struggled to ignore the sounds of frightened people in the dark and focused on my magical senses. I reached out to the cold and the gloom, and found it a vaguely familiar kind of spellworking, though I couldn’t remember precisely where I’d encountered it before.
I spun in a slow circle with my eyes closed, and felt the murk grow deeper, darker as I faced back down the hall to the hotel’s front desk. I took a step that way, and the murk thickened marginally. The spell’s source had to be that way. I gritted my teeth and started forward.
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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2016, 04:38:26 PM »
Re: Harry travelling back in time, it could also be a major fuckup on someone's part, a magical accident that nobody actually planned on.

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Re: Serack's Proven Guilty workup [Spoilers for the whole series]
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2016, 05:15:23 PM »
Second: To go along with your Thomas thing, I seem to remember a post from a while ago that pointed out that Thomas was pretty spooked when Harry returned, that day. Like, "Point a shotgun at Harry for a second" spooked. It could just be fear of a Black Court attack, but it also could be that something weird happened that day.

One of the most absurd and hilarious things I've ever seen on these forums, is the theory that Thomas pulled the shotgun on Harry because he was overly skittish after having just been subjected to coitus with the Burger King.
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